


Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]sys SW1

[SW1]vlan  batch 10 20 30 40 50 60
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.

[SW1]int e0/0/2
[SW1-Ethernet0/0/2]p l a 

[SW1-Ethernet0/0/2]int e0/0/1
[SW1-Ethernet0/0/1]p l a 
[SW1-Ethernet0/0/1]p d v 10
Apr  7 2021 16:15:09-08:00 SW1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 9, the c
hange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[SW1]int eth2
[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]p l a 
Apr  7 2021 16:32:59-08:00 SW1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 10, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]p l t
[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]p t a v a
Apr  7 2021 16:33:49-08:00 SW1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 12, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]mode lacp-	
[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]mode lacp-static 
Apr  7 2021 16:34:09-08:00 SW1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 13, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.nk	
[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]trunkport e0/0/3
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
Apr  7 2021 16:34:18-08:00 SW1 %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[0]:Interface Eth-Trunk2 h
as turned into UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:34:19-08:00 SW1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 14, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]trunkport e0/0/6
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]trunkport e0/0/5
Apr  7 2021 16:34:29-08:00 SW1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 15, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]dis eth	
[SW1-Eth-Trunk2]dis eth-trunk 2
Eth-Trunk2's state information is:
LAG ID: 2                   WorkingMode: STATIC                               
Preempt Delay: Disabled     Hash arithmetic: According to SIP-XOR-DIP         
System Priority: 32768      System ID: 4c1f-ccef-4460                         
Least Active-linknumber: 1  Max Active-linknumber: 8                          
Operate status: up          Number Of Up Port In Trunk: 3                     
ActorPortName          Status   PortType PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState Weight
Ethernet0/0/3          Selected 100M     32768   4      545     10111100  1     
Ethernet0/0/6          Selected 100M     32768   7      545     10111100  1     
Ethernet0/0/5          Selected 100M     32768   6      545     10111100  1     

ActorPortName          SysPri   SystemID        PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState
Ethernet0/0/3          32768    4c1f-cc57-5c1d  32768   4      545     10111100
Ethernet0/0/6          32768    4c1f-cc57-5c1d  32768   8      545     10111100
Ethernet0/0/5          32768    4c1f-cc57-5c1d  32768   7      545     10111100
Apr  7 2021 16:34:39-08:00 SW1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 16, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

[SW1]int e0/0/4
[SW1-Ethernet0/0/4]p l t 
[SW1-Ethernet0/0/4]p t a v a
Apr  7 2021 16:37:59-08:00 SW1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 18, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

[SW1-Ethernet0/0/4] User interface con0 is available



Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]int e0/0/1
[Huawei-Ethernet0/0/1]dis this
interface Ethernet0/0/1
 port link-type access
 port default vlan 30
Apr  7 2021 15:55:40-08:00 Huawei %%01PHY/1/PHY(l)[0]:    Ethernet0/0/5: change 
status to down
Apr  7 2021 15:56:57-08:00 Huawei %%01PHY/1/PHY(l)[1]:    Ethernet0/0/5: change 
status to up
[Huawei-Ethernet0/0/1]int e0/0/5
[Huawei-Ethernet0/0/5]p l t
[Huawei-Ethernet0/0/5]p t a v a
Apr  7 2021 15:57:49-08:00 Huawei DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
. configurations have been changed. The current change number is 22, t
he change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]sys SW2
[SW2]vlan batch 10 20 30 40 50 60
[SW2]int e0/0/1
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/1]p l a
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/1]p d v 3
Apr  7 2021 16:16:08-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 6, the c
hange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.0
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/1]int e0/0/2
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/2]p l a
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/2]p d v40
Error:Ambiguous command found at '^' position.
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/2]p d v 40
Apr  7 2021 16:16:58-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 9, the c
hange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[SW2]int eth1
[SW2-Eth-Trunk1]p l t
[SW2-Eth-Trunk1]p t a v a
Apr  7 2021 16:29:29-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 11, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW2-Eth-Trunk1]mode lacp-s	
[SW2-Eth-Trunk1]mode lacp-static 
Apr  7 2021 16:29:49-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 12, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 409
[SW2-Eth-Trunk1]trunkport e0/0/4
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
Apr  7 2021 16:30:03-08:00 SW2 %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[0]:Interface Eth-Trunk1 h
as turned into UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:30:09-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 13, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW2-Eth-Trunk1]trunkport e0/0/8
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
[SW2-Eth-Trunk1]trunkport e0/0/9
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
Apr  7 2021 16:30:19-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 15, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW2]int eth2
[SW2-Eth-Trunk2]p l t 
[SW2-Eth-Trunk2]p t 
Apr  7 2021 16:31:09-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 16, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.a v a
Apr  7 2021 16:31:19-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 17, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW2-Eth-Trunk2]mode lacp-	
[SW2-Eth-Trunk2]mode lacp-static 
Apr  7 2021 16:31:39-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 18, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
Error:Incomplete command found at '^' position.
[SW2-Eth-Trunk2]trunkport e0/0/3
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
[SW2-Eth-Trunk2]trunkport e0/0/7
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
[SW2-Eth-Trunk2]trunkport e0/0/7
Apr  7 2021 16:32:09-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 20, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 40956
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
Apr  7 2021 16:32:19-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 21, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW2-Eth-Trunk2]dis eth	
[SW2-Eth-Trunk2]dis eth-trunk 2
Eth-Trunk2's state information is:
LAG ID: 2                   WorkingMode: STATIC                               
Preempt Delay: Disabled     Hash arithmetic: According to SIP-XOR-DIP         
System Priority: 32768      System ID: 4c1f-cc57-5c1d                         
Least Active-linknumber: 1  Max Active-linknumber: 8                          
Operate status: down        Number Of Up Port In Trunk: 0                     
ActorPortName          Status   PortType PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState Weight
Ethernet0/0/3          Unselect 100M     32768   4      545     10100010  1     
Ethernet0/0/7          Unselect 100M     32768   8      545     10100010  1     
Ethernet0/0/6          Unselect 100M     32768   7      545     10100010  1     
ActorPortName          SysPri   SystemID        PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState
Ethernet0/0/3          0        0000-0000-0000  0       0      0       10100011
Ethernet0/0/7          0        0000-0000-0000  0       0      0       10100011
Ethernet0/0/6          0        0000-0000-0000  0       0      0       10100011
Apr  7 2021 16:34:18-08:00 SW2 %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[1]:Interface Eth-Trunk2 h
as turned into UP state.
[SW2]int e0/0/5
[SW2-Ethernet0/0/5]p l t
Apr  7 2021 16:38:49-08:00 SW2 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 23, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.***



Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.

[sw1]int e0/0/4
[sw1-Ethernet0/0/4]p l t
[sw1-Ethernet0/0/4]p t a
Apr  7 2021 15:58:13-08:00 sw1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 16, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095. v a
[sw1-Ethernet0/0/4]dis this
interface Ethernet0/0/4
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4094
Apr  7 2021 15:58:23-08:00 sw1 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 17, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]sys SW3

[SW3]vlan batch 10 20 30 40 50 60
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
[SW3]int e0/0/1

[SW3-Ethernet0/0/1]p l a
[SW3-Ethernet0/0/1]p d v 
Apr  7 2021 16:17:48-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 6, the c
hange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.50
[SW3-Ethernet0/0/1]int e
Apr  7 2021 16:17:58-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 7, the c
hange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4
Error:Ambiguous command found at '^' position.
[SW3-Ethernet0/0/1]int e0/0/2
[SW3-Ethernet0/0/2]p l a 
[SW3-Ethernet0/0/2]p d v 60
[SW3-Ethernet0/0/2]dis this
Apr  7 2021 16:18:38-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 9, the c
hange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
interface Ethernet0/0/2
 port link-type access
 port default vlan 60
[SW3]int eth	
[SW3]int Ethernet-t	
[SW3]int Ethernet-tr	
[SW3]int Ethernet-trunk
Error: Wrong parameter found at '^' position.
[SW3]int Eth	
[SW3]int Ethernet-t	
[SW3]int eth	
[SW3]int Eth-	
[SW3]int Eth-Trunk 1
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]p l t
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]p t a v a
Apr  7 2021 16:24:38-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 10, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
Apr  7 2021 16:24:48-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 11, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
Error:Incomplete command found at '^' position.
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]mode lacp-s	
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]mode lacp-static 
Apr  7 2021 16:25:18-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 12, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]trunkport e0/0/3
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
Apr  7 2021 16:25:58-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 13, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]trunkport e0/0/5
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]trunkport e0/0/6
Apr  7 2021 16:26:08-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 14, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of trunkport e0/0/3
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...
Error: Failed to add the port into the trunk because the port has been a member 
of the trunk.
The error port is Ethernet0/0/3.
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]dis this
interface Eth-Trunk1
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4094
 mode lacp-static
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]dis eth	
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]dis eth-	
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]dis eth-trunk 1
Eth-Trunk1's state information is:
LAG ID: 1                   WorkingMode: STATIC                               
Preempt Delay: Disabled     Hash arithmetic: According to SIP-XOR-DIP         
System Priority: 32768      System ID: 4c1f-ccc0-4490                         
Least Active-linknumber: 1  Max Active-linknumber: 8                          
Operate status: down        Number Of Up Port In Trunk: 0                     
ActorPortName          Status   PortType PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState Weight
Ethernet0/0/3          Unselect 100M     32768   4      289     10100010  1     
Ethernet0/0/5          Unselect 100M     32768   6      289     10100010  1     

ActorPortName          SysPri   SystemID        PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState
Ethernet0/0/3          0        0000-0000-0000  0       0      0       10100011
Ethernet0/0/5          0        0000-0000-0000  0       0      0       10100011
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]trunkport e0/0/6
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
Apr  7 2021 16:27:08-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 15, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
Error:Incomplete command found at '^' position.
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]dis eth-	
[SW3-Eth-Trunk1]dis eth-trunk 1
Eth-Trunk1's state information is:
LAG ID: 1                   WorkingMode: STATIC                               
Preempt Delay: Disabled     Hash arithmetic: According to SIP-XOR-DIP         
System Priority: 32768      System ID: 4c1f-ccc0-4490                         
Least Active-linknumber: 1  Max Active-linknumber: 8                          
Operate status: down        Number Of Up Port In Trunk: 0                     
ActorPortName          Status   PortType PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState Weight
Ethernet0/0/3          Unselect 100M     32768   4      289     10100010  1     
Ethernet0/0/5          Unselect 100M     32768   6      289     10100010  1     
Ethernet0/0/6          Unselect 100M     32768   7      289     10100010  1     

ActorPortName          SysPri   SystemID        PortPri PortNo PortKey PortState
Ethernet0/0/3          0        0000-0000-0000  0       0      0       10100011
Ethernet0/0/5          0        0000-0000-0000  0       0      0       10100011
Ethernet0/0/6          0        0000-0000-0000  0       0      0       10100011
[SW3]int e0/0/4
[SW3-Ethernet0/0/4]p l t
Apr  7 2021 16:39:09-08:00 SW3 DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 16, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[SW3-Ethernet0/0/4]p t a v a



Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[Huawei]sys RSW
Apr  7 2021 16:39:58-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 4, the c
hange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[RSW]vlan batch 10 20 30 40 50 60
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
Apr  7 2021 16:50:18-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 5, the c
hange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[RSW]int vlanif 10

[RSW-Vlanif10]ip a 24

[RSW-Vlanif10]int vlanif 20
[RSW-Vlanif20]ip a 24
Apr  7 2021 16:51:18-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 7, the c
hange loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[RSW-Vlanif20]int vlanif 30
[RSW-Vlanif30]ip a 24
[RSW-Vlanif30]int vlanif 40 
[RSW-Vlanif40]ip a 24

[RSW-Vlanif40]int vlanif 50 
[RSW-Vlanif50]ip a 24

[RSW-Vlanif50]int vlanif 60
[RSW-Vlanif60]ip a 24
Apr  7 2021 16:52:58-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 11, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.

  PING 56  data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
    Request time out
    Request time out
    Request time out
    Request time out
    Request time out

  --- ping statistics ---
    5 packet(s) transmitted
    0 packet(s) received
    100.00% packet loss

[RSW]int g0/0/2
[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]dis this
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]p l t 
[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]p t a v a
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[0]:Interface Vlanif10 has
 turned into UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/LINK_STATE(l)[1]:The line protocol IP
 on the interface Vlanif10 has entered the UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[2]:Interface Vlanif20 has
 turned into UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/LINK_STATE(l)[3]:The line protocol IP
 on the interface Vlanif20 has entered the UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[4]:Interface Vlanif30 has
 turned into UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/LINK_STATE(l)[5]:The line protocol IP
 on the interface Vlanif30 has entered the UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[6]:Interface Vlanif40 has
 turned into UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/LINK_STATE(l)[7]:The line protocol IP
 on the interface Vlanif40 has entered the UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[8]:Interface Vlanif50 has
 turned into UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/LINK_STATE(l)[9]:The line protocol IP
 on the interface Vlanif50 has entered the UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/IF_STATE(l)[10]:Interface Vlanif60 ha
s turned into UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:05-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/LINK_STATE(l)[11]:The line protocol I
P on the interface Vlanif60 has entered the UP state.
Apr  7 2021 16:55:08-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 13, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]int g0/0/1
[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p l t 

[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p t a v a
Apr  7 2021 16:55:38-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 15, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]int g0/0/3
[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/3]p l t
Apr  7 2021 16:55:58-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 16, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.p
Error: The interface is already a L2 interface.
[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/3]p t a v a
Apr  7 2021 16:56:08-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 17, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
  PING 56  data bytes, press CTRL_C to break
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=1 ttl=128 time=90 ms
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=2 ttl=128 time=60 ms
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=3 ttl=128 time=60 ms
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=4 ttl=128 time=50 ms
    Reply from bytes=56 Sequence=5 ttl=128 time=50 ms

  --- ping statistics ---
    5 packet(s) transmitted
    5 packet(s) received
    0.00% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max = 50/62/90 ms

Apr  7 2021 17:01:38-08:00 RSW %%01PHY/1/PHY(l)[12]:    GigabitEthernet0/0/4: ch
ange status to down
Apr  7 2021 17:04:22-08:00 RSW %%01PHY/1/PHY(l)[13]:    GigabitEthernet0/0/4: ch
ange status to up User interface con0 is available

Please Press ENTER.

Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[RSW]int e0/0/4
Error: Wrong parameter found at '^' position.
[RSW]int g0/0/4

[RSW-GigabitEthernet0/0/4]int vlan 1
[RSW-Vlanif1]ip a 24
Apr  7 2021 17:26:09-08:00 RSW %%01IFNET/4/LINK_STATE(l)[0]:The line protocol IP
 on the interface Vlanif1 has entered the UP state.
Apr  7 2021 17:26:09-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 18, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095.
[RSW-Vlanif1]ip route-static 24
Apr  7 2021 17:26:49-08:00 RSW DS/4/DATASYNC_CFGCHANGE:OID
.191.3.1 configurations have been changed. The current change number is 19, the 
change loop count is 0, and the maximum number of records is 4095. User interface con0 is available






Switch(config)#interface vlan vlan-id





