From efficiency to greatness

Everyone has a certain purpose to live,we should find it and keep on it .this book helps you to find a way of how to find it and helps others to find it .

Find your voice

From chapter 1to chapter 5 ,the author leads us to take several steps to realising-the greatness that resides within ourselves.

1.what is voice?

Voice is a unique personal significance ,it lies in four parts:Talent,passion,need ,conscience.when you find your passion-that rises a great need in the world,that you feel what you are doing is morally right ,with a great clear conscience,the joint lies your voice.

Voice is a true nature,there are many gifts we were given from our birthday,there are so many gifts still unopened .it includes:talent,capacities ,privileges,intelligences,opportunities.we get freedom and power to choose (follow natural laws principles).our four intelligences /capacities are :

1.physical intelligence,PQ

2.mental intelligence, IQ

3.our emotional intelligence,EQ

4.spirit intelligence,SQ

Developing and using these intelligences will not only impact to expand your own capacities and also impact to influence others and inspire them.

2.How to find your voice?

We have to follow the four principles to leading a more balanced,integrated and powerful life.when you expand your four native human intelligences or capacities,you can express your voice into :Vision,discipline,passion and conscience.those four characters will helps us to enlarge our influences.

The author explains the four words in details:Vision is seeing a future state with the mind’s eye. I think Vision is a insight into reality and use it in the future.the most important Vision is to develop a sense of self,To realize our own potential,to image more big possibilities .

discipline is the executing,it will make things translate vision into reality.Pssion comes from heart ,it is a manifest as optimism,excitement,emotional connection,determination.the key to find your passion is to find your talent.Conscience is a inner light ,is the moral law .it is a small voice peaceful inside.

it can not goes well without any part.When vision ,discipline and passion are governed by conscience,it will changes the world for good .Or it will be a disaster,think about hitler.

Inspire others to find their voice

To inspire others is a important character of leadership.the author discusses leadership challenge focus on modelling and path finding because most of the world ‘s work is done in and through organisations(including families).

leadship is communicating to people their worth and potential so  clearly that they come to see it in is alike a inner fire goes out to rekindle others inner spirit.To help others sense his or her worth and potential for greatness  is a great leadership challenge.

The same diagram is still use in this part,this time the author try to use it to identify the problem in an organization.the 4roles of leadership are simply devoting from personal four qualities:


2.Aligning (Discipline)



1.Get wisdom and judgement

At first,the author explains the voice influence,taking initiative attitude to expand your influence.Be a trim-tab ,lead and spread your influence no matter what position you is a positively way to enlarge your influence circle.

Secondly ,Modeling character lays the foundation for trust .you can not have trust without is the key to all relationships,it is also a glue of organization.Trust comes from trustworthiness,trustworthiness comes from character and competence.when you develop both of them ,you will get wisdom and judgment.To improve yourself,you must improve yourself,living the 7habits of highly effective people.

2.How to find a Third-Alternative solutions?

One of the most difficult and challenging problems of work,life ,is how to deal with conflict.Is it a good way to avoid or to repress it or deny it?the capacity to find a solution,create a cooperation Is essential to us.

The Third-Alternative is not my way or your way ,it is our way .To think Win-Win,to listen carefully,the interesting tool is -Indian talking stick,only the person holding the talking-stick is permitted to speak,until you are stasfied that you are understood,others are not permitted to make their points.

3.Achieving shared vision and values

To makesure everyone in the organization is on the same page.Pathfinding is what is decided to focus on as an organization.empowering shared mission are produced when there are enough people to informed,meet the need of people and organization,in an environment of high trust.


Execution is aligning goals and systems for results.And make everyone involved releasing passion and talent.

Three alternatives to aligning:1)To believe that personal modeling of an individual is sufficient to keep an organization,2)to continuously communicating the vision and strategy ,3)adjust and align yourselves to regular feedback.

Are we an track?

Alignment is designing and executing systems and structures that reinforce the core values and highest strategic priorities of the organization.Make-sure to execute top priorities,and creat feedback systems we should focus on what matters the most,aligning to deal with the problems,to review what is happening now ,makesure we are on track.Three roles of leadership is essential to execute our shared mission.

5.Inspire people—to releasing passion and talent

Again,people is not “thing”,try not to control people,and don’t go to the opposite way,to abandon them.the third-alternative is both tougher and kinder,make a win -win agreements and line-of -sight goals.Take time to reflect on their worth and potential,trust them ,empower the knowledge worker.Do not be afraid to let go or giveup control.Try to make a win-win agreement,that commit your highest mutual priorities.

Organization greatness

The author indentifies six elements of how the industries age causes gaps in execution.And how the 8th habits can solve the problems.

1)clarity is not only  strategic decisions,is to identification and involvement of people.

2)Commitment:is whole person involved in a job

3)Translation :align people’s goals to their voice

4)Enabling :involed people setting up a very powerful visual

5)synergy:The-third Alternative

6)Acoountability :mutual accountabling ,sharing information.

Servant -leadership

This point astonished me at first,a servant-leader.To empowering and honouring people to choose in reaching top-priorities goals .And ask questions:1)how is it going)2)what are you learning?3)what are your goals ?4)how can I help you.The spirit of servant leadership will bloom the trust of a team.Trust is a key that person or team consciously choose to give to another.

Find your soul code

I’ve learned that when you don’t know the answer,ask several questions,try to answer it .The fist part:Find your voice ,it helps me to think about the following three questions:

1.what is my talent?

2.Is the skill I use in daily work is my passion?

3.Is it helpful to others?

To read a book is one thing ,to follow the rules is another.we don’t have to do the “great”things from now on ,we should do it in small things .maybe I cannot find it in one month or two ,I can spend a year to do it .it is alike the Nike slogan:Just do it .Do it day by day ,you will finally find who you are ,what is you important purpose,that’s you soul code.

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