
using  System;
using  System.Web.UI;
using  System.Web;
using  System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using  System.Text;

namespace  AgrExibition.Common.Framework.Util  {

欢迎与邀月交流,net技术与软件架构 2007/07/26
public class RadioButtonListRequiredFieldValidator : BaseValidator 

protected override bool ControlPropertiesValid()
return true;

protected override bool EvaluateIsValid() 
return this.EvaluateIsChecked();

protected bool EvaluateIsChecked() 
            ListControl _listcontrol 
= ((ListControl)this.FindControl(this.ControlToValidate)); 
foreach( ListItem li in _listcontrol.Items ) 
if (li.Selected) return true

return false

protected override void OnPreRender( EventArgs e )

if ( this.EnableClientScript ) this.ClientScript(); }
base.OnPreRender( e );


protected void ClientScript() 
this.Attributes["evaluationfunction"= "cb_vefify";

            StringBuilder sb_Script 
= new StringBuilder();
"<script language="javascript">" );
" " );
" " );
"function cb_vefify(val) {" );
" " );
"var val =document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate);");
" " );
"var col = val.all;" );
" " );
"if ( col != null ) {" );
" " );
"for ( i = 0; i < col.length; i++ ) {" );
" " );
"if (col.item(i).tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT") {" );
" " );
"if ( col.item(i).checked ) {" );
" " );
" " );
"return true;" );
" " );
"}" );
" " );
"}" );
" " );
"}" );
" " );
" " );
" " );
"return false;" );
" " );
"}" );
" " );
"}" );
" " );
"</script>" );
this.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock( "RBLScript", sb_Script.ToString() );




<% @ Register TagPrefix="AgrExibition" Namespace="AgrExibition.Common.Framework.Util" Assembly="AgrExibition.Common.Framework" %>
< asp:CheckBoxList  id ="cbB_Property"  runat ="server"  RepeatDirection ="Horizontal"  RepeatColumns ="3" >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="1" > 投资商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="2" > 投资促进机构 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="3" > 代理商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="4" > 科研及信息单位协会 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="5" > 零售商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="6" > 批发商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="7" > 仓储业 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="8" > 跨国公司 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="9" > 进出口商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="10" > 生产商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="11" > 超市 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="12" > 酒店 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="13" > 宾馆及后勤服务 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="-1" > 其他 </ asp:ListItem >
</ asp:CheckBoxList >
< asp:TextBox  id ="txtB_Property"  Runat ="Server"  CssClass ="input2"  Width ="400px"   />
< AgrExibition:RADIOBUTTONLISTREQUIREDFIELDVALIDATOR  id ="rbValid1"  Display ="Dynamic"  ErrorMessage ="请选择或输入业务性质!"
="server"  ControlToValidate ="cbB_Property"  Text ="*" > * </ AgrExibition:RADIOBUTTONLISTREQUIREDFIELDVALIDATOR >
< br />
< asp:CheckBoxList  id ="cbPurpose"  runat ="server"  RepeatDirection ="Horizontal"  RepeatColumns ="3" >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="1" > 采购产品 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="2" > 搜集市场信息 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="3" > 与业务伙伴会面 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="4" > 了解行业动向 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="5" > 观看观摩 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="6" > 投资项目洽谈 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="7" > 获取行业信息 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="8" > 寻找供应商或买家 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="-1" > 其他 </ asp:ListItem >
</ asp:CheckBoxList >
< asp:TextBox  id ="txtPurpose"  Runat ="Server"  CssClass ="input2"  Width ="400px"   />
< AgrExibition:RADIOBUTTONLISTREQUIREDFIELDVALIDATOR  id ="rbValid2"  Display ="Dynamic"  ErrorMessage ="请选择或输入参会目的!"
="server"  ControlToValidate ="cbPurpose"  Text ="*" > * </ AgrExibition:RADIOBUTTONLISTREQUIREDFIELDVALIDATOR >
< asp:ValidationSummary  id ="ValidationSummary1"  runat ="server"  ShowMessageBox ="True"  ShowSummary ="False"
="请检查输入表单内容:" ></ asp:ValidationSummary >

二、基于.net 2.0
using  System;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.Text;
using  System.Web;
using  System.Web.UI;
using  System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace  ShiXun.Commoon.Web.Validor
欢迎与邀月交流,net技术与软件架构 2007/07/26
"ErrorMessage"), ToolboxData("<{0}:ListControlRequiredFieldValidator runat=server></{0}:ListControlRequiredFieldValidator>")]
public class ListControlRequiredFieldValidator : BaseValidator
/// <summary>
/// Validator Requirement
/// </summary>

/// <returns>True if dependencies are valid.</returns>

        protected override bool ControlPropertiesValid()
            Control controlToValidate 
= FindControl(ControlToValidate) as ListControl;
return (controlToValidate != null);

/// <summary>
/// Validator Requirement
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if ControlToValidate 
/// has one item or more selected</returns>

protected override bool EvaluateIsValid()
return this.EvaluateIsChecked();

/// <summary>
/// Return true if an item in the list is selected.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if ControlToValidate 
///      has one item or more selected</returns>

        protected bool EvaluateIsChecked()
            ListControl listToValidate 
= ((ListControl)this.FindControl(this.ControlToValidate));

foreach (ListItem li in listToValidate.Items)
if (li.Selected == true)
return true;

return false;

/// <summary>

/// Pre Render
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param >

        protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
"Override OnPreRender");
if (this.DetermineRenderUplevel() && this.EnableClientScript)
this.ClientID, "evaluationfunction""ListItemVerify");
this.ClientID, "minimumNumberOfSelectedCheckBoxes""1");

//System.Web.UI.Page.(this.ClientID, "evaluationfunction", "ListItemVerify");
//Page.ClientScript.RegisterExpandoAttribute(this.ClientID, "minimumNumberOfSelectedCheckBoxes", "1"); 

//TODO: imporove to allow variable number.



/// <summary>
/// Register the client script.
/// </summary>

protected void RegisterClientScript()
string script = @"

            <script language=""javascript"">
            function ListItemVerify(val) 
                var control = document.getElementById(val.controltovalidate);
                var minimumNumberOfSelectedCheckBoxes = parseInt(val.minimumNumberOfSelectedCheckBoxes);
                var selectedItemCount = 0;
                var liIndex = 0;
                var currentListItem = document.getElementById(control.id + '_' + liIndex.toString());
                while (currentListItem != null)
                    if (currentListItem.checked) selectedItemCount++;
                    currentListItem = document.getElementById(control.id + '_' + liIndex.toString());
                return selectedItemCount >= minimumNumberOfSelectedCheckBoxes;

this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(ListControlRequiredFieldValidator), "ListRequiredValidator_Script", script);




<% @ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"  CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default"  %>
<% @ Register TagPrefix="ShiXun" NameSpace="ShiXun.Commoon.Web.Validor" Assembly="ShiXun.Commoon.Web.Validor"  %>

<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" >

< html  xmlns ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"   >
< head  runat ="server" >
< title > 无标题页 </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< form  id ="form1"  runat ="server" >
< asp:CheckBoxList  id ="cbB_Property"  runat ="server"  RepeatDirection ="Horizontal"  RepeatColumns ="3" >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="1" > 投资商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="2" > 投资促进机构 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="3" > 代理商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="4" > 科研及信息单位协会 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="5" > 零售商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="6" > 批发商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="7" > 仓储业 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="8" > 跨国公司 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="9" > 进出口商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="10" > 生产商 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="11" > 超市 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="12" > 酒店 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="13" > 宾馆及后勤服务 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="-1" > 其他 </ asp:ListItem >
</ asp:CheckBoxList >
< ShiXun:ListControlRequiredFieldValidator
ControlToValidate ="cbB_Property"  
="Server" >
</ ShiXun:ListControlRequiredFieldValidator >
< br  />
< br  />
< asp:CheckBoxList  ID ="cbPurpose"  runat ="server"  RepeatColumns ="3"  RepeatDirection ="Horizontal" >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="1" > 采购产品 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="2" > 搜集市场信息 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="3" > 与业务伙伴会面 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="4" > 了解行业动向 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="5" > 观看观摩 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="6" > 投资项目洽谈 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="7" > 获取行业信息 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="8" > 寻找供应商或买家 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="-1" > 其他 </ asp:ListItem >
</ asp:CheckBoxList >
< ShiXun:ListControlRequiredFieldValidator
ControlToValidate ="cbPurpose"  
="Server" >
</ ShiXun:ListControlRequiredFieldValidator >
< br  />
< asp:CheckBoxList  ID ="cbChannel"  runat ="server"  RepeatColumns ="3"  RepeatDirection ="Horizontal" >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="1" > 报纸等平面媒体 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="2" > 网络 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="3" > 电视 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="4" > 朋友介绍 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="5" > 客户推荐 </ asp:ListItem >
< asp:ListItem  Value ="-1" > 其他 </ asp:ListItem >
</ asp:CheckBoxList >
< ShiXun:ListControlRequiredFieldValidator
ControlToValidate ="cbChannel"  
="Server" >
</ ShiXun:ListControlRequiredFieldValidator >
< asp:TextBox  ID ="txtSourceChannel"  runat ="Server"  CssClass ="input2"  Width ="400px" ></ asp:TextBox >
< br  />
< br  />
< br  />
< asp:Button  ID ="Button1"  runat ="server"  Text ="Button"   />
</ form >
</ body >
</ html >
