Chapter Four


本篇描写了苏家三人一起参加科举考试的过程。在过去参加选拔考试还要跋山涉水的去他乡,与家人分离,而且还有落榜的风险与压力。是多大的动力才能让一个人去进京赶考,而且苏家三人同时考试,说明了家中充满着学术的氛围。 不过,也证实了,从古至今考试是一项相对而言更为公平的竞争方式。


He was not particularly handsome to look at, but to meet this dean of letters and receive his favor was the dream of all aspiring scholars.


dean n.院长 教长

dean of letters 文坛盟主

aspiring a.有抱负的 追求...的

It was the peculiarity of the imperial city that no one was allowed to go about bareheaded, and even the humblest fortuneteller tried to dress like a scholar.


humble a.谦逊的 卑微的  hum-土 + -ble表形容词 ➡️ 接近地面 ➡️ 谦恭的 在文章中是卑微的。  eg.a humble apology

fortuneteller n. 算命者 占卜师

There was a rigorous system to prevent bribery or favoritism.


rigorous a.严密的 缜密的 rigor 严格。eg.a rigorous program to restore physical fitness.

bribery n.行贿 受贿 贿赂

favoritism n.偏爱 得宠 偏袒。-ism 将喜爱更抽象化,在文中译为徇私

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