使用Python v2,我的程序中有一个值
print ("Total cost is: ${:0.2f}".format(TotalAmount))
Woo:在同一主题上不到一个小时的四个问题。 你正在完成你的家庭作业。布拉沃。
在Python 2.7或更高版本中,您可以使用
print ("Total cost is: ${:,.2f}".format(TotalAmount))
这在PEP 378中有记载。
这显然是功课。不是说我有任何问题但是:1)。它实际上并没有教OP任何东西。 2)。这使得SO成为回答家庭作业问题的避风港。
@A A:99%的SO用户来自谷歌。 @The Woo是否做了他的作业并不重要(尽管这个问题应该被标记为(如果是这样)以适当地策划答案)。它不是IRC,您首先帮助个人并回答第二个问题(不同的焦点)。
如果TotalAmount代表钱,您可以使用locale.currency。它也适用于Python <2.7:
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
>>> locale.currency(123456.789, symbol=False, grouping=True)
如果你使用的是Python 3或更高版本,这里有一个更简单的插入逗号的方法:
value = -12345672
print (format (value, ',d'))
value = -12345672
print ('{:,}'.format(value))
一个在python2.7 +或python3.1 +中工作的函数
def comma(num):
'''Add comma to every 3rd digit. Takes int or float and
returns string.'''
if type(num) == int:
return '{:,}'.format(num)
elif type(num) == float:
return '{:,.2f}'.format(num) # Rounds to 2 decimal places
print("Need int or float as input to function comma()!")
a ="1000000.00"
e = list(a.split(".")[0])
for i in range(len(e))[::-3][1:]:
result ="".join(e)+"."+a.split(".")[1]
# Inserts comma separators
def place_value(num):
perm_num = num # Stores"num" to ensure it cannot be modified
lis_num = list(str(num)) # Makes"num" into a list of single-character strings since lists are easier to manipulate
if len(str(perm_num)) > 3:
index_offset = 0 # Every time a comma is added, the numbers are all shifted over one
for index in range(len(str(perm_num))): # Converts"perm_num" to string so len() can count the length, then uses that for a range
mod_index = (index + 1) % 3 # Locates every 3 index
neg_index = -1 * (index + 1 + index_offset) # Calculates the index that the comma will be inserted at
if mod_index == 0: # If"index" is evenly divisible by 3
lis_num.insert(neg_index,",") # Adds comma place of negative index
index_offset += 1 # Every time a comma is added, the index of all items in list are increased by 1 from the back
str_num ="".join(lis_num) # Joins list back together into string
else: # If the number is less than or equal to 3 digits long, don't separate with commas
str_num = str(num)
return str_num
def commaize(number):
text = str(number)
parts = text.split(".")
ret =""
if len(parts) > 1:
ret ="."
ret += parts[1] # Apparently commas aren't used to the right of the decimal point
# The -1 offsets to len() and 0 are because len() is 1 based but text[] is 0 based
for i in range(len(parts[0]) - 1,-1,-1):
# We can't just check (i % 3) because we're counting from right to left
# and i is counting from left to right. We can overcome this by checking
# len() - i, although it needs to be adjusted for the off-by-one with a -1
# We also make sure we aren't at the far-right (len() - 1) so we don't end
# with a comma
if (len(parts[0]) - i - 1) % 3 == 0 and i != len(parts[0]) - 1:
ret ="," + ret
ret = parts[0][i] + ret
return ret
"上面的答案比我使用的代码好得多" - 如果现有答案更好,那么就没有必要发布质量较低的答案。此外,这篇文章已经有一个公认的答案。