[论文摘录] Toward a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing (GCE 2008)

Time: 6.0 hours
Youseff L, Butrico M, Da Silva D. Toward a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing. Grid Computing Environments Workshop, 2008. GCE '08 12-16 Nov. 2008 Page(s):1 – 10

Lamia Youseff
Ph.D. Candidate(可能快毕业或已经毕业了),
Department of Computer Science,
University of California Santa Barbara.

Research Interests
OS-virtualization for High Performance Computing (HPC) and cloud computing


1. 本文贡献
one of the first attempts to establish a detailed ontology of the cloud
(1) enable the community to design more efficient portals and gateways for the cloud
(2) facilitate the adoption of this novel computing approach in scientific environments
(3) assist the scientific community to expedite its contributions and insights into this evolving computing field
(1) a classification of its components
(2) relationship between components
(3) the components' dependency on some of the prior concepts from other fields in computing
(4) highlight some of the technical challenges involved in building cloud components in each layer
     and how these challenges were addressed in the predecessor areas of computing research
(5) constraints associated with specifying a user interface for each layer

2. 作者认为云计算的前驱技术包括
(1) cluster and grid computing
(2) virtualization
(3) P2P computing, SOA, autonomic computing, MapReduce

3. Composibility - 作者对不同的云系统进行分类的methodology (S3)
将云系统分为不同的layers, 下图是相应的cloud stack
[论文摘录] Toward a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing (GCE 2008)_第1张图片
分层的依据是: 如果一个云层A中的服务能够使用云层B中的服务组合构建, 那么云层A就在云层B之上.

4. Cloud Application Layer (SaaS)
使用这种模式, 软件维护变得简单,
    对于用户来说:  不需要自己升级软件, 打补丁, 降低寻求技术支持的费用
    对于开发商来说: 由于软件布置环境单一(在自己的数据中心, 而非用户桌面), 配置和测试变得简单; 又由于软件是部署在开发商自己的架构上, 可以比较频繁的对系统打补丁而不影响用户, 这样更利于系统稳定和及时更新.

    end users of the cloud
(1) security & availability of the cloud application 是主要的两个问题. 目前是使用SLA来避免, 作者提到了"lenient SLA", 不过没有详细展开这个lenient的情况, 或许存在什么问题或可以改进的地方?
(2) network outage & system failures
(3) integration of legacy application & migration of the users'  data to the cloud. 由于上面提到的一些原因, 导致用户对于迁移到云中心存迟疑.

5. Cloud Software Environment Layer (PaaS)
    cloud application' developers
    提供预定义好的API用于环境和云应用之间的交互, 加快部署, 支持可扩展性, 负载平衡. 还可以使用这个层次提供的通用服务(比如authentication service, email service等)

6. Cloud Software Infrastructure Layer
    security of the service
    availability and quality

作者将这一层的Cloud Service分成了三类

Computational Resources (IaaS)
这一层依赖的最关键技术是virtualization. 本文作者就是做"OS-virtualization for High Performance Computing"出身的, 既懂HPC, grid之类, 又懂Virtualization, 搞起云计算来想必是得心应手.

Data Storage (DaaS)
对此类云存储系统的要求有 high availability, reliability, performance, replication, data consistency等, 在实现时, 很难保证每个属性都得到满足, 因此要权衡取舍.
顺便说一句, 很多文章里都把这一类也归为IaaS的.

Communication (CaaS)
这个模型是云服务中被讨论最少的, 基于CaaS的可能应用包括VoIP, audio & videoconferencing, IM等, 进一步资料如下:
    William Johnston. Network Communication as a Service-Oriented Capability. High Performance Computing and Grids in Action, Advances in Parallel Computing, Volume 16, 2008
    Andreas Hanemann. PerfSONAR: A Service Oriented Architecture for Multi-domain Network Monitoring. ICSOC, 2005
    Joseph Hofstader. Communications as a Service. MSDN, Nov 2007

7. Software Kernel
这一层的实现可以是OS kernel, hypervisor, virtual machine monitor and/or clustering middleware.
通常的情况是: grid computing applications deployed and run on this layer on several interconnected clusters of machines.


8. Hardware and Firmware (HaaS: Hardware as a Service)
big enterprise with huge IT requirements (e.g. Morgan Stanley在2004年与IBM签订协议, 租用后者的硬件设备)
efficiency, ease and speed of provisioning such large scale systems
remote scriptable boot-loaders(PXE, UBoot, IBM Kittyhawk)等

9.  每个云层的Examples
[论文摘录] Toward a Unified Ontology of Cloud Computing (GCE 2008)_第2张图片

10. (S5) 云计算的由来 (从商业与技术的角度) (看起来比较靠谱)
    大型公司(如Google, Amazon)是根据最大负载来配置其IT基础架构的, 其平均负载可能大大小于最大负载, 导致其IT资源利用率较低. 因此, 这些公司想通过将这些空闲资源提供给外部用户使用来提高利用率. 由于是利用空闲资源, 成本很低, 对于用户很有吸引力. (商业上背景)
    当然, 这些空闲资源在提供给用户时, 必须要确保不影响或基本不影响公司原来的应用. 正好virtualization技术的发展可以保证这一点. 而且新的virtualization技术(比如live-migration, pause-resume等)针对云应用影响原有业务时有相应的解决方案. (技术上背景)

11. (S5) Monitoring for cloud system
作者认为这也是云计算的一个活跃的研究点. 常见的监控方法有tree-based systems和Gossip-based protocols. (有待进一步了解)


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