
11.11 synonym

英英释义:a word, name, or phrase that very strongly suggests a particular idea, quality, etc.    

例句:Wang Sicong has been a synonym for “fuerdai”, the rich second generation.     

“synonym”是“同义词”的意思,不过它常常可以用来表示“xx的代名词”,我们可以用 “synonym” 来描述一个人或事的流行程度。

搭配: the synonym for

同义:a byword for sth

比如,我们现在常会称一位运气极佳的人为“活锦鲤”,许多网友称支付宝锦鲤获得者信小呆是“锦鲤本人”,想用英文表达这层意思,我们就可以用到 “synonym”:    

Weibo user Xin Xiaodai, the winner of Alipay’s lucky draw campaign, has become a synonym for “the luckiest fish”.(用这个例句主要是帮大家记住“synonym”这个词,在这里意译了“锦鲤”)  

Wang Sicong has been a synonym/byword for “fuerdai”, the rich second generation.


Ever since Bill Hewlett and David Packard set up in a garage nearly 80 years ago, it has been a byword for innovation and ingenuity.    

这里用到了“A is a byword for B”,我们也可以把这里的 byword 用 synonym 替换:Silicon Valley has been a synonym for innovation and ingenuity.

基础比较好的朋友们除了掌握 synonym 的用法外,还可以拓展学习一下它的形容词 synonymous。



Muji is the byword/synonym for simplicity and elegance.    

参考翻译:Muji has been a synonym for minimalist and sleek design.)    



Mayun is the synonym for online shopping in China
