
docker-machine 是docker官方提供的docker管理工具。

  • 在Windows平台和MAC平台安装和运行docker
  • 搭建和管理多个docker 主机
  • 搭建swarm集群


通过docker-machine create命令可以创建一台docker主机。该命令需要--driver标记来指定所需要的驱动(VirtualBox, DigitalOcean, AWS,等等)。

$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
Creating CA: /home/username/.docker/machine/certs/ca.pem
Creating client certificate: /home/username/.docker/machine/certs/cert.pem
Image cache does not exist, creating it at /home/username/.docker/machine/cache...
No default boot2docker iso found locally, downloading the latest release...
Downloading to /home/username/.docker/machine/cache/boot2docker.iso...
Creating VirtualBox VM...
Creating SSH key...
Starting VirtualBox VM...
Starting VM...
To see how to connect Docker to this machine, run: docker-machine env dev


docker-machine create 提供了一些参数可以在所有驱动类型下使用,通过修改这些参数,我们可以在很大程度上定制终端的配置过程。

   --driver, -d "none"                                                                                  创建所需驱动类型
   --engine-install-url ""                                                        定制docker-engine的安装链接 [$MACHINE_DOCKER_INSTALL_URL]
   --engine-opt [--engine-opt option --engine-opt option]                                               创建docker-engine 所需参数
   --engine-insecure-registry [--engine-insecure-registry option --engine-insecure-registry option]     指定不安全的仓库地址(没有使用TLS协议)
   --engine-registry-mirror [--engine-registry-mirror option --engine-registry-mirror option]           指定镜像仓库地址
   --engine-label [--engine-label option --engine-label option]                                         指定创建docker-engine 所用label
   --engine-storage-driver                                                                              指定docker-engine存储所用驱动
   --engine-env [--engine-env option --engine-env option]                                               指定docker-engine所需环境变量
   --swarm                                                                                              Configure Machine with Swarm
   --swarm-image "swarm:latest"                                                                         Specify Docker image to use for Swarm [$MACHINE_SWARM_IMAGE]
   --swarm-master                                                                                       Configure Machine to be a Swarm master
   --swarm-discovery                                                                                    Discovery service to use with Swarm
   --swarm-strategy "spread"                                                                            Define a default scheduling strategy for Swarm
   --swarm-opt [--swarm-opt option --swarm-opt option]                                                  Define arbitrary flags for swarm
   --swarm-host "tcp://"                                                                    ip/socket to listen on for Swarm master
   --swarm-addr                                                                                         addr to advertise for Swarm (default: detect and use the machine IP)
   --swarm-experimental                                                                                 Enable Swarm experimental features

其中有些标志是相互关联的,如果使用docker-machine create 命令时设置了其中一个,其余的同样会被设置并使用默认值
