


Atour annual town hall meeting in June 2008, I said that seen through my eyesBridgewater was then, and always had been, “both terrible and terrific at thesame time.” After about five years of rapid growth toward building Bridgewateras an institution, we had encountered our newest set of problems.

This was nothing new.Since I started Bridgewater we always had some problems because we were alwaysdoing bold new things, making mistakes, and evolving quickly. For example,technology had changed so quickly during the years we’d built the company thatwe had literally switched from using slide rules to spreadsheet software toadvanced artificial intelligence. With so much changing so fast, it had seemedpointless to focus on getting everything “just right” when something newer andbetter was sure to come along. So we built our technology in a light andflexible way, which made sense at the time but also created a number ofhairballs that badly needed untangling. That same approach of moving quicklyand flexibly had been true throughout the company, so several departments hadbecome overstretched as we grew. It had always been fun being cutting-edge, butwe were having a hard time becoming rock-solid, especially in the noninvestmentside of the business. The organization needed to be renovated in severalways—but it wasn’t going to be easy.

In 2008 I was workingabout eighty hours a week doing my two full-time jobs (overseeing ourinvestments and overseeing the company), and in my opinion not doing wellenough at either. I felt that I, and the company more broadly, were slippingfrom being pervasively excellent. From the get-go I had toggled acceptablybetween investment management and business management. But now that we were abigger company, the business management side was demanding much more time thanI had to give it. I conducted a time-and-motion study of all of my investmentand management responsibilities; it showed it would take me about 165 hours a weekto achieve the level of excellence that I would be satisfied with in overseeingboth our investments and management. That was obviously impossible. Since Iwanted to delegate as much as possible, I asked whether the things I was doingcould be done excellently by others, and if so, who those others were. Everyoneagreed that most of those areas couldn’t adequately be delegated. I clearlyhadn’t done a good enough job of finding and training others to whom I coulddelegate my responsibilities.

To me, the greatestsuccess you can have as the person in charge is to orchestrate others to dothings well without you. A step below that is doing things well yourself, andworst of all is doing things poorly yourself. As I reflected on my position, Icould see that despite all of my and Bridgewater’s amazing achievements, I hadnot achieved this highest level of success. In fact, I was still struggling toachieve the second-highest level (doing things well myself), even thoughBridgewater was extremely successful.

At the time, therewere 738 people working at Bridgewater, with fourteen department heads. Ioversaw the department heads, along with a Management Committee I’d createdbecause I knew I couldn’t trust myself to know what was best without othersprobing me. I had structured the reporting lines so that I both reported to theManagement Committee and held its members accountable for their oversight ofthe company. I wanted them to also own the responsibility of producingpervasiveexcellence andI wanted to be at their service in helping them achieve it.

In May 2008, I wrotean email to the five members of the Management Committee, copying the company,telling them that “I am escalating to let you know that I have reached mylimits and that the quality of my work, and my work-life balance, are bothsuffering unacceptably.”


2008年6月我们的年度小镇大厅会议,我说从我的眼睛来看桥水是,并一直是“一路伴随的麻烦和糟糕事件不断” 大约经过5年高速增长,桥水正向一家综合机构发展,就在这时我们遇到了新的问题。








