


8. 教师必须做什么,才能真正学到东西?2 心理治疗师必须做什么,才能带来真正的疗愈?3 只有一件事,那也是救恩对每个人的唯一要求。4 每个人必须与另一位致力于同一目标;唯有如此,他才可能放下私人的利害考虑。5 唯有如此,他才可能超越小我加于自身的狭隘限定。6 唯有如此,教师与学生、治疗师与病患、你与我才可能接受救赎,并且学会给出自己所领受的礼物。。

8. What must the teacher do to ensure learning? 2 What must the therapist do to bring healing about? 3 Only one thing; the same requirement salvation asks of everyone. 4 Each one must share one goal with someone else, and in so doing, lose all sense of separate interests. 5 Only by doing this is it possible to transcend the narrow boundaries the ego would impose upon the self. 6 Only by doing this can teacher and pupil, therapist and patient, you and I, accept Atonement and learn to give it as it was received.
