万思乐学V-Learn 小西妈双语工程1901期13号Waylon +Day 53+2019-07-9


(1)0Bunit5 Handy Dandy拓展部分、0Bunit6 dinosaur  汉语:牙牙学语下第七单元拾果果、第八单元 开大船

(2)视频0Bunit6-unit10 中文:牙牙学语下7-12单元、《peppa pig 》第一季 16-20集

(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元、《peppa pig 》16-20

(4)reading:英文:海尼曼易 10 本,绘本《 Does the kangaroo have mother too》,《brown bear what do you see 》《Handy Dandy》《Dinosaur》小书。

汉语:《牙牙学语》下大书第七第八单元《小小聪明豆》系列 5 本、《宫西达也》恐龙系列 5本 《世界恐龙百科》(科普霸王龙、肿头龙、腕龙、剑龙、雷龙、鸭嘴龙、三角龙、甲龙、迅猛龙、跳龙、薄片龙、棘龙、翼龙。)

(4)重点句型:Handy dandy riddle ro ,which hand will you choose ,high or low、dinosaur 、wave your tail ,give a roar ,thump

(5)field trip:补上周超市,认8-12种常见生活小物品、海边


2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw


2.3其他:《peppa pig 》第一季01muddle puddles 、15musical instrument 、40 very hot day


3.1英语:unit1 Jack-in-the-box  unit6 Dinosaur



万思乐学V-Learn 小西妈双语工程1901期13号Waylon +Day 53+2019-07-9_第1张图片

5、Game time

5.1craft How to make a dinosaur

M,we need pen 、 glue、 scissors and construction paper .

instruction :

draw the shape of the dinosaur's body、neck 、head and four legs on construction paper  then cut them out with scissors.

glue the tail to the end of the body

Glue four legs on undermeath

Glue the neck to the top of the body .

Glue the head onto the top of the neck,then the dinosaur done.


万思乐学V-Learn 小西妈双语工程1901期13号Waylon +Day 53+2019-07-9_第2张图片

5.2 Thump Thump Thump

M:Waylon ,now ,let's pretend to be dinosaur

W:Dinosaur dinosaur wave your tail ,dinosaur dinosaur give a roar ,thump thump thump thump thump .

M:dinosaur can thump thump thump .Now let's thump thump thump like the dinosaurs

M:Thump thump thump ,I can thump .

M: here comes an elephant . elephants  can stomp ,stomp stomp stomp .Now let's stomp stomp stomp like the elephants.let's stomp to the  winodow  .

W:stomp stomp stomp ,I can stomp

M:kangaroo can hop hop hop .Now.let's hop ,hop hop hop like a kangaroos.

W:hop hop hop I can hop .let's hop .(kangaroo ,kangaroo hop hop hop ,kangaroo kangaroo hop hop hop )

5.3Five senses

M:Look ,where is my mouth, yes right  ,this is my mouth , ah~

M:Make a funny face ,see with your eyes ,this is my tongue ,I use my tongue to taste , .taste your nose  with my  tongue .

M:see ,there are my ears  use my ears to hear .listen what's that ,I hear the little green frog .let's sing togetther ,Mm,ah !went the little green frog one day.Mm,ah !went the little green frog.Mm,ah !went the little green frog one day .And the little green frog went"Mm,ah,mm,ah mm ah ah !"

M:Look ,mommy is in the bed ,Jack-in -the -box ,oh so still ,will you come out  ? yes ,I will .

M:jack-in- the- box ,jack-in- the- box ,quite and still , will you come out ?will you come out ?Yes ,I will ,My eyes blinking blinking blinking ,my eyes blinking blinking just like this .I see you with my eyes ,I cry   with eyes ,I read with my eyes .I read book with my eyes.

M:Nose ,I smell with my nose ,

M: use your finger touch your nose ,and stick your finger in your nose

M:clap your hand ,and sing the New year song ,Happy new year ,Happu new year ,Happy new year to your all ,we are singing we are dancing ,Happy new year to your all .


5.4 Handy dandy

M:Here  are some yellow circle sticker ,Let's play the Handy dandy .

M:Handy dandy riddledy ro.

which hand will you choose ?

which hand will you choose ?

high or low ?

M:Haha, I win ,I will stick a sticker on your face .

M:It's your turn .

M:you win ,you can stick on mommy face .





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