15: Friendship



Part 1 my best friend

Suddenly, I don't know what to write. It was a normal day as usual. But something really made me happy. I had a phone call with my best friend who I had known since high school. We talked a lot about my career choice, about my depressing. It made me feel better when I talked to her about my confusion. She gave me much precious and valuable advice. She had more wisdom than me in life and career choice though she just graduated a year ahead of me.

Something she had said deeply moved me. It reads: we are born with different background, but only one thing we all share which is we will all have friends. I am grateful for having her be my friend. She is my life coach now.

Part 2 three moments of joy


Moment 1: The phone call I had with my best friend will be most joyful moment.
Moment 2: I have gained motivation in learning English again.
Moment 3: I learned something J.K. Rowling 2008 Commencement Address at Havard University. J.K. Rowling has become my idol since I watched Harry Potter.

15: Friendship_第1张图片
a picture a word: fountain

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