

// default is 300sec (5min)
int schedulingInterval = Services.get().getConf().getInt(CONF_SCHEDULING_INTERVAL, lookupInterval);
Runnable lookupTriggerJobsRunnable = new CoordMaterializeTriggerRunnable(materializationWindow, lookupInterval);
services.get(SchedulerService.class).schedule(lookupTriggerJobsRunnable, 10, schedulingInterval,SchedulerService.Unit.SEC);



 1、启动一个定时执行器,每隔 schedulingInterval 时间运行一次 CoordMaterializeTriggerRunnable;
    技巧: 在CoordinatorJobBean中有个字段 nextMaterializedTimestamp 表明,在这个时间点之前的实例已经存在,为了尽可能的让任务的实例尽可能在触发之前
    实例就产生,而不是事后产生,在查询CoordinatorJobBean使用的时候不是使用当前时间,而是使用未来的一个时间: new Date().getTime() + lookupInterval * 1000
 3、异步去实例化 CoordinatorJobBean 下的 action;
 4、在实例化action的时候,生成的是窗口期内的一批实例,在类 CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand中实现;
 5、loadState():加载 CoordinatorJobBean 信息,计算这次要实例化的时间窗口: startMatdTime 和 endMatdTime;
 7、更新  CoordinatorJobBean 状态,记录 endMatdTime、lastActionNumber(时间累加)、状态置为running状态、如果jobEndTime< endMatdTime
    说明这个 CoordinatorJobBean 实例化工作已经结束,标记 job.setDoneMaterialization();
 9、notifyParent():通知上层结构 bundle;
/** * This runnable class will run in every "interval" to queue CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand. 
static class CoordMaterializeTriggerRunnable implements Runnable {
    private int materializationWindow;
    private int lookupInterval;
    private long delay = 0;
    private List> callables;
    private List> delayedCallables;
    private XLog LOG = XLog.getLog(getClass());
    public CoordMaterializeTriggerRunnable(int materializationWindow, int lookupInterval) {
        this.materializationWindow = materializationWindow;
        this.lookupInterval = lookupInterval;
    public void run() {
        LockToken lock = null;
        // first check if there is some other running instance from the same service;
        try {
            lock = Services.get().get(MemoryLocksService.class)
                    .getWriteLock(CoordMaterializeTriggerService.class.getName(), lockTimeout);
            if (lock != null) {
                if (null != callables) {
                    boolean ret = Services.get().get(CallableQueueService.class).queueSerial(callables);
                    if (ret == false) {
                                "Unable to queue the callables commands for CoordMaterializeTriggerRunnable. "
                                        + "Most possibly command queue is full. Queue size is :"
                                        + Services.get().get(CallableQueueService.class).queueSize());
                    callables = null;
                if (null != delayedCallables) {
                    boolean ret = Services.get().get(CallableQueueService.class)
                            .queueSerial(delayedCallables, this.delay);
                    if (ret == false) {
                                "Unable to queue the delayedCallables commands for CoordMaterializeTriggerRunnable. "
                                        + "Most possibly Callable queue is full. Queue size is :"
                                        + Services.get().get(CallableQueueService.class).queueSize());
                    delayedCallables = null;
                    this.delay = 0;
            else {
                LOG.debug("Can't obtain lock, skipping");
        catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Exception", e);
        finally {
            if (lock != null) {
                LOG.info("Released lock for [{0}]", CoordMaterializeTriggerService.class.getName());
     * Recover coordinator jobs that should be materialized
     * @throws JPAExecutorException
    private void runCoordJobMatLookup() throws JPAExecutorException {
        List updateList = new ArrayList();        XLog.Info.get().clear();
        XLog LOG = XLog.getLog(getClass());
        try {
            // get current date
            Date currDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + lookupInterval * 1000);
            // get list of all jobs that have actions that should be materialized.
            int materializationLimit = ConfigurationService.getInt(CONF_MATERIALIZATION_SYSTEM_LIMIT);
            materializeCoordJobs(currDate, materializationLimit, LOG, updateList);
        catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.error("Exception while attempting to materialize coordinator jobs, {0}", ex.getMessage(), ex);
        finally {
            BatchQueryExecutor.getInstance().executeBatchInsertUpdateDelete(null, updateList, null);
    private void materializeCoordJobs(Date currDate, int limit, XLog LOG, List updateList)
            throws JPAExecutorException {
        try {
            List materializeJobs = CoordJobQueryExecutor.getInstance().getList(
                    CoordJobQuery.GET_COORD_JOBS_OLDER_FOR_MATERIALIZATION, currDate, limit);
            LOG.info("CoordMaterializeTriggerService - Curr Date= " + DateUtils.formatDateOozieTZ(currDate)
                    + ", Num jobs to materialize = " + materializeJobs.size());
            for (CoordinatorJobBean coordJob : materializeJobs) {
                        .incr(INSTRUMENTATION_GROUP, INSTR_MAT_JOBS_COUNTER, 1);
                queueCallable(new CoordMaterializeTransitionXCommand(coordJob.getId(), materializationWindow));
                coordJob.setLastModifiedTime(new Date());
                updateList.add(new UpdateEntry(CoordJobQuery.UPDATE_COORD_JOB_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME,
        catch (JPAExecutorException jex) {
            LOG.warn("JPAExecutorException while attempting to materialize coordinator jobs", jex);
     * Adds callables to a list. If the number of callables in the list reaches {@link
     * CoordMaterializeTriggerService#CONF_CALLABLE_BATCH_SIZE}, the entire batch is queued and the callables list
     * is reset.
     * @param callable the callable to queue. 
    private void queueCallable(XCallable callable) {
        if (callables == null) {
            callables = new ArrayList>();
        if (callables.size() == ConfigurationService.getInt(CONF_CALLABLE_BATCH_SIZE)) {            boolean ret = Services.get().get(CallableQueueService.class).queueSerial(callables);
            if (ret == false) {
                        "Unable to queue the callables commands for CoordMaterializeTriggerRunnable. "
                                + "Most possibly command queue is full. Queue size is :"
                                + Services.get().get(CallableQueueService.class).queueSize());
            callables = new ArrayList>();
