Data homegarden;
    INFILE cards;
    INPUT Name $ 1-7 Tomato Zucchini Peas Grapes;
    Zone = 14;
    Type = 'home';
    Zucchini = Zucchini*10;
    Total = Tomato+Zucchini + peas + Grapes;
    PerTom = (Tomato/Total)*100;
Gregor 10  2 40 0 14
Molly  15  5 10 1000
Luther 50 10 15 50
Susan  20   0 .  20
Proc print Data=homegarden;
    Title 'home gardening survey';

Data pumpkin;
    inFile cards;
    input name $1-16 age type $1. +1 date MMDDYY10. s1 s2 s3 s4 s5;
    type = upcase(type);
    avgscore = mean(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5);
    DayEntered = Day(date);
Alicia Grossman   13 c 10-28-2003 7.8 6.5 7.2 8.0 7.9
Matthew Lee        9 D 10-30-2003 6.5 5.9 6.8 6.0 8.1
Elizabeth Garcia  10 C 10-29-2003 8.9 7.9 8.5 9.0 8.8
proc print data=pumpkin;

data cars;
    infile cards;
    input name $ year make $ seats color $;
    if year < 1975 then status = 'classic';
    if name = 'Corvette' or name = 'Camaro' then make = 'Chevy';
    if name = 'Miata' then Do;
        make = 'mazda';
        seats = 2;
Corvette 1955 .       2 black
XJ6      1995 Jaguar  2 teal
Mustang  1966 Ford    4 red
Miata    2002 .       . silver
CRX      2001 Honda   2 black
Camaro   2000 .       4 red
proc print data=cars;

data home;
    infile cards;
    input name $1-7 works $9-33 cost;
    if cost = '.' then costgroup = 'missing';
    else if cost > 50000 then costgroup = 'high';
    else if cost < 10000 then costgroup = 'low';
    else costgroup = 'medium';
Bob     Kitchen cabinet face-lift   1253.00
Shirley bathroom addition          11350.70
Silvia  paint exterior                  .
Al      backyard gazebo             3098.63
Norm    paint interior               647.77
Kathy   second floor additon       75362.93
proc print data=home;

data Shakespeare;
    infile cards;
    input name $ 1-25 year type $;
    if type = 'comedy';
A Midsummer Night's Dream 1595 comedy
Comedy of Errors          1590 comedy
Hamlet                    1600 tragedy
Macbeth                   1606 tragedy
Richard III               1594 history
Romeo and Julirt          1596 tragedy
Taming of the Shrew       1593 comedy
Tempest                   1611 romance
proc print data=shakespeare;

data date;
    infile cards;
    input name $1-11 +3 birthday date9. +1 IssueDate MMDDYY10.;
    ExpireDate = IssueDate + (365.25*3);
    ExpireQuarter = QTR(ExpireDate);
    if IssueDate > '01JAN2003'D then NewCard = 'yes';
A. Jones      1jan60    9-15-03
M. Rincon     05oCT1949 02-29-2000
Z. Grandage   18mar1988 10-10-2002
K. Kaminaka   29may2001 01-24-2003
proc print data=date;
Format IssueDate MMDDYY10.;
Format birthday YYMMDD10.;
Format ExpireDate weekdate17.;

data games;
    infile cards;
    input day $  players $20. hits runs;
    retain var 0;
    var = sum(var, runs);
    retain maxrun 0;
    maxrun = max(maxrun, runs);
6-19 Columbia Peaches      8 3
6-20 Columbia Peaches      10 5
6-23 Plains Peanuts         3 4
6-24 Plains Peanuts         7 2
6-25 Plains Peanuts        12 8
6-30 Gilroy Garlics         4 4
7-1  Gilroy Garlics         9 4
7-4  Sacramento Tomatoes    15 9
7-4  Sacramento Tomatoes    10 10
7-5  Sacramento Tomatoes     2  3
proc print data=games;
