
   1: enable JMX management for tomcat
      Tomcat doesn't enable the jmx management interface by default,so we have to enable it first before using it. it is very easy to do, all we need to do is add the following arguments into the script "catalina.bat".
   Notes: 8060 is the rmi port for JMX MBeanServer. 

   2: start tomcat

   3: start  jconsole  to view  all the  beans  in  tomcat container;

     start-->run--> jconsole ; a window will be poped up:
     select advance. then input url: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:8060/jmxrmi
     don't put the username and password . because we didn't enable the ssl.
      click connect . now you can view all the mbean in tomcat server. and can easily   manage the mbean.


