Displaying icons in a Flex ComboBox control

making the ComboBox control display icons also should be pretty trivial. Well, after about 2 minutes of analyzing the documentation, it turns out it is pretty simple. The trick was to set the iconField property on the ComboBox instance’s dropdown property, which is a reference to the combo box’s internal List control
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--  http://blog.flexexamples.com/2007/08/18/displaying-icons-in-a-flex-combobox-control/  -->
< mx:Application  xmlns:mx ="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
="white" >

< mx:Script >
            import mx.events.FlexEvent;

            public var BulletCheck:Class;

            public var BulletWarning:Class;

            public var BulletCritical:Class;

            private function init():void {
                comboBox.dropdown.iconField = "icon";
</ mx:Script >

< mx:ComboBox  id ="comboBox"
="Please select an item"
="init()" >
< mx:dataProvider >
< mx:Array >
< mx:Object  label ="Item 1"  icon ="BulletWarning"   />
< mx:Object  label ="Item 2"  icon ="BulletCritical"   />
< mx:Object  label ="Item 3"  icon ="BulletCritical"   />
< mx:Object  label ="Item 4"  icon ="BulletCheck"   />
< mx:Object  label ="Item 5"  icon ="BulletWarning"   />
< mx:Object  label ="Item 6"  icon ="BulletCheck"   />
< mx:Object  label ="Item 7"  icon ="BulletCheck"   />
< mx:Object  label ="Item 8"  icon ="BulletCritical"   />
</ mx:Array >
</ mx:dataProvider >
</ mx:ComboBox >

</ mx:Application >
