
High on life[1]: Amsterdam's hippy past[2]

① These days it is famous for having more bikes than people and scores of coffeeshops where[3] the sale of marijuana, though illegal, is tolerated.
② But back in the 1960s the Dutch capital was flourishing in a more overtly radical way.
③ An exhibition called "Amsterdam, The Magic Centre", which[4] opens today at the city's Stedelijk Museum, explores how the so-called Venice of the North got its start as a hub of art and countercultural thought.
④ Artists flocked to the city and the streets became a canvas on which they offered a critique of society with humour and irony.
⑤ One collective[5] bombarded a busy central square with huge inflatable objects; another artist decorated a gigantic Christmas tree on a main street in the middle of summer.
⑥ A highlight of the show is the squatter movement[6]'s how-to manual[7] for aspiring renegade homemakers.
⑦ Things may not be quite so psychedelic now, but the city has not lost its sparkle.


be famous for 以什么闻名
scores of 大量,许多

  • 同样表示“大量的”还有:a lot of; lots of; substantial; plenty; enormous; numerous

marijuana n. 大麻
Dutch adj. 荷兰人的 n. 荷兰语、荷兰人
flourish vi. 茂盛, 繁荣 vt. 挥动
overtly adv. 明显地;公然
capital n. 首都,省会 adj. 重要的;
radical adj. 根本的, 基本的; 彻底的, 完全的
激进的, 激进派的
so-called adj. 所谓的,号称的
hub n. 中心;毂;木片
countercultural 反主流文化
flock to 涌入(大规模的)
flock vi. 聚集;成群而行
canvas n. 帆布 adj. 帆布制的
critique n. 批评;评论文章 vt. 批判;评论
humour and irony. 幽默和讽刺。
collective adj. 集体的, 共同的, 共有的
collectivism n. 集体主义
inflatable adj. 必须充气才能使用的; 可充气的
gigantic adj. 巨大的,庞大的
aspiring adj. 有抱负的;追求…的;
renegade adj. 反叛的 n. 叛徒, 变节者
homemaker n. 主妇
psychedelic adj. (指药物)引起幻觉的,致幻觉的
sparkle vi. 发火花, 闪耀 n. 光亮; 活力; 闪光


high on life

  • I'm high on life=I'm living my life happily.


  • Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 dollars a day.


  • Birds with the same feather flock together.

  1. high on life是固定搭配,指快乐的生活 ↩

  2. hippy past:嬉皮时代。指1960年代到1970年代那些反抗习俗,反抗当时政治的一种文化。 ↩

  3. 定语从句where修饰前面的coffeeshops ↩

  4. 非限制性定语从句。which指代exhibition ↩

  5. One collective=one group of people 一组人 ↩

  6. squatter movement 占屋活动 ↩

  7. how-to manual 操作手册 ↩
