
JsonPath to JSON is what XPATH is to XML, a simple way to extract parts of a given document. JsonPath is available in many programming languages such as Javascript, Python and PHP. Now also in Java!


{ "store": {

    "book": [

      { "category": "reference",

        "author": "Nigel Rees",

        "title": "Sayings of the Century",

        "price": 8.95


      { "category": "fiction",

        "author": "Evelyn Waugh",

        "title": "Sword of Honour",

        "price": 12.99,

        "isbn": "0-553-21311-3"



    "bicycle": {

      "color": "red",

      "price": 19.95





All authors:

List authors = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[*].author");

Author of first book in store:

String author = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[1].author");

All books with category = "reference"

List books = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[?(@.category == 'reference')]");

List books = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[?]", filter(where("category").is("reference")));

All books that cost more than 10 USD

List books = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[?(@.price > 10)]");

List books = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[?]", filter(where("price").gt(10)));

All books that have isbn

List books = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[?(@.isbn)]");

List books = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[?]", filter(where("isbn").exists(true)));

Chained filters

Filter filter = Filter.filter(Criteria.where("isbn").exists(true).and("category").in("fiction", "reference"))

List books = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[?]", filter);

Custom filters

Filter myFilter = new Filter.FilterAdapter>(){


                public boolean accept(Map map) {

                     return map.containsKey("isbn");  



List books = JsonPath.read(json, "$.store.book[?]", myFilter);

All prices in the document

List prices = JsonPath.read(json, "$..price");

Compiled path

You can pre compile a path and use it multiple times

JsonPath path = JsonPath.compile("$.store.book[*]");

List books = path.read(json);


Asserts are made with Hamcrest matchers

JsonAssert.with(json).assertThat("$.store.bicycle.color", Matchers.equalTo("red"))

          .assertThat("$.store.bicycle.price", Matchers.equalTo(19.95D));

Add some static imports and you get this

with(json).assertThat("$.store.bicycle.color", equalTo("red"))

          .assertThat("$.store.bicycle.price", equalTo(19.95D));

The Hamcrest library contains a lot of different matchers and they can often be nested.

with(json).assertThat("$..author", hasItems("Nigel Rees", "Evelyn Waugh"))

          .assertThat("$..author", is(collectionWithSize(equalTo(2))));

with(json).assertThat("$.store.book[?(@.category == 'x')]", emptyCollection());

If you don't find the matcher you need, roll your own.


Json-path is available at Maven Central,add below dependency into pom.xml :

