英语流利说 Level3 Unit2 Part4 - Calling Customer Service

Calling Customer Service


 Thank you for calling our customer support. 感谢您致电我们的客户服务部

Please listen to the following menu to help us direct your call. 请听下面的菜单,以帮助我们指导您的呼叫。

Please say or press 1 to pay your bill. 请说或按1付账。

Please say or press 2 to upgrade your service plan. 请输入或按2升级您的服务计划。

Please say or press 3 to report a technical problem. 请说或按3报告技术问题。

Please say or press 4 if you want to hear these choices again.如果你想再听一遍这些选项,请说4或按4。

I don’t want any of these choices.我不想要这些选择。

You may also go to our website for help.你也可以到我们的网站寻求帮助。

I went to your website but it didn’t help. 我去了你们的网站,但是没有用。

I want to speak to a human being.我想和一个人说话。(这里的人是指能做主或解决问题的人,因为客服或者机器都是非常机械的回答问题的)

Your business is very important to us.你的生意对我们很重要

Please say or press 5 or hang up to end this call.请说,或按5,或挂断电话。

None of these! 这些!

I want a human being. 我想要一个人。

I want to cancel my service.我想取消我的服务。

Please wait while we connect you to a servicerepresentative.请稍等,我们为您接通服务代表

Finally, this is what they call customer services?最后,这就是所谓的客户服务吗?

To assist our representative, please say your first and last name.为了帮助我们的代表,请说出您的姓名。

Tom Smith.汤姆·史密斯。

We heard Tom Smith. 我们听到汤姆·史密斯。

If this is correct, say or press 1. 如果这是正确的,请说或按1。

If this is not correct, say or press 2.如果这是不正确的,说或按2。

One. (男人回答 1)

Thank you. 谢谢你!

For security purposes, what was your father's middle name?为了安全起见,你父亲的中间名是什么?

He didn’t have a middle name.他没有中间的名字。

Thank you.谢谢你!

A customer service representative will be with you shortly.一位客户服务代表马上就来。

I’m sorry but our offices are closed. 对不起,我们的办公室关门了。

Please call back during business hours. 请在办公时间再打来。

Our business offices are open Monday through Friday, from 8am until 6pm. 我们的营业时间是星期一到星期五,上午8点到下午6点。

Thank you for calling.谢谢你打电话来。

(The customer isfrustratedbecause he wants to speak to a human being, not a machine.)(顾客很沮丧,因为他想和人说话,而不是机器。)

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