namespace Cornfield
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
class MyPing
public static void Main(string[] argv)
if(argv.Length==1 || argv.Length==2)
Console.WriteLine("Invalid Command.");
Console.WriteLine("Usage : 1. MyPing <hostname>.") ;
Console.WriteLine(" 2. MyPing <hostname> <client>.");
string[] hao = new string[2];
hao[1] = "localhost";
hao[0] = "focweb_hao";
public static void PingHost(string[] hostclient)
// 1。解析地址的地址模式,较常用的为AddressFamily.InterNetwork,即IPv4地址。
// 2。Socket套接字类型,一般为SocketType.Raw原始类型。
// 3。网络协议类型,这里Ping用的是Internet控制报文协议ProtocolType.Icmp.
Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Icmp);
IPHostEntry hostInfo;
hostInfo = Dns.GetHostByName(hostclient[0]);
Console.WriteLine("Unknown host {0}.",hostclient[0]);
return ;
// 取主机0号端口
EndPoint hostPoint= (EndPoint)new IPEndPoint(hostInfo.AddressList[0], 0);
IPHostEntry clientInfo;
if (hostclient.Length==2)
clientInfo =Dns.GetHostByName(hostclient[1]);
clientInfo = Dns.GetHostByName(Dns.GetHostName());
Console.WriteLine("Unknown client {1}.",hostclient[1]);
return ;
// 取客户机0号端口
EndPoint clientPoint = (EndPoint)new IPEndPoint(clientInfo.AddressList[0], 0);
int DataSize = 32; // ICMP数据包大小;
int PacketSize = DataSize + 8;//总报文长度
const int ICMP_ECHO = 8;
IcmpPacket packet = new IcmpPacket(ICMP_ECHO,0,0,45,0,DataSize);
Byte [] Buffer = new Byte[ PacketSize ];
int index=packet.ConvertToByte(Buffer);
if( index != PacketSize)
Console.WriteLine("There is something wrong with Packet Data !");
return ;
int cksum_buffer_length =(int)Math.Ceiling( ((Double)index)/ 2);
UInt16 [] cksum_buffer = new UInt16[cksum_buffer_length];
int icmp_header_buffer_index = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < cksum_buffer_length; i++ )
cksum_buffer[i] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer,icmp_header_buffer_index);
icmp_header_buffer_index += 2;
packet.CheckSum =IcmpPacket.SumOfCheck(cksum_buffer);
// 保存校验和后,再次将报文转化为数据包
Byte [] SendData = new Byte[ PacketSize ];
index= packet.ConvertToByte(SendData);
if( index != PacketSize)
Console.WriteLine("There is something wrong with Packet Data !");
return ;
int nBytes=0;
int startTime = Environment.TickCount;
if ((nBytes = socket.SendTo(SendData, PacketSize, SocketFlags.None,(EndPoint) hostPoint)) == -1)
Console.WriteLine("Socket can not send packet");
Byte [] ReceiveData = new Byte[256];
nBytes = 0;
int timeout=0 ;
int timeConsume=0;
nBytes = socket.ReceiveFrom(ReceiveData, 256,SocketFlags.None,ref clientPoint);
if (nBytes == -1)
Console.WriteLine("Host not Responding") ;
else if(nBytes>0)
timeConsume = System.Environment.TickCount - startTime;
Console.WriteLine("Reply from "+hostPoint.ToString()+" in "
+timeConsume+"MS :Bytes Received"+nBytes);
timeConsume=Environment.TickCount - startTime;
Console.WriteLine("Time Out") ;
public class IcmpPacket
private Byte _type; // 报文类型
private Byte _subCode; // 字代码类型
private UInt16 _checkSum; // 报文校验和
private UInt16 _identifier; // 识别符
private UInt16 _sequenceNumber; // 序列号
private Byte [] _data;
public IcmpPacket(Byte type,Byte subCode,UInt16 checkSum,UInt16 identifier,UInt16 sequenceNumber,int dataSize)
_data=new Byte[dataSize];
for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++)
_data[i] = (byte)'#';
public UInt16 CheckSum
get{ return _checkSum;}
set{ _checkSum=value; }
public int ConvertToByte(Byte[] buffer)
Byte [] b_type = new Byte[1]{_type};
Byte [] b_code = new Byte[1]{_subCode};
Byte [] b_cksum = BitConverter.GetBytes(_checkSum);
Byte [] b_id = BitConverter.GetBytes(_identifier);
Byte [] b_seq = BitConverter.GetBytes(_sequenceNumber);
int i=0;
Array.Copy( b_type, 0, buffer, i, b_type.Length );
i+= b_type.Length;
Array.Copy( b_code, 0, buffer, i, b_code.Length );
i+= b_code.Length;
Array.Copy( b_cksum, 0, buffer,i, b_cksum.Length );
i += b_cksum.Length;
Array.Copy( b_id, 0, buffer, i, b_id.Length );
i+= b_id.Length;
Array.Copy( b_seq, 0, buffer, i, b_seq.Length );
i += b_seq.Length;
Array.Copy(_data, 0, buffer, i, _data.Length );
i += _data.Length;
return i;
public static UInt16 SumOfCheck( UInt16[] buffer )
int cksum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<buffer.Length;i++)
cksum += (int) buffer[i];
cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xffff);
cksum += (cksum >> 16);
return (UInt16)(~cksum);