Level6-U7L01 明星的品格


1. star v. 担任主角、主演

I enjoy watching anything starring him. 我喜欢看他主演的所有片子。

star 可以当动词用,用于谈论自己的爱豆!

My favorite actor starred in that movie! 我的爱豆主演那部电影!

2. a household name n. 家喻户晓的人

It was hard to believe that he would become a household name until that talent show. 真人秀之前,人们都很难相信他会火。

household 表示“家人;家庭”,如household chores 就是“家务”的意思。

3. scandal n. 丑闻,丑行

I would still watch his movies even if he was involved in scandals. 即使他深陷丑闻,我也会看他的电影。

a love scandal 桃色绯闻;

a political scandal 政界丑闻

Stop spreading that scandal online, it's so disgusting! 别在网上传播那些丑闻了,太恶心了!

还有一个很常见的是gossip,流言蜚语。Gossip Girl 就是大家熟悉的《绯闻女孩》。

4. abuse n. 滥用

He had to get over so many problems... like his alcohol abuse... in this early acting career. 在他职业早期,他得克服很多问题,比如他酗酒的毛病。

alcohol abuse酗酒; drug abuse 嗑药

His health was ruined by drug and alcohol abuse. 嗑药与酗酒毁了他的身体。


His father struggles with alcohol abuse.

struggle with 挣扎于……

5. role model n. 好榜样;模范

Sports stars are role models for thousands of youngsters. 运动明星是很多年轻人的榜样。

model n. 模特

supermodel n. 超模

很多人将自己偶像的海报贴在墙上鼓励自己,希望最好的自己配得上最好的爱豆,爱豆就是role model 啊!

6. imitate vt. 模仿

Young people imitate famous people. 年轻人会模仿名人。

除了imitate, 还可以使用copy来表示模仿。

He copies his father in the way he dresses. 他学着父亲的样子穿着打扮。

7. in the spotlight 备受关注的

Since he is in the spotlight, he needs to set a good example. 既然他备受瞩目,他就需要好好表现,给大家做个榜样。

spotlight n. 聚光灯

in the spotlight 字面意思是在聚光灯下,也就是非常出名。

8. on the mark 精准的;对的

His analysis is on the mark, if you ask me. I suggest we follow whatever advice he offers. 如果你问我的话,他的分析完全正确。我建议咱们都听他的。

on the mark 就是 exactly right.


Yes, the directions you gave me are on the mark, thanks! 你给我指的方向完全正确,谢谢!

9. content adj. 满意的;开心的

She is quite content to live on her own. 她很喜欢一个人独居。

be content with 满意于……

be content to do 满意于做某事

He seems fairly content with his life now. 他似乎对自己现在的生活很满意。

生活是如人饮水,冷暖自知,大家只要自己content 就好。

10. miss out 错失(享乐的机会)

It is a good thing he stopped drinking or people would missed out on a great actor.

11. ... shouldn't matter. ... is what counts.

Whether he's hot or not shouldn't matter. His personality and his affection towards you are what counts. 他长得是否性感并不重要,重要的是他的人品和他对你的爱。

a. B shouldn't matter. A is/are what counts. B没有那么重要,真正重要的是A。

b. 夸人好看,除了handsome, beautiful, 还可以试试 “hot”, 表示“性感”。


He goes to the gym everyday with the dream of achieving a six-pack. 他每天都去健身房,想练出腹肌。


What other people say shouldn't matter. Your inner peace is what counts.

12. break

I know it's hard to believe that he is a household name... What a lucky break! 我知道很难相信他会成为这样一个名人--太棒的突破了!

break 是一个十分常见的名词,表示漫长的努力之后迎来“珍贵的机会”,有“多年媳妇熬成婆”的感觉。

get a break 得到一个珍贵的机会

The understudy finally got a break when the star became ill. 这个明星生病了,他的替补终于得到了机会!(understudy n. 替补;替身)

She finally got a break to do her dream job in New York. 到达纽约,找到了梦想中的工作,她的机会终于来了!


She finally got her break in that talent show!

13. most definitely 那当然了

I'm sure he had to work harder than some celebrities. 

Oh, most definitely! 他一定比其他人工作得更加努力。哦,那当然了!

一般可以用definitely, absolutely 表示当然,如果是一件在你看来特别理所应当的事情,则可以用most definitely 去夸张、强调。

Just to emphasize, justice most definitely defeats evil! 再来强调一次,正义当然是会战胜邪恶的!


I am a  party animal, I will most definitely go to that party on Friday!

14. plus

Plus, he had tot get over so many problems. 而且,他还需要克服很多毛病。

plus 经常在口语中用来表示“而且”,相当于"and","besides",但是更加口语化。

Let's not go on holiday in August. It'll be too hot. Plus, it'll be more expensive. 我们不要在八月份去伦敦度假啦,太热了,而且会很贵。

Let's go home now, it's late. Plus, I'm hungry. 我们回家吧,现在很晚了,而且我饿啦,回去吃饭


There will be three adults coming for dinner tonight, plus a kid.

Your fluent English will be a plus in this job. 你流利的英语在这份工作中将成为一个亮点。

plus 作名词是“优势,长处;亮点”,也就是我们常说的“加分项”。在招聘广告中经常能看见:

Relevant working experience is a plus! 相关工作经验是加分项!


three plus 3+

15. You can't be serious. 你不是认真的吧

You can't be serious. Most celebrities have some defect or shortcomings. 你不是认真的吧,大多数名人都有这样或那样的缺点啊。

You can't be serious. 你不是认真的吧,你不是开玩笑的吧,相当于You must be kidding!

比如你一个十分内向、向往和平的朋友告诉你!I am joining the army. 

你可以很震惊地说: You can't be serious!

你可能感兴趣的:(Level6-U7L01 明星的品格)