EM STC出差贴心指南

1 出差前 Before Travel

Discuss with your supervisor on the purpose, needs and itinerary of business travel before making any arrangement
1-1 请确保您是处于健康的状态 Make sure you are in good physical and health condition
  • 请确保您最近14天未曾去过国外(包括中国台湾,香港和澳门)
    Have not traveled from oversea including Taiwan, Hongkong, and Macao in the last 14 days
  • 请确保您在最近14天并未和任何疑似/确诊的COVID-19患者接触
    Not in contact with anyone sick with COVID-19 in the last 14 days
  • 请确保您没有不适
    Not feeling sick
  • 请确保您在最近10天体温小于37.3 ºC
    Body temperature < 37.3ºC in the last 10 days
  • 请确保您在最近10天没有咳嗽、胸闷、呼吸困难等症状
    No symptom of cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing in the last 10 days.
1-2 请自行查阅EM SSHE出差准则 Check ExxonMobil SSHE Travel Guidance
  • 确保您所去的目的地不在受限区域
    Make sure your destination is not within travel restriction area
1-3 请提前告知您的客户让其帮您安排进厂相关手续 Discuss with customer on arrangement for site entry in advance
  • 请遵守当地政府政策
    Follow local government policy
  • 当地政府或客户要求来访者出具的相关文件或相关流程
    Specific process & document requirement by local government and customer
1-4 请和当地社区居委会确认是否有任何特殊要求 Confirm with community residents committee if any specific requirement
  • 如有必要,请和社区居委会报备您的出差计划
    Provide your travel plan to community residents committee if necessary
  • 请了解最新的隔离政策
    Understand latest quarantine policy
1-5 请确认酒店、飞机、火车、机场和火车站的管理要求和相应禁止措施 Confirm with hotel / airlines / airport / railway station on requirements & restrictions
  • 请务必准备备选方案,以防出差计划由于不可抗拒因素改变
    Pay attention on unexpected schedule changes, think about plan B.
  • 请关注是否需要额外的流程以及相应的资料
    Additional process & document requirement
  • 出差的同事需注意最新住宿登机相关政策,例如对体温的要求以及酒店餐馆是否营业
    Latest travel guidelines incl. body temperature limits, availability of restaurants / food etc.
1-6 请准备一个出差旅行包 Prepare a travel kit
  • 旅行包应包含常规药物、体温计、抑菌手部清洁剂、酒精湿巾、一次性手套、眼镜、足够量的口罩(每天两片)以及足够的纸巾。
    Containing regular medicine / thermometer / anti-bacterial hand cleansers / alcohol wipes / disposable gloves / glasses and sufficient amount of fascial masks (2 pieces / day) and enough tissues.
1-7 请准备个人卫生用品 Prepare personal hygiene products
  • 包括筷子,勺子和毛巾以避免使用餐厅和酒店提供的共享用具
    Including chopsticks and spoon, towel to avoid use shared material supplied by restaurant / hotel
1-8 请将紧急联系人的卡片放在钱包里以防万一 Prepare a card for emergency contact and keep it in the wallet

2 出差中 During Travel

2-1 请尽早到达机场、火车站,以防进站安检和健康筛查导致排长队耽误时间 Plan earlier arrival to airport / train station to prepare for additional security / health screening process, long queue, etc.
2-2 请务必在公共场所一直佩戴口罩,包括跟客户开会时也需要佩戴 Always wear mask in public area including when meeting with customers
  • 口罩请一定要适时更换
    Mask needs to be replaced once it gets damp or contaminated
  • 请使用医用口罩,N95口罩或同等效果口罩
    Use surgical mask, N95 mask or equivalence
2-3 请在任何时候都要保持至少1m的社交距离 Always keep a safe social distance (>1m) with others whenever possible
2-4 请避免无必要的社交谈话和肢体接触,例如握手等行为 Avoid unnecessary social conversation and body contact e.g. hand shaking
2-5 请避免人群聚集的地方例如餐厅酒吧等地 Avoid gathering and using restaurants, lounges, bars, etc.
  • 确保食物一定是熟食
    Make sure food is fully heated before eating
  • 建议使用带盖子的杯子
    Recommend to use cups with cover
  • 建议避免堂食,最好带到酒店房间进食
    Recommend to take-away and eat at hotel room
2-6 安排地面交通时请务必检测车辆状况 Check car condition when arranging transportation
  • 请确保车辆已按要求进行杀毒
    Make sure it has been disinfected as per requirement
  • 请确保前后座之间有塑料隔断,建议坐在后排
    Make sure there is plastic barrier between front & back seat, recommend to take back seat
  • 请尽可能打开车窗让新鲜空气进入
    Open windows to allow fresh air flow as much as possible
2-7 在酒店里 In the hotel
  • 请用除菌剂尽可能清洁接触到的地方,例如门锁、电视开关/遥控器、电灯开关、电话、冰箱等等
    Use disinfectant to clean touch points as applicable. Such as door knobs, TV switch / remote, light switches, telephone sets, refrigerator etc.
  • 使用酒店电话时尽可能使用免提功能
    Use speaker whenever possible if using hotel telephone
  • 返回酒店时请清洁您的鞋子
    Disinfect your shoes when returning hotel
  • 如有可能,请开窗30min进行空气对流
    Open window for 30mins if possible
  • 请清洁您的手机
    Clean mobile phone using disinfectant
  • 如有可能,请每天清洗您的衣物
    Wash used clothes daily if possible
  • 避免使用酒店公共设施,例如健身房,游泳池除非您已确保该公共设施被有效清洁过
    Avoid usage of public/hotel facilities, e.g. gym or swimming pool unless you are sure they are disinfected
2-8 打喷嚏和咳嗽时请遮住鼻子和嘴巴 (请尽可能用一次性纸巾)Cover nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing (use disposable tissue if possible)
2-9 请将使用过的纸巾和口罩立刻丢入指定垃圾桶 Dispose used tissue and mask immediately to designated trash bins
2-10 请用正确的洗手方式洗手,保持好的卫生习惯,尤其要避免手接触粘膜组织例如眼睛、嘴巴和鼻子 Adopt good handwashing/ hand hygiene practices, particularly keep hands away from the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, and nose
2-11 尽可能避免接触点,接触以后请及时洗手或消毒。接触点包括如下内容: Avoid touch points whenever possible. Wash hands with water or disinfectant after used.
  • 酒店、交通、厕所等所有可以接触到的表面
    All surfaces that are touched in hotel, transportations, restrooms etc.
  • 门把手、门、前台、会议室、扶手
    Door handles and door-plates, reception areas, meeting rooms, handrails
  • 电话听筒
    Telephone handsets
  • 控制面板、键盘和电梯
    Key panels / pads such as security control, elevators
  • 桌子、冰箱、微波炉等
    Table, refrigerators, microwaves etc.
  • 洗手间,水龙头,厕所冲水按钮以及毛巾
    Cotton/ linen towels in washrooms, taps, toilet flush buttons
2-12 请每日检测您自己的身体健康状况 Monitor your physical and health conditions on a daily base
  • 如果您感到身体不适或出现发烧,胸闷或呼吸困难的症状,请立刻向您的部门主管报告
    Report to supervisor if you feel unwell and have symptoms of fever, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
  • 如果您感到身体不适,请立刻停止出差并寻求医疗治疗
    Stop the business travel and seek for medical assistance if you feel unwell
2-13 请您保持充足的睡眠和良好的心态 Get enough rest and keep in good mood

3 出差结束 After Travel

3-1 如有必要请提前准备/提交健康问卷调查 Prepare / submit health questionnaire in advance if needed
3-2 一旦返程请准时通知您的部门主管/社区居委会 Inform supervisor/ community residents committee on time upon your return
3-3 清洁消毒您的衣物 Clean and disinfect clothes separately
3-4 继续每日检测您的身体健康状态 Continue to monitor your physical and health conditions on a daily base

你可能感兴趣的:(EM STC出差贴心指南)