Seven super tips for successful selling on Amazon

  1. Check for orders daily: To ship quickly you need to find out about orders promptly. We will e-mail you when you have a sale, but e-mails are unreliable and can be caught by spam filters. We recommend checking for orders daily in your seller account. Under the Orders tab you can view a list of orders you’ve received and set up automatic order reports. We also offer an order notification application that makes it easy to keep on top of orders.
  2. Ship orders and confirm shipments promptly: Once an order is placed, you are responsible for confirming shipment of the order after you’ve sent it. Amazon charges the buyer's credit card only after you have confirmed shipment of the order. Use the Manage Orders tool in your seller account to confirm shipments.
  3. Check your inventory regularly to avoid stock-outs: Buyers who order products that end up being out of stock often leave negative feedback. Keep an eye on the quantity of inventory you have in stock and update your listings in your seller account accordingly. Use the Manage Inventory tool in your seller account to update listing quantities.
  4. Keep pricing accurate: The Offer Listing Page displays the lowest priced items first. Amazon shoppers are always looking for the best deals and are more inclined to purchase items that appear at the top of the Offer Listing Page. Use the Manage Inventory tool in your seller account to enter your listings’ prices.
  5. Be accessible to buyers: Not knowing the status of an order can be very frustrating to a buyer. Respond quickly to buyer contacts. Make it easy for them to know how to reach you. Good communication helps build buyer trust and fosters repeat business.
  6. Build a good feedback rating: Customers pay close attention to sellers' feedback when making purchasing decisions. Some keys to building a good feedback rating are: accurately describing your products, shipping orders quickly, and providing prompt, polite responses to buyer questions.
  7. Know where to look for answers: Our seller Help pages contain a wealth of information about the listing tools available to you, performance measurement, selling policies, and much more. And best of all, it’s available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Just log in to your seller account and click “Help” in the upper right corner of the home page.
