nuScenes相比于其他的数据集,例如kitti apollo scape等,增加了radar(毫米波雷达)传感器,对于传感器的对比,可参考Lidar vs Radar vs Camera。radar的引入,给自动驾驶系统提供了在恶劣条件下相机与激光雷达传感器失灵的解决方案,同时其具有良好的性价比。
attribute {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"name": <str> -- Attribute name.
"description": <str> -- Attribute description.
calibrated_sensor {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"sensor_token": <str> -- Foreign key pointing to the sensor type.
"translation": <float> [3] -- Coordinate system origin in meters: x, y, z.
"rotation": <float> [4] -- Coordinate system orientation as quaternion: w, x, y, z.
"camera_intrinsic": <float> [3, 3] -- Intrinsic camera calibration. Empty for sensors that are not cameras.
category {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"name": <str> -- Category name. Subcategories indicated by period.
"description": <str> -- Category description.
"index": <int> -- The index of the label used for efficiency reasons in the .bin label files of nuScenes-lidarseg. This field did not exist previously.
ego_pose {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"translation": <float> [3] -- Coordinate system origin in meters: x, y, z. Note that z is always 0.
"rotation": <float> [4] -- Coordinate system orientation as quaternion: w, x, y, z.
"timestamp": <int> -- Unix time stamp.
instance {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"category_token": <str> -- Foreign key pointing to the object category.
"nbr_annotations": <int> -- 某个实例在一个scene中被标注的次数
"first_annotation_token": <str> -- Foreign key. Points to the first annotation of this instance.
"last_annotation_token": <str> -- Foreign key. Points to the last annotation of this instance.
lidarseg {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"filename": <str> -- .bin格式的雷达标注文件名称,以uint8的数组数据类型,以二进制格式进行存储)
"sample_data_token": <str> -- Foreign key. Sample_data corresponding to the annotated lidar pointcloud with is_key_frame=True.
log {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"logfile": <str> -- Log file name.
"vehicle": <str> -- Vehicle name.
"date_captured": <str> -- Date (YYYY-MM-DD).
"location": <str> -- Area where log was captured, e.g. singapore-onenorth.
map {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"log_tokens": <str> [n] -- Foreign keys.
"category": <str> -- Map category, currently only semantic_prior for drivable surface and sidewalk.
"filename": <str> -- Relative path to the file with the map mask.
sample {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"timestamp": <int> -- Unix time stamp.
"scene_token": <str> -- Foreign key pointing to the scene.
"next": <str> -- Foreign key. Sample that follows this in time. Empty if end of scene.
"prev": <str> -- Foreign key. Sample that precedes this in time. Empty if start of scene.
sample_annotation {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"sample_token": <str> -- Foreign key. 说明来自哪个sample
"instance_token": <str> -- Foreign key. 指向某个instance,因为一个实例可以有很多次标注
"attribute_tokens": <str> [n] -- Foreign keys. 这次标注中对象的属性,因为一个目标的属性在不同时间一直在改变所以目标的属性归属于此处管理,而不是归于实例
"visibility_token": <str> -- Foreign key 目标的可见性特征,目标的可见性会一直会改变。
"translation": <float> [3] -- 标注框的中心坐标值
"size": <float> [3] -- 标注框的大小
"rotation": <float> [4] --标注框的方向四元数
"num_lidar_pts": <int> -- 一个雷达扫描期间在标注框内的雷达点
"num_radar_pts": <int> -- Number of radar points in this box. Points are counted during the radar sweep identified with this sample. This number is summed across all radar sensors without any invalid point filtering.
"next": <str> -- Foreign key. 同一个目标定的下一个sample_anatation
"prev": <str> -- Foreign key. Sample annotation from the same object instance that precedes this in time. Empty if this is the first annotation for this object.
sample_data {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"sample_token": <str> -- Foreign key. 指向sample_data所关联的sample
"ego_pose_token": <str> -- Foreign key.
"calibrated_sensor_token": <str> -- Foreign key.
"filename": <str> -- Relative path to data-blob on disk.
"fileformat": <str> -- Data file format.
"width": <int> -- If the sample data is an image, this is the image width in pixels.
"height": <int> -- If the sample data is an image, this is the image height in pixels.
"timestamp": <int> -- Unix time stamp.
"is_key_frame": <bool> -- True if sample_data is part of key_frame, else False.
"next": <str> -- Foreign key. 来自同一传感器的在下一时刻的数据,如果是scene的末尾,赋值为空。
"prev": <str> -- Foreign key. Sample data from the same sensor that precedes this in time. Empty if start of scene.
scene {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"name": <str> -- Short string identifier.
"description": <str> -- 例如,某一辆车正在某条路上靠右行驶等描述性词汇
"log_token": <str> -- Foreign key. 指向某个log
"nbr_samples": <int> -- 场景中的sample数量
"first_sample_token": <str> -- Foreign key. 场景中的第一个sample.
"last_sample_token": <str> -- Foreign key. Points to the last sample in scene.
sensor {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"channel": <str> -- Sensor channel name.
"modality": <str> {
camera, lidar, radar} -- Sensor modality. Supports category(ies) in brackets.
visibility {
"token": <str> -- Unique record identifier.
"level": <str> -- Visibility level.
"description": <str> -- Description of visibility level.
作者使用nuScenes anacator进行数据的标记。