【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 5(III)词汇 Major Types of Payments

【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 5(III)词汇 Major Types of Payments

letter of credit  (银行发行的)[金融] 信用证  

A letter of credit is a letter from a bank that guarantees that buyer will pay a sum of money on time.   信用证是银行开出的保证买方按时付款的信用证。

If the buyer is unable to pay, the bank must pay the remaining amount.   如果买方不能付款,银行必须支付剩余的金额。

This payment method is appropriate when the buyer and the seller do not know each other very well.   这种付款方式适用于买卖双方不太了解对方的情况。

documentary collection   [金融] 跟单托收

In a documentary collection, a bank collects payment of goods for an exporter.  在跟单托收中,银行为出口商收取货款。

In order to collect the payment, the exporter needs to send the proper documents to the importer's bank along with payment instructions.   为了收取货款,出口商需要将适当的单据连同付款指示寄给进口商的银行。

Documentary collection is risky for exporters, since reimbursement is limited if the importer doesn't pay.   跟单托收对出口商来说是有风险的,因为如果进口商不付款,偿付是有限的。

Therefore, this method is recommended only for traders who have a long-term relationship. 【跟读】  因此,此方法仅适用于有长期关系的交易者。

open account  往来账户;未清结的账目;赊销

In an open account transaction, goods are delivered to the buyer before payment is due. 【填空】  在开放式帐户交易中,货物在付款到期之前交付给买方。

This makes it a high-risk payment option for the exporter, since there is no guarantee of payment.    对于出口商来说,这是一种高风险的付款方式,因为没有付款保证。

To combat this risk, exporters often purchase credit insurance, which reimburses the seller in case of a loss.   为了避免这种风险,出口商通常购买信用保险,万一卖方发生损失,信用保险会补偿卖方。

This has become a popular form of payment, since there is fierce competition in export markets.   由于出口市场竞争激烈,这已成为一种流行的付款方式。

【选择】-In what situation is it best to have a letter of credit?   - the buyer and the seller do not know each other 

【选择】In a documentary collection, a bank... collects payment of goods for an exporter.

【填空】A letter of credit guarantees that if the buyer is unable to pay, the bank must pay the remaining amount. 

【填空】A documentary collection method is recommended only for traders who have a long-term relationship. 

【填空】An open account transaction is a high-risk payment option for the exporter, since there is no guarantee of payment.    

【跟读】In a documentary collection, a bank collects payment of goods for an exporter.

remittance   n. 汇款;汇寄之款;汇款额

A remittance is the exchange of funds from an importer to an exporter via bank transfer.  【填空】  汇款是指进口商通过银行汇款将资金从一个国家转移到另一个国家。

After transferring the funds to the exporter, the bank will charge the importer a commission fee.   在把资金转给出口商之后,银行会向进口商收取佣金。

Today, many banks offter the electronic mode of transfer, which is much faster than traditional methods.   如今,许多银行采用电子转账方式,比传统方式快得多。

cash-in-advance  预付现金,预付款

With cash-in-advance terms, an exporter receives payment before they transfer their goods. 【填空】  采用预付现金的方式,出口商在转移货物前收到货款。

This commonly comes in the form of wire transfers or credit card payments.   这通常以电汇或信用卡支付的形式出现。

It helps avoid credit risks for the exporter, since they receive payment before shipping.   【跟读】  这有助于避免出口商的信用风险,因为他们在发货前收到货款。

However, the buyer may be concerned that they will not receive the goods if they pay in advance.  但是,如果买方提前付款,他们可能会担心无法收到货物。

【选择】-Why do banks provide remittance services?   -They make profits from comission.

【选择】-Which of the following is a common form of case-in-advance payment.   -wire tranfer

【选择】In what kind of transaction are goods delivered to the buyer before payment is due?   -open account

【选择】An exporter receives payment before they transfer their goods.   --- cash-in-advance

【跟读】A common form of case-in-advance payment is wire tranfer.

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