网络功能虚拟化(Network Function Virtualization)又是一个不同的研究方向,这里只是结合自己研究的模型做简单的介绍。从字面理解,NFV=NF+V。
[2]:Network functions (NFs), also known as ”middleboxes”, are playing an increasingly important role in modern networks, ranging from mobile networks, enterprise networks, to datacenter networks.
[3]:Service Function: A function that is responsible for specific treatment of received packets. A service function can act at various layers of a protocol stack (e.g., at the network layer or other OSI layers). As a logical component, a service function can be realized as a virtual element or be embedded in a physical network element.
- improve the network performance:WAN Optimizer, web proxy and video transcoder, load balancer
- enhance the security :firewall, IDS/IPS
- monitor the traffic:lawful interception, passive network monitor
- 。。。
- are expensive
- require specialized managing personnel
- have high energy costs
- do not allow to add new functionality
- have short lifecycles
- 传统的虚拟化理解就是对操作系统中内存的虚拟化,将一部分外存虚拟化为内存,对用户是透明的。
- 又如,可以利用虚拟专用网技术(VPN)在公共网络中虚拟化一条安全,稳定的“隧道”,用户感觉像是使用私有网络一样。
- 以及云计算与虚拟化的结合(VPS)。通过在物理服务器上部署基于软件定义的虚拟机(VM),不但可以并行处理,满足网络峰值需求,还可以根据网络需求随时释放资源。
假如你有一栋超级大的空置的公寓,你想出租,但是每一位租客的需求是不一样的。租客1按颜色喜欢挑选,租客2按大小规格挑选。如果是传统方式,为了迎合不同类型的租客,就需要先分好不同颜色、不同大小的房间,一一对应。但是有了虚拟化技术,就可以忽悠了:“我有两栋公寓要出租,你喜欢红色那一栋还是蓝色那一栋?”。然后你对租客2说,“我有三栋公寓要出租,大、中、小,你喜欢哪一栋?”接着租客3。。。 继续忽悠。。。 然后,把这栋公寓虚拟化成不同的建筑风格,所有的租客都住进了你的虚拟公寓,你按住宿时间和使用空间来收租金。
Network functions virtualization (NFV) is a new network architecture framework where network functions that traditionally used dedicated hardware (middleboxes or network appliances) are now implemented in software that runs on top of general purpose hardware such as high volume servers.
- Services: A service is a set of VNFs, that can be implemented in one or multiple virtual machines.
- NFVI: NFV infrastructure covers all hardware and software resources
- NFV-MANO: NFV Management and Orchestration is
composed of: the orchestrator, VNFs managers and Virtualized
Infrastructure Managers.
- SDN跟NFV最明显的区别是,SDN处理的是OSI模型中的2-3层,NFV处理的是4-7。
- SDN主要是优化网络基础设施架构,比如以太网交换机,路由器和无线网络等。
- NFV主要是优化网络的功能,比如负载均衡,防火墙,WAN网优化控制器等。
我们刚才说的都是单一的NF,如果将多个NF组合在一起NFs,就构成的了Network function chaining (NFC)。每个NFC我们称之为Network Service (NS)。不同的NFV系统中需要考虑:
- number of VNFs
- their respective order in the chain
- the allocation of the chain in the Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure (NFVI), alsocalled Substrate Network (SN):如何映射
- Correctness : The sequential order must hold.
- Efficientcy : Traffic should not traverse unnecessary NFs.
- Independent passive NFs
- Chained NFs
the service chain: firewall → IDS → proxy, for security purposes.
[1]把这类问题定义为NFV resource allocation problem(NFV-RA)
One of the main challenges to deploy NFV is to achieve fast, scalable and dynamic composition and allocation of NFs to execute an NS.
- how to compose VNFs for a determined NS,
- how to efficiently allocate and schedule the VNFs of an NS onto a SN.
- VNFs Chain composition (VNFs-CC), also known in the literature as Service Function Chaining
- VNF Forwarding Graph Embedding(VNF-FGE)
- VNFs Scheduling (VNFs-SCH)
VNFs-SCH: is it better to execute each function in order to minimize the total execution time without degrading the service performance and respecting all the precedences and dependencies between the VNFs composing the NS?
- VNF-FG:就是端点策略(指定好源和目的地址的流)中添加服务功能,符合上述的NFs
- VNF-FGE:就是如何把VNF-FG嵌入(Embedding),简单是就是NFV的放置问题(Network Function Placement)
seeks to find where to allocate the VNFs in the network infrastructure in a suitable way, considering a set of requested network services
- off-line:VNF-FG和端点策略是输入,路由策略和where是输出
- Multi-Commodity Flow Problem
- LP model,NP-hard
- ordered NF chain,a single path
- dynamic
Cost-based placement of vDPI functions in NFV infrastructures[4]
- 只考虑一种功能:vDPI
- 商品流模型
- 优化目标:
- (1)最小化DPI放置的数量
- (2)最小化经过DPI流的负载
- 两者负相关:减少DPI的数量会增大流量负载
- 启发式贪心算法。centrality:集中性,节点i所经过最短路径流的数量数量越多,中性越好
Demand-Aware Network Function Placement[5]
- 不考虑的NFs顺序
- 商品流模型
- 优化目标
- 启发式算法:two-player non-zero-sum game
Virtual Network Functions Placement and Routing Optimization[6]
- 不考虑的NFs顺序,但是具有流量放缩的tunneling NF
- 商品流模型
- 多目标优化
- 资源约束分为CPU和RAM
Virtual Function Placement and Traffic Steering in Flexible and Dynamic Software Defined Networks[7]
Piecing Together the NFV Provisioning Puzzle: Efficient Placement and Chaining of Virtual Network Functions[8]
- 将SFC固定成集中模式:(1)单播;(2)多播;(3)分割
- 不是完全的商品流模型
- 优化目标:最小节点数
- 算法:二路搜索,通过将最优化目标:NFV安放的数量,转化为一个动态的约束条件,不断缩小上下界。
Joint Virtual Network Function Placement and Routing of Traffic in Operator Networks[9]
Eq. (5) to Eq. (11) ensure that the service chain is implemented and traversed in correct fashion for the traffic flows.
- CPLEX: lp求解器
- OPL语言: Optimization Programming Language
- JUNG: Java Universal Network/Graph Framework
- [1]Herrera, Juliver Gil, and J. F. Botero. “Resource Allocation in NFV: A Comprehensive Survey.” IEEE Transactions on Network & Service Management 13.3(2017):518-532.
- [2]Li, Xin, and C. Qian. “A survey of network function placement.” IEEE Consumer Communications & NETWORKING Conference IEEE, 2016:948-953.
- [3]Bhamare, Deval, et al. “A Survey on Service Function Chaining.” Journal of Network & Computer Applications 75.C(2016):138-155.
- [4]Bouet, M., J. Leguay, and V. Conan. “Cost-based placement of vDPI functions in NFV infrastructures.” Network Softwarization IEEE, 2015:1-9.
- [5]Lin, Tachun, et al. “Demand-Aware Network Function Placement.” Journal of Lightwave Technology 34.11(2016):2590-2600.
- [6]Addis, Bernardetta, et al. “Virtual network functions placement and routing optimization.” IEEE, International Conference on Cloud NETWORKING IEEE, 2015:171-177.
- [7]Mohammadkhan, Ali, et al. “Virtual function placement and traffic steering in flexible and dynamic software defined networks.” (2015):1-6.
- [8]Luizelli, M. C., et al. “Piecing together the NFV provisioning puzzle: Efficient placement and chaining of virtual network functions.” Ifip/ieee International Symposium on Integrated Network Management IEEE, 2015:98-106.
- [9]Joint Virtual Network Function Placement and Routing of Traffic in Operator Networks