2018.1.18. Chapter 2 Happiness is a problem


1. Why “happiness is a problem?

Because problems are a constant in life and happiness comes from solving problem.Truly happiness occurs when you find the problems you enjoy having and enjoy solving.

2.Why the author invented “Disappointment Panda”? What is it for?

The author invented the “Disappointment Panda” to prove his argument –dissatisfaction and unease are inherent parts of human nature and necessary component to creating consistent happiness. It is used to tell the great truth in life.

3.What is the role that emotions play in our life? why they are overrated?

To help us live and reproduce a little bit better. Emotions are part of the equation of our lives, but not the entire equation. Emotions are merely signposts , suggestions that our neurobiology gives us ,not commandments, but we always trust our emotions.

4.Why you don’t have chiseled abs? (If you do have, how did you make it?)

Because I don’t really want it. I have signed up for the gym class last month, and the gym is very near to my apartment. It is very convenient for me to take some exercise. However, I only went to once. The first excuse I made was that I was busy with my teaching, mycaring of my 5 yearsold son, my readingclub. The second reason was because of the cold weather, and I really didn’t want to go downstairs. But today, It suddenly strikes me that I don’t give priority to gym class because I don’t think it is  important. I just don’t to do exercise. So I don’t have chiseled abs.

My thoughts about this chapter:

Everyone wants to have happiness, but not everyone like the process to attain happiness. As the writer said it is easy to want the results but hard to suffer the pains and struggles.Life is comprised of struggles and choices. You have to choose your struggle, choose the important struggle, choose what you really like. If you always fantasize something but don’t actually  achieve anything ,it is time for you  reconsider your choice. That is because you don’t really want it in your inmost heart. Why don’t I have chiseled abs? Because I don’t  really want it. I have signed up for the gym class last month, and the gym is very near to my apartment. It is very convenient for me  to take some exercise. However, I only went to once. The first excuse I made was that I was busy with my teaching, my caring of my 5 yearsold son, my reading club. The second reason was because of the cold weather, and I really didn’t want to go downstairs. But today, It suddenly strikes me that I don’t give priority to gym class because I. don’t think it is important. I just don’t to do exercise. So I don’t have chiseled abs. So  just find want you want and struggle for it.

  Words and expressions:

1...that I maybe let myself succumb to the  pressures of society.

Succumb: v, to stop opposing someone or  something that is stronger than you, and allow them to take control, to give in, or to surrender,向(压力,诱惑)屈服,多与 to 连用

Eg :Don’t succumb to his persuasion to play computer games.

2...if you feel crappy it’s because your brain is telling you that there is a problem that is unaddressed or unsolved.

Crappy: adj,very bad or poor quality,(usually not polite)低劣的,蹩脚的,令人厌恶的

Eg: The plot of this novel is crappy.

3They must constantly delude of distract themselves from reality.

delude: vt, to make someone believe something that is not true, to deceive

often delude yourself / somebody into doing sth

eg: It is easy to delude yourself into believing you are being loved by someone.

4.And with that, he set his glass down, adjust his sombrero, and sauntered off into the sunset.

Saunter: to walk in a slow relaxed way, especially so that you look confident or proud → stroll/roam漫步,闲逛

Eg: We watched our fellow workers saunter

into the building.

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