Lesson 3 An unknown goddess (Speaking part)

Words and expressions

1 karma 因果报应

E.g. Vegetarians believe that eating meat is bad karma.(字典例句)

2 Incarnation 化身

The incarnation of evil 邪恶的化身

Synonym: embodiment

3 Test the water 摸清底细

E.g. You might test the water of your rivals before the contest.

4 Outlet 奥特莱斯,品牌折扣店;(电源)插座

5 Snobby/ snobbish 势利的

Cold-shoulder (verb) 冷落

Give sb the cold shoulder 冷漠对待

6 Pious (adjective) 虔诚的;道貌岸然的;伪善的

E.g. Pious acts 虔诚之举

Pious sentiments 虚情假意

7 Incense

(noun) 香(尤指宗教礼仪用的)

(verb) 激怒;使大怒

8 Excavator 挖掘机;发掘者

Excavate (verb) 发掘,挖出

9 Fortress 城堡,堡垒,要塞

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