实习将至,最近在复习 Mysql
,之前学习 Mysql
是通过视频和学校课程,这次想通过书籍《SQL必知必会》来进行一次系统的复习,再重新快速的刷一遍牛客网的 SQL
❤ 系列内容 ❤
Mysql入门到入魔——1. 数据准备(起航篇)
Mysql入门到入魔——2. 操纵数据库和表
Mysql入门到入魔——3. 查询、排序、WHERE过滤
Mysql入门到入魔——4. 通配符、计算字段、函数(待更新…)
Mysql入门到入魔——5. 聚集、分组、子查询(待更新…)
Mysql入门到入魔——6. 表联结、组合查询(待更新…)
Mysql入门到入魔——7. 插入、更新和删除(待更新…)
Mysql入门到入魔——8. 视图、存储过程、事务处理(待更新…)
Mysql入门到入魔——9. 游标、高级SQL特性(待更新…)
Mysql入门到入魔——10. 知识点速记(完结)(待更新…)
“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”,我总认为动手做比只空想更好,那么为了之后的学习能够一步一个脚印的学懂,首先要把示例数据导入本地 Mysql
创建 order_system
数据库 ---- 新建查询----将文件内容复制并执行。
首先新建 order_system
命令行导入 create.sql
mysql -u root -p order_system < C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Mysql\create.sql
命令行导入 populate.sql
mysql -u root -p order_system < C:\Users\pc\Desktop\Mysql\populate.sql
表列 | 说明 |
cust_id | 唯一的顾客ID |
cust_name | 顾客名(公司名) |
cust_address | 地址 |
cust_city | 所在城市 |
cust_state | 所在州 |
cust_zip | 地址邮政编码 |
cust_country | 所在国家 |
cust_contact | 联系人(可能多个) |
cust_email | 电子邮件地址 |
表列 | 说明 |
order_num | 唯一的订单号 |
order_date | 订单日期 |
cust_id | 订单顾客ID(关联到Customers表的cust_id) |
表列 | 说明 |
order_num | 订单号(关联到Orders表的order_num) |
order_item | 订单物品号(订单内的顺序) |
prod_id | 产品ID(关联到Products表的prod_id) |
quantity | 物品数量 |
item_price | 物品价格 |
表列 | 说明 |
prod_id | 唯一的产品ID |
vend_id | 产品供应商ID(关联到Vendors表的vend_id) |
prod_name | 产品名 |
prod_price | 产品价格 |
prod_desc | 产品描述 |
表列 | 说明 |
vend_id | 唯一的供应商ID |
vend_name | 供应商名 |
vend_address | 供应商的地址 |
vend_city | 供应商所在城市 |
vend_state | 供应商所在州 |
vend_zip | 供应商地址邮政编码 |
vend_country | 供应商所在国家 |
表mysql> SELECT * FROM customers;
| cust_id | cust_name | cust_address | cust_city | cust_state | cust_zip | cust_country |
| 1000000001 | Village Toys | 200 Maple Lane | Detroit | MI | 44444 | USA |
| 1000000002 | Kids Place | 333 South Lake Drive | Columbus | OH | 43333 | USA |
| 1000000003 | Fun4All | 1 Sunny Place | Muncie | IN | 42222 | USA |
| 1000000004 | Fun4All | 829 Riverside Drive | Phoenix | AZ | 88888 | USA |
| 1000000005 | The Toy Store | 4545 53rd Street | Chicago | IL | 54545 | USA |
cust_contact | cust_email |
John Smith | sales@villagetoys.com |
Michelle Green | NULL |
Jim Jones | jjones@fun4all.com |
Denise L. Stephens | dstephens@fun4all.com |
Kim Howard | NULL |
表mysql> SELECT * FROM orderitems;
| order_num | order_item | prod_id | quantity | item_price |
| 20005 | 1 | BR01 | 100 | 5.49 |
| 20005 | 2 | BR03 | 100 | 10.99 |
| 20006 | 1 | BR01 | 20 | 5.99 |
| 20006 | 2 | BR02 | 10 | 8.99 |
| 20006 | 3 | BR03 | 10 | 11.99 |
| 20007 | 1 | BR03 | 50 | 11.49 |
| 20007 | 2 | BNBG01 | 100 | 2.99 |
| 20007 | 3 | BNBG02 | 100 | 2.99 |
| 20007 | 4 | BNBG03 | 100 | 2.99 |
| 20007 | 5 | RGAN01 | 50 | 4.49 |
| 20008 | 1 | RGAN01 | 5 | 4.99 |
| 20008 | 2 | BR03 | 5 | 11.99 |
| 20008 | 3 | BNBG01 | 10 | 3.49 |
| 20008 | 4 | BNBG02 | 10 | 3.49 |
| 20008 | 5 | BNBG03 | 10 | 3.49 |
| 20009 | 1 | BNBG01 | 250 | 2.49 |
| 20009 | 2 | BNBG02 | 250 | 2.49 |
| 20009 | 3 | BNBG03 | 250 | 2.49 |
表mysql> SELECT * FROM orders;
| order_num | order_date | cust_id |
| 20005 | 2012-05-01 00:00:00 | 1000000001 |
| 20006 | 2012-01-12 00:00:00 | 1000000003 |
| 20007 | 2012-01-30 00:00:00 | 1000000004 |
| 20008 | 2012-02-03 00:00:00 | 1000000005 |
| 20009 | 2012-02-08 00:00:00 | 1000000001 |
表mysql> SELECT * FROM products;
| prod_id | vend_id | prod_name | prod_price |
| BNBG01 | DLL01 | Fish bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| BNBG02 | DLL01 | Bird bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| BNBG03 | DLL01 | Rabbit bean bag toy | 3.49 |
| BR01 | BRS01 | 8 inch teddy bear | 5.99 |
| BR02 | BRS01 | 12 inch teddy bear | 8.99 |
| BR03 | BRS01 | 18 inch teddy bear | 11.99 |
| RGAN01 | DLL01 | Raggedy Ann | 4.99 |
| RYL01 | FNG01 | King doll | 9.49 |
| RYL02 | FNG01 | Queen doll | 9.49 |
prod_desc |
Fish bean bag toy, complete with bean bag worms with which to feed it |
Bird bean bag toy, eggs are not included |
Rabbit bean bag toy, comes with bean bag carrots |
8 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket |
12 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket |
18 inch teddy bear, comes with cap and jacket |
18 inch Raggedy Ann doll |
12 inch king doll with royal garments and crown |
12 inch queen doll with royal garments and crown |
表mysql> SELECT * FROM vendors;
| vend_id | vend_name | vend_address | vend_city | vend_state | vend_zip | vend_country |
| BRE02 | Bear Emporium | 500 Park Street | Anytown | OH | 44333 | USA |
| BRS01 | Bears R Us | 123 Main Street | Bear Town | MI | 44444 | USA |
| DLL01 | Doll House Inc. | 555 High Street | Dollsville | CA | 99999 | USA |
| FNG01 | Fun and Games | 42 Galaxy Road | London | NULL | N16 6PS | England |
| FRB01 | Furball Inc. | 1000 5th Avenue | New York | NY | 11111 | USA |
| JTS01 | Jouets et ours | 1 Rue Amusement | Paris | NULL | 45678 | France |
这就是本文所有的内容了,如果感觉还不错的话。❤ 点个赞再走吧!!!❤