2020-02-13-How to work from-怎么在家工作-内附表达短语

How to work from home


Here is a modest guide to becoming asuccessful remote employee, a culmination of what I have learned along the way.



Don’t sleep where you work. Whether it is a rented office or a den converted into a home office or a cabin in the woods forthat matter, find a space away from your bedroom to work.



Get into groove. ”Having a consistent schedule and being kind of restrict about it is really useful for drawing outlines around your time so that you can keep things balanced for both workand play,” Said Jacqui Cheng, editor in chief of Wirecutter, and someone who’s worked from home full time for over 12 years.

进入状态,Wirecutter 公司的编辑总监,Jaqui cheng, 他过去12年一直都是全职远程式办公,说道“制定一个固定的计划表,然后严格执行,这样能帮助你做好时间管理框架,让你平衡工作与生活。


Play against distractions. Set boundariesif you are working at home by explaining to family members or children that yourwork area is off limits, and they should avoid interrupting unless it isimportant.



Trying to mix work and free time runs the danger of never quite powering down or shutting off, and can lead to burnoutand depression from being like you are always on and available. To boot, your friends and family miss out on the time you would spend with them if you workedin an office instead of at home. Make sure to enforce your boundaries.



Work from home 强调为公司打工

Work at home 强调办公地点

Work remotely Remote worker/employee distributed workforce分布式的员工团队

Modest adj谦虚的,但是在这个语境是指简易的意思,A modest guide 就是一个简易仁心指南

Live a modest life 过着一种简谱生活

A modest income 不高的收入

It was a nice wedding, necessarily modest 这场婚礼办得挺好,简单而不简陋

Guide to sth, 做某事的指南,一般后节名词或动名词

Rough guide to Beijing

Guide to Grammar and Writing

Harvard guide to using sources

Culmination n.顶点,巅峰

Success is usually the culmination ofcontrolling failure -名言‘控制失败到了极致,就是成功用“西尔维斯特-史泰龙

A guide to becoming a successful English learner.

Den n.私密的小空间

Convert vt.改装,改建

Convert the van into a limo把货车改成房车

Convert the attic into two bedrooms 把阁楼改成2个小房间Attic 阁楼

For that matter 具有同样作用的

Don’t sleep where your work 别在工作的地方睡觉


Don’t shit where you eat.

Don’t defecate where you consummate.别把事搞砸了/不要自断后路 短语

Get into the groove 进入状态

You have to find your own groove as soon aspossible

Consistent adj.保持一致的,始终如一的

Your words should be consistent with yourconduct.

He has always been very consistent. 他的状态始终如一

Draw outlines around your time 规划你的时间

Draw the outline 绘制轮廓

Set boundaries 设置界限

We need to set boundaries

We need to have some boundaries here.

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