


I just don't get AppleTV. I mean, I totally get it, I understand the intent, but I can do these things now, with either DVDs and Blockbuster Video or with my existing cable TV service. Certainly the seamlessness of the experience between iTunes, AppleTV and iPhone is a huge thing and amazing, but while iTunes and an iPod seem natural, AppleTV seems forced and stilted. I wonder if it'll really stick around for a number of years or if the studios look at it as "just another outlet."

我就是没有AppleTV 。 我的意思是,我完全能够理解,我理解的意图,但我现在可以做这些事情,无论是与DVD和巨型炸弹录影或与我现有的有线电视服务。 iTunes,AppleTV和iPhone之间的体验的无缝性无疑是一件巨大的事情,而且令人赞叹,但是,尽管iTunes和iPod看起来很自然,但AppleTV似乎是被迫和固步自封。 我想知道它是否会持续存在数年,或者电影制片厂是否将其视为“另一个出口”。

点播电影,现价$ 4至$ 5 (On Demand Movies for $4 to $5)

I've had the ability to rent movies on demand for YEARS on Comcast Cable, and they have had HD movies for two years. They aren't portable (see below) but certainly I can sit down and watch a movie instantly unless I'm too lazy to walk to the video store.

我有能力按需租借Comcast Cable上的YEARS电影,并且他们拥有高清电影已有两年了。 它们不是便携式的(请参阅下文),但是除非我懒得走到音像店,否则我当然可以坐下来立即看电影。

The Xbox360 also has On Demand movies in an almost identical way to the AppleTV, and the wife has started using that more and more. We watched "Hairspray" in HiDef and she was impressed with the experience. The benefit of course is that I already have an Xbox (as do 13 million other folks) and that it's a more versatile machine. It'd be cool if you could surf the web on an Apple TV and if it included a slot loading hi-def DVD player; that might make it more useful.

Xbox360还以与AppleTV几乎相同的方式播放点播电影,而妻子已经开始越来越多地使用点播电影。 我们在HiDef中观看了《发胶》,她的经历给她留下了深刻的印象。 当然,这样做的好处是我已经有了Xbox(其他1300万用户也是如此),并且它是一台功能更广泛的机器。 如果您可以在Apple TV上浏览网页,并且其中包含可加载高清DVD播放器的插槽,那就太好了; 可能会使它更有用。

We find that a "DVD Total Access" pass is the best way for us to watch movies. We pay $20 and we get as many movies as we can turn around in the mail, which is usually ~6 a month or roughly $3 each. We can watch them anywhere, anytime, they don't expire or have late fees. I take them on planes and we watch half downstairs then take it upstairs to finish the last half. In this case, molecules are more portable than electrons for my family.

我们发现“ DVD Total Access”通行证是我们观看电影的最佳方式。 我们要付20美元,然后我们才能在邮件中获得尽可能多的电影,通常每个月大约6个,每个电影大约3美元。 我们可以随时随地观看它们,它们不会过期或收取滞纳金。 我将它们带上飞机,然后我们看着楼下的一半,然后再上楼完成最后一半。 在这种情况下,对于我的家庭来说,分子比电子更容易携带

和你一起拍电影 (Take a Movie with You)

It's a legal gray area, but I could also rip the rented CDs and watch them on my PSP or iPod, then delete them when I return the movie.


This, to me, is the #1 draw of the AppleTV. If you've got iPods and iPhones then being able to buy a movie in one place and watch it anywhere, even stopping at home and finishing on a plane. I can do this with DVDs that I get in the mail from Blockbuster, though, and they are excessively portable.

对我来说,这是AppleTV的第一名。 如果您拥有iPod和iPhone,则可以在一个地方购买电影并在任何地方观看,甚至可以在家中停下来坐飞机。 但是,我可以使用从Blockbuster收到的DVD中的DVD来做到这一点,因为它们具有很高的便携性。

存储您自己的内容 (Storage For Your Own Content)

Ripping and storing your own content to the AppleTV is the second most interesting feature I think, but that can be done with any NAS (Network Attached Storage) device and most any uPNP device, provided the codecs line up.


I kind of like having DVDs as storage, rather than the "psychic weight" of worrying about a hard drive crashing with 150 lovingly ripped DVDs sitting on it.


As the anonymous blogger at Shipping Seven says (caustically) about the lack of a DVD Drive on the new Macbook Air:

正如Shipping Seven的一位匿名博客作者(毫无疑问)谈到,新Macbook Air缺少DVD驱动器:

Dumping the DVD drive is a risky move. Yes, they are bulky, and are not used very much. But walk around any airplane/train, and you'll see a huge number of people with laptops watching movies.
Here's a hint, Apple: Not all those people are going to rent a movie off iTunes for a four-hour flight,
like you cheerfully propose. I can borrow a movie from my roommate's DVD collection. For free. For more than 24 hours. People generally pick the easiest and cheapest solution available to them.

丢弃DVD驱动器是冒险的举动。 是的,它们体积庞大,并且使用不多。 但是,在任何飞机/火车上四处走走,您会看到大量的人带着笔记本电脑看电影。 苹果公司,这暗示着:并非所有这些人都会iTunes上的乐意那样,从iTunes租借电影四小时 我可以从室友的DVD专辑中借电影。 免费。 超过24小时。 人们通常会选择最简单,最便宜的解决方案。

It's true, folks like cheap; I like cheap.

的确,人们喜欢便宜。 我喜欢便宜。

在电视上观看照片 (Watch Photos on my TV)

My TV, and many TVs, have an SD slot for photo slideshows, and the Xbox has both USB for docking a camera directly and uPNP, so this is interesting, but not incredibly so. If I could plug a digital camera directly into the AppleTV, that might be cool. (It has USB, can I do this now?)

我的电视以及许多电视都具有用于照片幻灯片播放的SD插槽,而Xbox既具有用于直接对接相机的USB接口,又具有uPNP,因此这很有趣,但并非如此。 如果我可以将数码相机直接插入AppleTV,那可能很棒。 (它具有USB,现在可以执行此操作吗?)

电视节目 (Television Shows)

Why would I want to pay $2 (TWO DOLLARS!) for a TV Show "the day after it airs" when I can watch it for free by visiting, or or any other Torrent site? And who wants to own a TV show. Why not 50 cents just to rent it? I'll wait until it comes out on DVD for those prices.

我为什么要访问支付$ 2(两块钱!)一档电视节目“它在播出一天后,”当我可以免费观看 ,或www.nbc.com或任何其他Torrent网站? 谁想拥有电视节目呢? 为什么不只租50美分呢? 我要等到这些价格以DVD发行。

This is another example of where I think the Cable TV set-top boxes have advantage (today). For example, I get Showtime and I watch my favorite show, Dexter, on Showtime, but if I miss an episode, the entire season is sitting in the On Demand Menu for free. Why pay?

这是我认为有线电视机顶盒具有优势(今天)的另一个示例。 例如,我获得了Showtime,并且在Showtime上观看了我最喜欢的节目Dexter,但是如果我错过一集,则整个季节都是免费的On Demand Menu。 为什么要付款?

效用 (Utility)

I really avoid buying gadgets unless they will fit into my, and my family's, lifestyle in a seamless and utilitarian way. The WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) is about making everything "one button easy" like we have with the Harmony 880 Remote. When we moved to the new house I swapped out some equipment and we started using the Xbox as our primary DVD player. The wife was "shielded" from this because the Watch DVD button the Remote still worked as she expected.

我真的避免购买小配件,除非它们能以无缝和实用的方式适应我以及我的家人的生活方式。 WAF(妻子接受因子)旨在使所有功能像“ Harmony 880遥控器”一样“轻松一键”。 当我们搬到新家时,我换了一些设备,开始使用Xbox作为我们的主要DVD播放器。 妻子因此受到了“保护”,因为遥控器的Watch DVD按钮仍然按预期工作。

I can see how an AppleTV could be a central part of one's media life, but I guess even though the Xbox is a totally different devices, perhaps, at least in my house, the Xbox has already taken its place as the "Box that does all things well."


Do you have an AppleTV and do you like it? Is this a gadget worth having? Is it indispensable like a GPS, MP3 Player or Tivo?

您有AppleTV吗?您喜欢吗? 这是一个值得拥有的小工具吗? 是否像GPS,MP3播放器或Tivo一样必不可少?

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