

UKCAT testing is now closed for 2015.Theinformation below is subject to change.Details of the 2016 test programme will be updated in due course.

Cognitive sections

Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, AbstractReasoning and Decision Analysis are marked on the number of correct answers acandidate gives.

There is no negative marking for incorrectanswers.How you perform on one itemdoes not influence other items you will be presented with.

As the number of items varies between the fourcognitive sections it is not possible to make a direct comparison of the rawscores. Raw scores are therefore converted to scale scores that share a commonrange from 300 to 900.

A total scale score is generated by summingindividual scale scores of the four cognitive sections. The total scale scoreranges from 1200 to 3600.

Results for Confidence Ratings will not contributeto the Decision Analysis score and will not be communicated to the Universitiesto which you apply.

Situational Judgement

Within the Situational Judgement test, full marksare awarded for an item if your response matches the correct answer and partialmarks awarded if your response is close to the correct answer.

Raw scores are then expressed in one of four bands,with band 1 being the highest.Alongsidetheir band, candidates will be given an interpretation of this performance:

Band 1

Those in Band 1 demonstrated an excellent level ofperformance, showing similar judgement in most cases to the panel of experts.

Band 2

Those in Band 2 demonstrated a good, solid level ofperformance, showing appropriate judgement frequently, with many responsesmatching model answers.

Band 3

Those in Band 3 demonstrated a modest level ofperformance, with appropriate judgement shown for some questions andsubstantial differences from ideal responses for others.

Band 4

The performance of those in Band 4 was low, withjudgement tending to differ substantially from ideal responses in many cases.

As the Situational Judgement test is a measure ofnon-cognitive attributes, it will be considered by universities in a differentmanner to the cognitive subtests. Please refer to their websites for moredetails.

