Link List

At first, i prepared to go through 《the introduction to algorithm》 ,however , i found some part of the book is difficult to understand; what’s more , i can’t borrow the book in the library. Then i found another book, 《algorithm in C》,which reveal most basic idea of some classical algorithm, so i decide to read this book firstly.

example 1:josephus funciton



typedef struct node* link;

struct node


    int item;

    link next;


int main(int argc,char *argv[])


    int i, N, M;


    node *t = new node,*x;

    x = t;

    t->item = 1;

    t->next = t;

    for (i = 2; i <= N; i++)


        x->next = new node;

        x = x->next;

        x->item = i;

        x->next = t;


    while (x != x->next)


        for (i = 1; i < M; i++)


            x = x->next;


        x->next = x->next->next;





example2: reverse link list



typedef struct node* link;

struct node


    int item;

    link next;



        next = NULL;



link reverse(link x)





    link t, y = x, r = NULL;

    while (y != NULL)


        t = y->next;

        y->next = r;

        r = y;

        y = t;


    return r;


int main(int argc,char *argv[])


    int i, N, M;


    node *t = new node,*x,*head;

    x = t;

    head = t;

    t->item = 1;

    t->next = t;

    for (i = 2; i <= N; i++)


        x->next = new node;

        x = x->next;

        x->item = i;


    node *newhead = reverse(head);

    while (newhead != NULL)


        printf("%d ",newhead->item);

        newhead = newhead->next;


