vagrant VS 其他软件(Vagrant vs. CLI Tools)


Vagrant is not the only tool to manage virtual machines and development environments. This section compares Vagrant to these other software choices.

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Vagrant vs. CLI Tools

虚拟化软件(如VirtualBox和VMware)一般都附带有命令行实用程序,用于管理其平台上的机器的生命周期。 许多人利用这些实用程序编写自己的自动化。 Vagrant实际上在内部使用了许多这些实用程序。

Virtualization software like VirtualBox and VMware come with command line utilities for managing the lifecycle of machines on their platform. Many people make use of these utilities to write their own automation. Vagrant actually uses many of these utilities internally.

这些CLI工具和Vagrant之间的区别在于,Vagrant以许多方式构建在这些实用程序之上,同时仍然提供一致的工作流程. Vagrant支持多种文件夹同步类型,多个机器配置方式,自动SSH设置,在您的开发环境中创建HTTP隧道等等。 所有这些可以使用一个简单的配置文件进行配置。

The difference between these CLI tools and Vagrant is that Vagrant builds on top of these utilities in a number of ways while still providing a consistent workflow. Vagrant supports multiple synced folder types, multiple provisioners to setup the machine, automatic SSH setup, creating HTTP tunnels into your development environment, and more. All of these can be configured using a single simple configuration file.

即使您忽略Vagrant提供的所有更高级功能,Vagrant仍然会对手动脚本进行一些改进。虚拟化软件提供的命令行工具通常会更改每个版本或具有解决方法的微妙错误。Vagrant自动检测版本,使用正确的标志,并可以解决已知问题。 所以如果你使用的是一个版本的VirtualBox,同事们使用的是不同的版本,Vagrant仍然会一直工作。

Vagrant still has a number of improvements over manual scripting even if you ignore all the higher-level features Vagrant provides. The command-line utilities provided by virtualization software often change each version or have subtle bugs with workarounds. Vagrant automatically detects the version, uses the correct flags, and can work around known issues. So if you're using one version of VirtualBox and a co-worker is using a different version, Vagrant will still work consistently.

对于不经常更改的高度特定的工作流程,维护自定义脚本仍然有益。 Vagrant旨在构建开发环境,但一些高级用户仍然使用CLI工具来执行其他手动操作。

For highly-specific workflows that don't change often, it can still be beneficial to maintain custom scripts. Vagrant is targeted at building development environments but some advanced users still use the CLI tools underneath to do other manual things.

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