【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 3(I)Vocabulary Manufacturing Concepts

raw materials 原料

Raw materials are materials that have not gone through the manufacturing process, such as wood, iron, and crude oil. 原料是指没有经过制造过程的材料,如木材、烙铁和原油。

They are obtained from nature and sold to manufacturers by raw material suppliers.  它们由供应商从自然界获得并卖给制造商。

The availability of raw materials affects their costs and sales. 原材料的可得性影响他们的费用和销售。

So manufacturers need a stable supply.  因此,制造商需要一个稳定的供货渠道。

Parts and components 零部件

A component is something that belongs to a larger whole, such as a machine.   部件属于一个更大的整体物件,例如一台机器。

For example, tires and steering wheels are components of a car.   例如,轮胎和方向盘是汽车的部件。

A factory may only manufacture a specific component and supply it to a number of different companies.   一家工厂有可能只制造某个特定的零部件并将它供应给许多不同的公司。

assembly line 装配线

An assembly line is a process where a product is put together by moving through a series of workstations. 装配线是指通过一系列工作站将一个产品装配到一起的过程。

By moving the product from station to station, it is assembled much faster than one person making it by themselves.  通过将产品从一个站点移动到另一个站点,组装的速度比单人操作快得多。

An assembly line is a common method for manufacturing large or complex products, such as cars and electronics. 装配线是制造大型或复杂产品的常用方法,例如汽车和电子产品。

【填空】Materials that have not gone through the manufacturing process are called raw materials.

【填空】Something that belongs to a larger whole is called a component.

【填空】A series of workstations that put together a product is called an assembly line.

【填空】A factory may only manufacture a specific component and supply it to a number of different companies.

【填空】【跟读】A worker at one station of an assembly line repeats the same task.

【填空】Simple products, like furniture or clothing, are made up of few components.

【填空】The introduction of the assembly line eliminated the need for skilled labor in factories.

【填空】【跟读】This manufacturer is the leading producer of smartphone components.

【跟读】The introduction of the assembly line eliminated the need for skilled labor in factories.

quality control 质控

Quality control is a process used to ensure manufactured products meet a specific set of standards.   质量控制是一个过程,用来确保制造的产品符合一套特定的标准。

If a individual component doesn't meet quality standards, it will have to be replaced.    如果个别部件不符合质量标准,就必须更换。

Effective quality control helps a manufacturer create safe and reliable products, which help maintain its reputation.  有效的质量控制有助于制造商创造安全可靠的产品,这有助于保持其声誉。

finished goods   成品

Finished goods are products that have completed the manufacturing process but have not been sold.    制成品是指已经完成生产过程但尚未售出的产品。

After they have been finished, goods must be inspected to see if they meet safty and quality standards.  完工后,必须检查货物是否符合安全和质量标准。

Finished goods may be sold to other manufacturers or to retailers and wholesalers.   制成品可以卖给其他制造商,或零售商和批发商。

【选择】What happens if a component doesn't meet quality standards?   -It will need to be replaced.

【填空】Products that have completed the manufacturing process are called...     finished goods.

【填空】【跟读】Many problems can be prevented by implementing strict quality control regulations.

【填空】【跟读】As a quality control engineer, she needs to inspect machines and products in a large factory.

【跟读】Manufacturers inspect finished goods to make sure they meet certain standards.

【跟读】When a good becomes a finished good, its manufacturing process has been completed.

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