
Thanks for my beloved who tested me again today. I sent my two daughters to school early in the morning.it was very cold outside.when I came home from school I saw that he was still in bed with crabbing his mobile phone .you can think that I was very very difficult to keep calm in such a situation. Maybe I will lose my mind at once if I have not study wisdom.but I said nothing.

Thanks for the OfO sharing bicycles.OfO is very convenient and quick.and it's a friendly environment transport tool. I am so sad that some people cause damage to them. I hope everyone to take good care of them and other public property.

Thanks for my sister-in-law.she always gives us the best thing.

Thanks for my sister 's daughter.she cooked well. The Chow Mein  she cooked today tasted good.

Thanks my younger sister for buying two packets of Diapers for my daughter.

Thanks my daughter 's healthy.

Everything is the best arrangement.

