
For drink?

Actually I don't have any story to share about this because I'm a good person. Hahaha, just kidding. I don't know about you guys but there's a famous saying in China that says we drink alcohol to reduce stress but in fact, it can make you feel more anxious. Drinking moderately is okay but if it's habitual, maybe you have to think twice. Alcohol may help you forget a problem but it won't help you solve it. When you're drunk, you think that no one can hurt you and no one cares about you. Drinking makes you think that the problem will solve itself and there's no need for you to overthink, it will make you become a different person, it will make you do the things that you never thought you could do when your sober. Then here comes regret, if you did hurt someone then apologize and say "I'm sorry, my dear, I was drunk yesterday, please forgive me, I won't do it again". Some may accept your apology but some may find this as an excuse for your behavior. So my dears, please don't try to find solace in drinking alcohol. If you're stressed then do the things you enjoy, if you have a problem, then find a way to solve it and you want to express yourself then find another way to do this. Maybe this time, you will get a different result.
