1.ballistic: extremely and usually suddenly excited, upset, or angry : wild
2.commotion: noisy excitement and confusion
3.obliging: willing to help : helpful in a friendly way
4.scald: to burn (someone or something) with hot liquid or steam
5.lollop: to proceed with a bounding or bobbing motion
loll: to hang loosely or laxly : droop
6.gambol: to run or jump in a lively way
7.dreadlock: a narrow ropelike strand of hair formed by matting or braiding
8.staggly: growing or hanging in an untidy way
9.protuberant: sticking out from a surface usually with a curved or rounded shape
10.auro: a special quality or feeling that seems to come from a person, place, or thing
11.dotty: mentally unbalanced : crazy
12.ominous: suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future
13.abysmal: extremely poor or bad
14.cactus: a plant that lives in the desert and that has many sharp points (called spines)
15.boil: a localized swelling and inflammation of the skin resulting from infection of a hair follicle and adjacent tissue, having a hard central core, and forming pus
16.pulsate: to make strong and regular beats, sounds, flashes, etc.
17.stunt: to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of
18.rancidof food : having a strong and unpleasant smell or taste from no longer being fresh
19.manure: solid waste from farm animals that is used to make soil better for growing plants
20.torso: the main part of the human body not including the head, arms, and legs
21.drench: to make (someone or something) completely wet
22.bracing: pleasantly cool or cold
23.disgruntle: to make ill-humored or discontented — usually used as a participial adjective
24.concuss: to cause (someone) to suffer a concussion
concussion: an injury to the brain that is caused by something hitting the head very hard ( US) ( Brit)
25.nonplus: to cause to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or do : perplex
26.ludicrous: very foolish
27.throttle: to choke or strangle (someone)
28.audacious: very confident and daring : very bold and surprising or shocking
29.spoof: deceive, hoax
30.kumquat: a fruit that looks like a small orange
31.rifle: to engage in ransacking and stealing
32.halfhearted: feeling or showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm
33.reptilian: resembling or having the characteristics of the reptiles
34.withers: the ridge between the shoulder bones of a horse — see horse illustration
35.musty: having a bad smell because of wetness, old age, or lack of fresh air