weekly_report_10_15_jianjian Wu

Autumn   2014  Report #003 – 10/15/14 JianjianWu

I. Plan for next week (***, **, *: order of priority)

• 30%:Collect information about Baidu Echarts and D3.JS

• 70%:Begin the development of the visualization project

II. Tasks achieved this week(***, **, *: order of priority)

• 30%:Complete the tender of my project

• 10%:Learn something about the visualization project from Dr.Yan

• 60%:Collect information about Baidu Echarts

III. Feedback of Prof. Qiu Prof. Li and Dr. Yan last week

• The using of radar

• Prepare one question at least at weekly report time

IV. Reports

• The main technology rout of my project

PostgreSQL as the database of my project,Baidu Echars as the visualization

tool, Python as the development language.

• An example of radar

option = {

title : {

text: 'Budget vs spending',

subtext: 'assume'


tooltip : {

trigger: 'axis'


legend: {

orient : 'vertical',

x : 'right',

y : 'bottom',

data:['Allocated Budget','Actual Spending']


toolbox: {

show : true,

feature : {

mark : {show: true},

dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false},

restore : {show: true},

saveAsImage : {show: true}



polar : [


indicator : [

{ text: 'sales', max: 6000},

{ text: 'Administration', max: 16000},

{ text: 'Information Techology', max: 30000},

{ text: 'Customer Support', max: 38000},

{ text: 'Development', max: 52000},

{ text: 'Marketing', max: 25000}




calculable : true,

series : [


name: 'Budget vs spending',

type: 'radar',

data : [


value : [4300, 10000, 28000, 35000, 50000, 19000],

name : 'Allocated Budget'



value : [5000, 14000, 28000, 31000, 42000, 21000],

name : 'Actual Spending'






weekly_report_10_15_jianjian Wu_第1张图片

V. Mile-Stone:

• Learn more and more knowledge about Baidu Echarts, finally use it to my visualization project

• Complete the project of the visualization

• Rich hands-on ability of myself

你可能感兴趣的:(weekly_report_10_15_jianjian Wu)