Python_4_Codecademy_4_Conditionals & Control Flow




  • ==
  • !=
  • <
  • <=
  • >
  • >=

Boolean operators

  • and
    • true and true: true
    • true and false: false
    • false and false: false
  • or
    • true or true: true
    • true or false: true
    • false or false: false
  • not
    • not true: false
    • not false: true
  • 如果不加括号,计算机处理就有顺序(类似orders of operations里面的pemdas),即是n->a->o.

Conditional Statement Syntax (if)

  • 如果if后面的expression是True,就执行if后面的命令
if 6 + 1 != 10:
    print "abc"
  • 如果if后面的fuction return的是True, 就执行if后面的命令
def addition():
    if 1 + 1 == 2:
        return True
def print_result():
    if addition():
        return "2"
print "1+1=" + print_result()

if ... else ...

  • 对if进行补充。
def addition(a, b):
    if a >= b:
        print "the 1st number %s is NOT less than the 2nd number %s" % (a, b)
        print "the 1st number %s is less than the 2nd number %s" % (a, b)
addition(3, 3)
addition(1, 6)
addition(6, 1)
the 1st number 3 is NOT less than the 2nd number 3
the 1st number 1 is less than the 2nd number 6
the 1st number 6 is NOT less than the 2nd number 1

if... elif... elif... else...

  • elif满足多个if的要求。按顺序执行。
def addition(a, b):
    if a > b:
        print "the 1st number %s is greater than the 2nd number %s" % (a, b)
    elif a == b:
        print "the 1st number %s is equal to the 2nd number %s" % (a, b)
        print "the 1st number %s is less than the 2nd number %s" % (a, b)
addition(3, 3)
addition(1, 6)
addition(6, 1)
the 1st number 3 is equal to the 2nd number 3
the 1st number 1 is less than the 2nd number 6
the 1st number 6 is greater than the 2nd number 1

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