RHEL 5.4 下安装和使用 ntop 全纪录(ntop:Linux下可通过Web访问的网络流量监控工具)

RHEL 5.4 下安装和使用 ntop 全纪录

1. ntop介绍


http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2012-05/59659.htm 写道
◆ 自动从网络中识别有用的信息;
◆ 将截获的数据包转换成易于识别的格式;
◆ 对网络环境中通信失败的情况进行分析;
◆ 探测网络环境中的通信瓶颈;
◆ 记录网络通信的时间和过程。
◆ 自动识别客户端正在使用的操作系统;
◆ 可以在命令行和Web两种方式运行。
它可以通过分析网络流量来确定网络上存在的各种问题;也可以用来判断是否有黑客正在攻击网络系统;还可以很方便地显示出特定的网络协议、占用大量带宽的主机、各次通信的目标主机、数据包的发送时间、传递数据包的延时等详细信息。通过了解这些信息,网管员可以对故障做出及时的响应,对网络进行相应的优化调 整,以保证网络运行的效率和安全。
http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2011-08/40783.htm 写道
ntop 4.1 发布了,这是一个维护版本,删除了一些过时的代码和协议,增加 Facebook 和 Twitter 支持,降低了内存占用,提升了稳定性。
跟 top 监视系统活动状况相似,ntop 是一个用来实时监视网络使用情况的工具。由于 ntop 具有 Web 界面模式,因此无论是配置还是使用都很容易在短时间之内快速上手。


2. ntop安装

2.1. 安装 cairo-devel

因为安装 rrdtool 需要。cairo,埃及首都开罗,向量图形绘图库。

http://www.oschina.net/p/cairo/ 写道
在资讯领域中,cairo 是一个让用于提供向量图形绘图的免费函式库,Cairo 提供在多个背景下做 2-D 的绘图,进阶的更可以使用硬件加速功能。

虽然 Cairo 是使用C语言撰写的,但是当使用 Cairo 时,可以用许多其他种语言来使用,包括有 C++、C#、Java、Python、Perl、Ruby、Scheme、Smalltalk 以及许多种语言,Cairo 在 GPL 与 Mozilla Public License 两个认证下发行。


[root@liunx0918 ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
[root@liunx0918 ~]# cd /mnt
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# ls
Cluster                RELEASE-NOTES-de.html  RELEASE-NOTES-ml.html     RELEASE-NOTES-U4-de.html  RELEASE-NOTES-U4-ml.html     RELEASE-NOTES-zh_CN.html
ClusterStorage         RELEASE-NOTES-en       RELEASE-NOTES-mr.html     RELEASE-NOTES-U4-en       RELEASE-NOTES-U4-mr.html     RELEASE-NOTES-zh_TW.html
EULA                   RELEASE-NOTES-en.html  RELEASE-NOTES-or.html     RELEASE-NOTES-U4-en.html  RELEASE-NOTES-U4-or.html     RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-beta
eula.en_US             RELEASE-NOTES-es.html  RELEASE-NOTES-pa.html     RELEASE-NOTES-U4-es.html  RELEASE-NOTES-U4-pa.html     RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release
GPL                    RELEASE-NOTES-fr.html  RELEASE-NOTES-pt_BR.html  RELEASE-NOTES-U4-fr.html  RELEASE-NOTES-U4-pt_BR.html  Server
images                 RELEASE-NOTES-gu.html  RELEASE-NOTES-ru.html     RELEASE-NOTES-U4-gu.html  RELEASE-NOTES-U4-ru.html     TRANS.TBL
isolinux               RELEASE-NOTES-hi.html  RELEASE-NOTES-si.html     RELEASE-NOTES-U4-hi.html  RELEASE-NOTES-U4-si.html     VT
README-en              RELEASE-NOTES-it.html  RELEASE-NOTES-ta.html     RELEASE-NOTES-U4-it.html  RELEASE-NOTES-U4-ta.html
README-en.html         RELEASE-NOTES-ja.html  RELEASE-NOTES-te.html     RELEASE-NOTES-U4-ja.html  RELEASE-NOTES-U4-te.html
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "cairo*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm
warning: ./Server/cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
error: Failed dependencies:
        fontconfig-devel >= 2.0 is needed by cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386
        freetype-devel >= 2.1.3-3 is needed by cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386
        libXrender-devel is needed by cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386
        libpng-devel is needed by cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "fontconfig-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "freetype-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "libXrender-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "libpng-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/fontconfig-devel-2.4.1-7.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/freetype-devel-2.2.1-21.el5_3.i386.rpm ./Server/libXrender-devel-0.9.1-3.1.i386.rpm ./Server/libpng-devel-1.2.10-7.1.el5_3.2.i386.rpm
warning: ./Server/cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
error: Failed dependencies:
        libX11-devel is needed by libXrender-devel-0.9.1-3.1.i386
        xorg-x11-proto-devel is needed by libXrender-devel-0.9.1-3.1.i386
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "libX11-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "xorg-x11-proto-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/fontconfig-devel-2.4.1-7.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/freetype-devel-2.2.1-21.el5_3.i386.rpm ./Server/libXrender-devel-0.9.1-3.1.i386.rpm ./Server/libpng-devel-1.2.10-7.1.el5_3.2.i386.rpm ./Server/libX11-devel-1.0.3-11.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.1-13.el5.i386.rpm
warning: ./Server/cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
error: Failed dependencies:
        libXau-devel is needed by libX11-devel-1.0.3-11.el5.i386
        libXdmcp-devel is needed by libX11-devel-1.0.3-11.el5.i386
        mesa-libGL-devel is needed by xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.1-13.el5.i386
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "libXau-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "libXdmcp-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "mesa-libGL-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/fontconfig-devel-2.4.1-7.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/freetype-devel-2.2.1-21.el5_3.i386.rpm ./Server/libXrender-devel-0.9.1-3.1.i386.rpm ./Server/libpng-devel-1.2.10-7.1.el5_3.2.i386.rpm ./Server/libX11-devel-1.0.3-11.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.1-13.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/libXau-devel-1.0.1-3.1.i386.rpm ./Server/libXdmcp-devel-1.0.1-2.1.i386.rpm ./Server/mesa-libGL-devel-6.5.1-7.7.el5.i386.rpm
warning: ./Server/cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
        package cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.i386 is already installed
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/fontconfig-devel-2.4.1-7.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/freetype-devel-2.2.1-21.el5_3.i386.rpm ./Server/libXrender-devel-0.9.1-3.1.i386.rpm ./Server/libpng-devel-1.2.10-7.1.el5_3.2.i386.rpm ./Server/libX11-devel-1.0.3-11.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/xorg-x11-proto-devel-7.1-13.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/libXau-devel-1.0.1-3.1.i386.rpm ./Server/libXdmcp-devel-1.0.1-2.1.i386.rpm ./Server/mesa-libGL-devel-6.5.1-7.7.el5.i386.rpm          
  warning: ./Server/cairo-devel-1.2.4-5.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:freetype-devel         ########################################### [ 10%]
   2:fontconfig-devel       ########################################### [ 20%]
   3:libXau-devel           ########################################### [ 30%]
   4:libpng-devel           ########################################### [ 40%]
   5:xorg-x11-proto-devel   ########################################### [ 50%]
   6:libX11-devel           ########################################### [ 60%]
   7:libXrender-devel       ########################################### [ 70%]
   8:cairo-devel            ########################################### [ 80%]
   9:libXdmcp-devel         ########################################### [ 90%]
  10:mesa-libGL-devel       ########################################### [100%]

[root@liunx0918 mnt]#


2.2. 安装 pango-devel

因为安装 rrdtool 需要。pango是一个文字渲染库。

http://baike.baidu.com/view/2941612.htm 写道

  Pango已经被整合到多数Linux发行版中,并在Fedora Core 6被用于Firefox网页浏览器和Thunderbird邮件客户端的文字渲染。虽然在Mozilla的源代码里并没有包含Pango,但Fedora Core得到了Mozilla基金会的特别许可[1]。同样,Debian的Iceweasel、IceDove和IceApe也使用了Pango。


[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "pango*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]#
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/pango-1.14.9-6.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/pango-devel-1.14.9-6.el5.i386.rpm
warning: ./Server/pango-1.14.9-6.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
error: Failed dependencies:
        libXext-devel is needed by pango-devel-1.14.9-6.el5.i386
        libXft-devel is needed by pango-devel-1.14.9-6.el5.i386
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "libXext-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "libXft-devel*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/pango-1.14.9-6.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/pango-devel-1.14.9-6.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/libXext-devel-1.0.1-2.1.i386.rpm

warning: ./Server/pango-1.14.9-6.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
        package pango-1.14.9-6.el5.i386 is already installed
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/pango-devel-1.14.9-6.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/libXext-devel-1.0.1-2.1.i386.rpm ./Server/libXft-devel-2.1.10-1.1.i386.rpm         

warning: ./Server/pango-devel-1.14.9-6.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:libXft-devel           ########################################### [ 33%]
   2:libXext-devel          ########################################### [ 67%]
   3:pango-devel            ########################################### [100%]
[root@liunx0918 mnt]#


2.3. 安装 rrdtool


http://baike.baidu.com/view/1867979.htm 写道
  RRDtool是由Tobias Oetiker 编写并由全球各地的许多人贡献的工具。RRDtool是指Round Robin Database 工具(环状数据库)。Round robin是一种处理定量数据、以及当前元素指针的技术。想象一个周边标有点的圆环--这些点就是时间存储的位置。从圆心画一条到圆周的某个点的箭头--这就是指针。就像我们在一个圆环上一样,没有起点和终点,你可以一直往下走下去。过来一段时间,所有可用的位置都会被用过,该循环过程会自动重用原来的位置。这样,数据集不会增大,并且不需要维护。RRDtool处理RRD数据库。它用向RRD数据库存储数据、从RRD数据库中提取数据。



wget http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/pub/rrdtool-1.4.7.tar.gz
tar zxf rrdtool-1.4.7.tar.gz
cd rrdtool-1.4.7
./configure --prefix=/usr
make && make install

[root@liunx0918 rrdtool-1.4.7]# ./configure --prefix=/usr
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... gcc


Config is DONE!

          With MMAP IO: yes
      Build rrd_getopt: no
       Build rrd_graph: yes
       Static programs: no
          Perl Modules: perl_piped perl_shared
           Perl Binary: /usr/bin/perl
          Perl Version: 5.8.8
          Perl Options: PREFIX=/usr LIB=/usr/lib/perl/5.8.8
          Ruby Modules:
           Ruby Binary: no
          Ruby Options: sitedir=/usr/lib/ruby
    Build Lua Bindings: no
    Build Tcl Bindings: no
 Build Python Bindings: yes
          Build rrdcgi: yes
       Build librrd MT: yes
           Use gettext: yes
           With libDBI: no
          With libwrap: yes

             Libraries: -lxml2 -lglib-2.0 -lcairo -lcairo -lcairo -lm  -lwrap -lcairo -lpng12   -lpangocairo-1.0 -lpango-1.0 -lcairo -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -ldl -lglib-2.0 

Type 'make' to compile the software and use 'make install' to
install everything to: /usr.

       ... that wishlist is NO JOKE. If you find RRDtool useful
make me happy. Go to http://tobi.oetiker.ch/wish and
place an order.

                               -- Tobi Oetiker <[email protected]>
[root@liunx0918 rrdtool-1.4.7]#



2.4. 安装 libpcap-devel


http://baike.baidu.com/view/1319961.htm 写道

安装 ntop 时需要,否则报下面的错:
checking for pcap_lookupdev in -lpcap... no
             *** FATAL ERROR ***            
 It looks that you don't have the libpcap distribution installed.
 Download, compile and, optionally, install it.
 When finished please re-run this program.
 You can download the latest source tarball at http://www.tcpdump.org/
configure: error:  The LBL Packet Capture Library, libpcap, was not found!

[root@liunx0918 mnt]# find . -name "libpcap*rpm"
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/libpcap-0.9.4-14.el5.i386.rpm ./Server/libpcap-devel-0.9.4-14.el5.i386.rpm
warning: ./Server/libpcap-0.9.4-14.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
        package libpcap-0.9.4-14.el5.i386 is already installed
[root@liunx0918 mnt]# rpm -ivh ./Server/libpcap-devel-0.9.4-14.el5.i386.rpm                                       
warning: ./Server/libpcap-devel-0.9.4-14.el5.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:libpcap-devel          ########################################### [100%]
[root@liunx0918 mnt]#



2.5. 安装 GeoIP

GeoIP是一个 ip 对应地理信息的数据库。

http://hi.baidu.com/liongg/item/4ba0083e224b620fceb9fe81 写道

如果不安装 GeoIP,那么在安装 ntop 时报错:

checking for GeoIP_record_by_ipnum in -lGeoIP... no
checking for GeoIP_name_by_ipnum_v6 in -lGeoIP... no
Please install GeoIP (http://www.maxmind.com/)


wget http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/api/c/GeoIP.tar.gz
tar zxf GeoIP.tar.gz
cd GeoIP-1.4.8/
./configure --prefix=/usr
make && make install


[root@liunx0918 install]# wget http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/api/c/GeoIP.tar.gz
--2012-05-28 15:00:14--  http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/api/c/GeoIP.tar.gz
正在解析主机 www.maxmind.com...
Connecting to www.maxmind.com||:80... 已连接。
已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK
长度:1074829 (1.0M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `GeoIP.tar.gz'

100%[=============================================================================================================================>] 1,074,829   45.6K/s   in 20s    

2012-05-28 15:00:35 (53.4 KB/s) - `GeoIP.tar.gz' saved [1074829/1074829]

[root@liunx0918 install]# tar zxf GeoIP.tar.gz
[root@liunx0918 install]# cd GeoIP-1.4.8/
[root@liunx0918 GeoIP-1.4.8]# ls
aclocal.m4  ChangeLog     configure     depcomp            get_ver.awk  ltmain.sh         Makefile.vc     NEWS          READMEwin32static.txt
apps        conf          configure.in  geoip.ico          INSTALL      Makefile.am       Makefile.win32  README        READMEwin32.txt
AUTHORS     config.guess  COPYING       GeoIP.spec.in      install-sh   Makefile.in       man             README.MinGW  test
bootstrap   config.sub    data          GeoIPWinDLL.patch  libGeoIP     Makefile.netware  missing         README.OSX    TODO
[root@liunx0918 GeoIP-1.4.8]# ./configure --prefix=/usr
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes


configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating GeoIP.spec
config.status: creating libGeoIP/Makefile
config.status: creating apps/Makefile
config.status: creating conf/Makefile
config.status: creating data/Makefile
config.status: creating man/Makefile
config.status: creating test/Makefile
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing libtool commands
[root@liunx0918 GeoIP-1.4.8]#


2.6. 安装 ntop


wget "http://sourceforge.net/projects/ntop/files/ntop/Stable/ntop-4.1.0.tar.gz/download"
tar zxf ntop-4.1.0.tar.gz
cd ntop-4.1.0
make && make install


* NOTE: ./configure is now complete!
*       All of the obviously FATAL errors would cause you to
*       abort before this point, so while you SHOULD scroll
*       back and check for error/warning/note messages,
*       you probably will not...
++    If you like ntop, please do not forget to support its
++    development. See SUPPORT_NTOP.txt for more information.
++              Thanks for supporting ntop!
*    Building ntop requires GNU Make, so to build ntop, type
*    'make' (or on *BSD and Solaris systems, 'gmake')

        .... autogen.sh done
just type make to compile ntop


  WARNING: This install created a directory for the ntop
           files and databases:


           This directory MUST be owned by the user
           which you are going to use to run ntop.

           The command you must issue is something like:

           chown -R ntop.ntop //usr/local/share/ntop
     or    chown -R ntop:users //usr/local/share/ntop

           man chown to check the syntax for YOUR system


echo "Shall you be using SELinux please run:"
Shall you be using SELinux please run:
echo "make install-selinux-policy"
make install-selinux-policy


3. 运行 ntop

3.1. 运行前的准备工作

网上有些资料说需要添加名为 ntop 的用户,我试了,并不需要。

首先来看一下 ntop 的启动参数:

ntop -u user 就可以指定启动程序执行的用户,否则 ntop是以 nobody 用户来运行的。

ntop -h 写道
[-u <user> | --user <user>] Userid/name to run ntop under (see man page)


一般建议以 ntop 用户来运行 ntop 程序。

下面是创建 ntop 用户的步骤:
useradd -s /sbin/nologin ntop
passwd -l ntop

[root@liunx0918 ~]# useradd -s /sbin/nologin ntop
[root@liunx0918 ~]# passwd -l ntop
Locking password for user ntop.
passwd: Success
[root@liunx0918 ~]#

计划将 ntop 的数据库放在 /var/ntop 目录
[root@liunx0918 ~]# mkdir /var/ntop
[root@liunx0918 ~]# chown -R ntop:ntop /var/ntop
[root@liunx0918 ~]#

检查防火墙设置,放开 3000 端口
先执行 service iptables save
再在 /etc/sysconfig/iptables 中添加一行
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited
执行 service iptables restart

[root@liunx0918 ~]# service iptables save
Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables:          [  OK  ]
[root@liunx0918 ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
修改 /etc/sysconfig/iptables 文件,如上所示。
[root@liunx0918 ~]# service iptables restart
Flushing firewall rules:                                   [  OK  ]
Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter                    [  OK  ]
Unloading iptables modules:                                [  OK  ]
Applying iptables firewall rules:                          [  OK  ]
Loading additional iptables modules: ip_conntrack_netbios_n[  OK  ]
[root@liunx0918 ~]#

注:直接执行下面的命令不能放开 3000 端口
iptables -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT


ntop -h 写道
[-P <path> | --db-file-path <path>] Path for ntop internal database files

[-i <name> | --interface <name>] Interface name or names to monitor

[-d | --daemon] Run ntop in daemon mode

[-L] Do logging via syslog

[--skip-version-check] Skip ntop version check

[-A] Ask admin user password and exit

经过这么长时间的准备工作,我准备用下面的方式来启动 ntop,用以监控第一块网卡上的流量:

ntop -P /var/ntop -i eth0 -u ntop


3.2. 设置 ntop 管理密码

首先得使用 ntop -A 设置管理密码。可以设置得复杂些。


ntop startup - waiting for user response!

Please enter the password for the admin user: Mon May 28 15:07:13 2012  THREADMGMT[t3017280400]: DNSAR(3): Address resolution thread running

Password too short (5 characters or more). Please try again.

ntop startup - waiting for user response!

Please enter the password for the admin user:
Please enter the password again:
Mon May 28 15:07:31 2012  Admin user password has been set


3.3. 运行 ntop

[root@liunx0918 ~]# ntop -P /var/ntop -i eth0 -u ntop -d
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Initializing gdbm databases
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Setting administrator password...
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Admin password set...
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  ntop v.4.1.0 (32 bit)
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Configured on May 28 2012 15:03:47, built on May 28 2012 15:05:09.
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Copyright 1998-2011 by Luca Deri <[email protected]>
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Get the freshest ntop from http://www.ntop.org/
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  NOTE: ntop is running from 'ntop'
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  NOTE: (but see warning on man page for the --instance parameter)
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  NOTE: ntop libraries are in '/usr/local/lib'
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Initializing ntop
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Checking eth0 for additional devices
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Added virtual interface: 'eth0:0'
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Resetting traffic statistics for device eth0
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Initializing device eth0 (0)
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  DLT: Device 0 [eth0] is 1, mtu 1514, header 14
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Initialized events [mask: 0][path: ]
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Initializing gdbm databases
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  VENDOR: Loading MAC address table.
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  VENDOR: Checking for MAC address table file
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  VENDOR: File '/usr/local/etc/ntop/specialMAC.txt.gz' does not need to be reloaded
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  VENDOR: Checking for MAC address table file
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  VENDOR: File '/usr/local/etc/ntop/oui.txt.gz' does not need to be reloaded
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Fingerprint: Loading signature file
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Fingerprint: Checking for Fingerprint file... file
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Fingerprint: Loading file '/usr/local/etc/ntop/etter.finger.os.gz'
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  Fingerprint: ...loaded 1765 records
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  INIT: Parent process is exiting (this is normal)
Tue Jun  5 09:08:22 2012  INIT: Bye bye: I'm becoming a daemon...
[root@liunx0918 ~]#


现在就可以通过浏览器来访问了,比如使用 Firefox,网址为:



4. 安装和使用 ntop 的常见问题

4.1. 我用浏览器访问 http://xxx:3000/ 时没有询问用户名和密码(很多资料上说有),为什么?

在查看网络统计信息时不需要,但点 Admin 里面的配置选项时需要。


4.2. 流量的单位

是 bps, 不是 Bps


4.3. ntop 提供了使用 Google Maps 查看访问者地图,但是不灵。

得先申请一个 Google Maps API Key,下面的资料有介绍:



不过,怎么试都不灵。最后,看了一下网页源代码,发现 ntop 使用的 Google Maps v2 的API,现在已经作废不能用了。希望 ntop 尽快推出支持 Google Maps v3 的版本。

5. ntop 相关资料

(1) 百度百科:ntop
(2) 互动百科:NTOP
(3) 天下网盟:网管经验 用NTOP精确监控网络流量
(4) IT专家网:连载:安装配置NTOP监控Linux网络

(5) RHEL 5.4 下安装和使用 ntop 全纪录(就是本文)






