


符号 读法
@ at / at sign
# sharp / crosshatch / hash / number
$ dollar / dollar sign
% percent sign / mod
^ caret
& and / ampersand
* asterisk / star
- dash (指短线) / hyphen (指单词中连字符)
_ underline / underscore
+ plus / plus sign
= equals / equals sign
< less than
> greater than
/ slash
\ backslash / escape
| vertical bar
() parentheses / round brackets
[] square brackets
{} curly brackets / braces
<> angle brackets / chevrons
~ tilde
, comma
. dot / period
? question mark
! exclamation mark
` backtick / backquote
' tick / apostrophe / single quote (单引号) / prime (公式中使用,如f'(x))
: colon
; semicolon
" quotation mark / double quote
<上标> superscript
<下标> subscript


运算 读法
a + b a plus b
a - b a minus b
a * b a multiplied by b / a times b
a / b a divided by b / b divides a
a/b (分数 fraction) a over b / a bth (2/3 two-thirds)
a^b (求幂) b=2: a squared;
b=3: a cubed;
a to the bth / a to the power b
开根号 square root a;
cube root a;
bth root (of) a
(a + b)^2 a plus b all squared
(a/b)^2 a over b all squared
a! (阶乘) a factorial

