Yesterday at CSSConf, we launched Pure – a new CSS library. Phew! Here are the slides from the presentation. Although it looks pretty minimalist, we’ve been working on Pure for several months. After many iterations, we have released Pure as a set of small, responsive, CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
We are happy to announce the release of YUI 3.10.2! You can find it now on the Yahoo! CDN, download it directly, or pull it in via npm. We’ve also updated the YUI Library website with the latest documentation.
{#如果views中是直接定义的context, 则这里就可以直接写context字典中的键值了#}
{#{{ des }}#}
{#{{ title }}#}
{#{{ score }}#}
{% load static %}
Blog – Layout Examples – Pure
A Sample Blog
Creating a blog layout using Pure
Recent Posts
{% for item in ArtiInfo %}
RMB: {{ item.price }} - {{ item.pub_date }}
{{ item.look }}
{% for cate in item.cates %}
{{ cate }}
{% endfor %}
{% for area in item.area %}
{{ area }}
{% endfor %}
{{ item.title }}
{% endfor %}
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< Pre
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Next >
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< Pre
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{{ ArtiInfo.number }} of {{ ArtiInfo.paginator.num_pages }}
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eclipse中使用maven插件的时候,运行run as maven build的时候报错
-Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory system propery is not set. Check $M2_HOME environment variable and mvn script match.
>groupadd mysql ----添加用户组
>useradd -g mysql mysql ----在mysql用户组中添加一个mysql用户
>cmake -D
好久没有去安装过MYSQL,今天自己在安装完MYSQL过后用navicat for mysql去厕测试链接的时候出现了10061的问题,因为的的MYSQL是最新版本为5.6.24,所以下载的文件夹里没有my.ini文件,所以在网上找了很多方法还是没有找到怎么解决问题,最后看到了一篇百度经验里有这个的介绍,按照其步骤也完成了安装,在这里给大家分享下这个链接的地址
* 转换字符串的编码
public class ChangeCharset {
/** 7位ASCII字符,也叫作ISO646-US、Unicode字符集的基本拉丁块 */
public static final Strin
* @author Perlin
* @date 2014-6-30
public class PrintDirectory {
public static void printDirectory(File f
file /usr/share/mysql/ukrainian/errmsg.sys from install of MySQL-server-5.5.33-1.linux2.6.i386 conflicts with file from package mysql-libs-5.1.61-4.el6.i686
I'm pleased to announce that ktap release v0.1, this is the first official
release of ktap project, it is expected that this release is not fully
functional or very stable and we welcome bu