Youth Support Hub暑期义工活动:Mobile Museum 移动博物馆

Youth Support Hub暑期义工活动:Mobile Museum 移动博物馆_第1张图片

(An English version of this post follows)

(如果你想加入Youth Support Hub,定期收到精彩义工活动信息,请加微信:andyxia1)

Youth Support Hub一直努力为大家争取到精彩有意义的义工活动机会,给大家一个充分锻炼并提高自己的平台。如今,有一个非常难得的机会找到了我们 - Mobile Museum,移动博物馆。这是一个多伦多市政府旗下的官方项目,隶属于City of Toronto Special Events Office。其目的是要庆祝加拿大150岁生日,让更多的人了解加拿大的历史和文化。这是一个锻炼自己人际沟通能力的绝好机会。如果你感兴趣,就请继续读下去吧 ^_^

什么是Mobile Museum?志愿者的任务是什么?

Mobile Museum,移动博物馆,是多伦多市政府为了庆祝Canada 150而准备在今年夏天推出的一个project。整个暑假,志愿者们会代表City of Toronto Museum & Heritage Services去各种人多的场合(例如公园、节日聚会等等),给人们讲解加拿大的历史和文化,积极与人们互动,回答大家的问题,并给人们发放小礼物。


为庆祝加拿大150岁生日,Mobile Museum会接纳150名志愿者。


对加拿大历史不了解没问题,但是一定要愿意去学习。City of Toronto会提供培训与各种信息材料,确保你能胜任。

(如果你想加入Youth Support Hub,定期收到精彩义工活动信息,请加微信:andyxia1)







(如果你想加入Youth Support Hub,定期收到精彩义工活动信息,请加微信:andyxia1)


第一步,参加一场讲座(必须参加)。在讲座上会介绍关于Mobile Museum的更多信息。另外,讲座现场会进行简单的面试,来初步判断是否合适这个义工职位。目前有两个讲座时间可以选择:



Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Room 310



Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Room 310


第二步,通过初步面试后,需要参加一个培训。培训由City of Toronto Tourism Services提供。培训时间如下:


Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Room 314


(如果你想加入Youth Support Hub,定期收到精彩义工活动信息,请加微信:andyxia1)


Mobile Museum是多伦多市政府的官方项目,这个义工机会是非常难得的。感兴趣的同学抓紧时间报名啊!

To celebrate Canada's 150th birthday, the City of Toronto is going to launch a brand new project this summer - Mobile Museum. The purpose of this project is to bring Canada's history and heritage to different communities and events throughout the city, and to build Canadian pride as a nation.

As a Mobile Museum volunteer, you will travel to different parts of Toronto (especially community events and holiday festivals) and teach Canadian history to community members. You will also answer any questions community members have and give out cool gifts to them.

To be a Mobile Museum volunteer, you do not need to be a history expert. However, you must be willing to learn. A comprehensive training program will be provided along with information materials.

This is a great opportunity for those who wish to improve their communication, interpersonal, and public speaking skills. Please note: you must be at least 16 years old to be a volunteer.

To be a volunteer for Mobile Museum, simply follow the steps below.

First, attend a mandatory orientation session where more details will be given. Moreover, there will be brief interview sessions to determine applicants' suitability. There are two information sessions to choose from:

Session 1

Wednesday, May 3rd, 6PM

Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Room 310

Session 2

Saturday, May 6th, 2PM

Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Room 310

Please choose the session you wish to attend by filling out the form below:

Second, after you have passed the initial interview, you will then be required to attend a training program. The training program will be held on Wednesday, May 10th, 6:30PM, at Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Room 314. Please note that if you cannot attend this training in person, you can choose to join in eletronically.

Finally, after the training, you will be able to choose your shifts! There will be a lot of events throughout the city and you can choose the ones convenient for you. Shift schedules will be emailed to all volunteers.

This is a valuable opportunity to give back to the community during the summer. Please apply fast as Mobile Museum only accepts 150 volunteers!

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