Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》

《爸爸,请为我摘月亮 》是Eric Carle继《好饿的毛毛虫》之后,又一本让孩子爱不释手的图画书。色彩浓艳,一种夺人心魄般的蓝色几乎贯穿了整个一本书,即使是真正的湛蓝色的夜空,也没有它那般美丽。 这本书充分表现了一位父亲对女儿无限的爱,此外在对于月亮、梯子等细节出也做得非常的有趣。孩子从故事情节中,不仅可以了解长短、高矮、大小等概念与形容词,还能从中观察到月亮阴晴圆缺的自然现象。 美国《出版人周刊》曾强烈推荐这本图画书。

在这里简单的介绍一下,卡尔爷爷。Eric Carle,艾瑞卡尔,国际儿童文学大师,绘本专家,他创作了超过70本作品,光是《饥饿的毛毛虫》就被翻译成47种语言版本,销售超过3000万册,他荣获纽约时报年度最佳童书、意大利波隆那书展设计大奖,并在英国、法国、日本等获得70余次国际性大奖。他的个人图画书美术馆,更是美国第一个图画书美术馆。

Before Monica went to bed she looked out of her window and saw the moon. The moon looked so near.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第1张图片


  "I wish I could play with the moon,"          Thought  Monica, and reached for it.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第2张图片

But no matter how much she stretched, she could not touch the moon.


  "Papa," said Monica to her father,"Please        get the moon for me.

    “爸爸,你帮我把月亮摘下来好吗?”她对    爸爸撒娇说。

    Papa got a very long ladder


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第3张图片

  He carried the very long ladder toward a      very high mountain.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第4张图片

  Then Papa put the very long ladder on top of the very high mountain.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第5张图片

    Up and up and up he climbed.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第6张图片

Finally, Papa got to the moon, "My daughter Monica would like to play with you, but you are    much too big" said Papa

“我的女儿特别想和你一起玩” 他对月亮说,“不过,你这么大,我没法带回去啊”

Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第7张图片

"Every night I get a little smaller," said the moon. "When I am just the right size you can take me with you.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第8张图片

And, indeed, the moon got smaller and smaller.


When the moon was just the right size, Papa took it.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第9张图片

    Down and down and down he climbed.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第10张图片

  "Here," said Papa to Monica, "I have the moon for you.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第11张图片

  Monica jumped and danced with the moon.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第12张图片

She hugged the moon and threw it into the air.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第13张图片

But the moon kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and finally it disappeared altogether.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第14张图片

  Then, one night, Monica saw a thin sliver of the moon reappear.


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第15张图片

  Each night the moon grew.....


Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第16张图片

And grew....慢慢变大……

Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第17张图片


And grew.. 慢慢变大……

Day1《Papa,Please get the Moon for Me 》_第18张图片



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