Our latest release, and the final installment in the Unity 5 cycle, includes the Progressive Lightmapper preview, new Light Modes, Vulkan support, a new video player, support for Facebook Gameroom, Google Daydream and much more.
我们的最新版本以及Unity 5周期的最后一部分,包括渐进式Lightmapper预览,新的灯光模式,Vulkan支持,新的视频播放器,对Facebook Gameroom,Google Daydream的支持等等。
Unity 5 launched two years ago at GDC 2015, and today we conclude the cycle with the release of 5.6. We hope that your projects will benefit from the many features and improvements that it includes.
Unity 5于两年前在GDC 2015上发布,今天我们以5.6的发布结束了这一周期。 我们希望您的项目将从其包括的许多功能和改进中受益。
Get Unity 5.6 now here for existing users, and here if you’re new to Unity!
现在,这里为现有用户提供 Unity 5.6,如果您不熟悉Unity ,也可以在这里获取!
Massive lighting improvements 5.6 includes the Progressive Lightmapper preview, which provides immediate feedback when trying out different lighting scenarios, and much faster iteration compared to the current Enlighten solution. 5.6 also offers Light Modes, which allow for various ways of mixing real time and baked lighting for static and dynamic objects.
大规模照明改进 5.6包括Progressive Lightmapper预览版,在尝试不同的照明场景时可提供即时反馈,并且与当前的Enlighten解决方案相比,迭代速度更快。 5.6还提供了灯光模式,该模式允许将静态和动态对象的实时和烘焙光照混合在一起的各种方式。
Improved graphics performance GPU Instancing, which enables new kinds of effects where many similar objects are needed at a very low performance cost, has been improved with support for Procedural Instancing. And with the addition of Compute Shaders for Metal, you can now add more details to your games by tapping into the raw power of the chipsets on Apple iOS and macOS.
改进的图形性能 GPU实例化支持过程实例化,从而改进了 GPU实例化,从而可以以非常低的性能成本实现需要许多相似对象的新型效果。 通过添加用于金属的计算着色器,您现在可以通过利用Apple iOS和macOS上芯片组的原始功能为游戏添加更多细节。
Vulkan support Vulkan support brings increased speed while reducing driver overhead and CPU workload; this leaves the CPU free to do additional computation or rendering and saves on battery life for mobile platforms.
Vulkan支持 Vulkan支持可提高速度,同时减少驱动程序开销和CPU工作量; 这使CPU可以自由进行其他计算或渲染,并节省了移动平台的电池寿命。
Massive update to Particle System 5.6 greatly extends the range of particle effects to give more options and control to the user. This update also significantly improves Particle System performance.
对粒子系统 5.6的大规模更新极大地扩展了粒子效果的范围,为用户提供了更多选择和控制。 此更新还大大提高了粒子系统的性能。
New Video player A new multi-platform video player enables playback of 4k video allows you to build 360-degree video VR experiences.
Navigation system improvements Improved AI and Pathfinding tools–also referred to as the NavMesh system–expand the possibilities to manipulate multiple nav meshes and agents. And, new tools for procedurally generated or dynamically loaded content enable a whole new set of use cases and gameplay options for character navigation.
导航系统的改进改进的AI和寻路工具(也称为NavMesh系统)扩展了操纵多个导航网格物体和代理的可能性。 而且,用于程序生成或动态加载内容的新工具可为角色导航提供全新的用例集和游戏选项。
New 2D tools and improvements Unity 5.6 adds a whole set of 2D features that give you more control and make it easier to create complex 2D objects. New features for 2D physics enable new kinds of gameplay and effects, including fully featured particle effects interacting with 2D objects.
新的2D工具和改进 Unity 5.6添加了整套2D功能,这些功能使您能够更好地控制并更轻松地创建复杂的2D对象。 2D物理的新功能实现了新的游戏玩法和效果,包括功能齐全的粒子效果与2D对象进行交互。
TextMesh Pro One of the top performing tools on the Unity Asset Store is now available for free to users of 5.3+ and will be soon be natively integrated into Unity. TextMesh Pro features advanced text rendering with dynamic visual text styling, along with greatly improved control over text formatting and layout.
TextMesh Pro Unity Asset Store上性能最好的工具之一,现在对5.3+的用户免费提供,并将很快与Native集成。 TextMesh Pro具有具有动态可视文本样式的高级文本呈现功能,并大大改善了对文本格式和布局的控制。
Performance Reporting and debugging improvements In addition to exception reports, Performance Reporting now collects native crashes for iOS. Physics debug visualization and profiler improvements make it easier to find the source of performance issues in the game.
性能报告和调试改进除了性能报告以外,性能报告现在还可以收集iOS的本机崩溃。 物理调试可视化和Profiler改进使在游戏中更容易发现性能问题的根源。
New platforms With 5.6, you can seamlessly publish to Facebook Gameroom, as well as Google Daydream and Cardboard for Android and iOS. Nintendo Switch support is also available now.
新平台借助5.6,您可以无缝发布到Facebook Gameroom,以及适用于Android和iOS的Google Daydream和Cardboard。 Nintendo Switch支持现在也可用。
Unity Collaborate (Beta) We added new options when publishing changes for finer control of your Collaborate projects.
Unity Collaborate(Beta)我们在发布更改时添加了新选项,以更好地控制您的Collaborate项目。
Experimental support for WebAssembly In 5.6 we bring experimental support for WebAssembly, a new cross-browser technology designed to help improve the Unity WebGL experience.
对WebAssembly的实验性支持在5.6中,我们为WebAssembly带来了实验性支持,WebAssembly是一种新的跨浏览器技术,旨在帮助改善Unity WebGL体验。
Progressive Lightmapper (preview) One of the most notable 5.6 features is the new path tracing-based solution, the Progressive Lightmapper. It allows for fast iteration on baked lighting and an ETA. In 5.6 it’s available as a preview feature.
渐进式Lightmapper(预览版) 5.6最著名的功能之一是基于路径跟踪的新解决方案渐进式Lightmapper。 它允许在烘焙照明和ETA上进行快速迭代。 在5.6中,它可用作预览功能。
We wanted to create a solution that not only gives great results for baked lights, but also offers lighting artists an improved workflow, including the ability to iterate quickly and predictably.
In previous Unity releases, changes to the scene required a new bake and the results could only be shown when the bake was done. In 5.0, Enlighten allowed Unity to provide a preview of the final bake using precomputed realtime GI. It gave you an idea of how the bounced light would look, but the final result could deviate from the intermediate one.
在以前的Unity版本中,对场景的更改需要重新烘焙,并且仅在烘焙完成后才能显示结果。 在5.0中,Enlighten允许Unity使用预先计算的实时GI预览最终烘烤。 它使您了解了反射光的外观,但最终结果可能会偏离中间的光。
Changes to lights, emissive materials and albedo values could be previewed straight away. However, changes to geometry still required a rebake, during which you got no feedback.
可以立即预览灯光,发光材料和反照率值的变化。 但是,更改几何形状仍需要重新烘烤,在此期间您没有任何反馈。
When iterating on baked shadows, for example, or the level of bounced lighting, waiting minutes, or even longer, between iterations can be very frustrating. This ultimately reduces the number of iterations one can do in a given amount of time. As a consequence, it limits the quality you can achieve with your baked lighting. With the Progressive Lightmapper you will get almost immediate feedback. A noisy result at first, but it rapidly improves directly in the Scene View, allowing for higher quality and more freedom of artistic expression.
例如,当在烘烤的阴影或灯光反射的水平上进行迭代时,迭代之间的等待时间甚至更长的时间可能会非常令人沮丧。 这最终减少了在给定时间内可以执行的迭代次数。 因此,它限制了您使用烘焙照明所能达到的质量。 使用Progressive Lightmapper,您几乎可以立即获得反馈。 最初会产生嘈杂的结果,但可以直接在“场景视图”中快速改善,从而可以提供更高的质量和更大的艺术表达自由。
The preview label will be removed once we reach feature parity with the Enlighten-based lightmap baking solution. This will happen during the 5.6 cycle. Support for Light Modes, baked LODs, and reduced memory usage is coming as soon as possible.
一旦我们与基于Enlighten的光照贴图烘焙解决方案达到功能对等时,将删除预览标签。 这将在5.6周期内发生。 即将开始支持轻量模式,烘焙的LOD和减少的内存使用。
New Light Modes replace Mixed mode lighting
Light Modes are replacing Mixed mode lighting, which make it possible to combine baked lighting with real time lighting, including proper handling of baked and realtime shadows. We provide several presets to cover a wide range of scenarios, including fully realtime GI lighting, partially baked lighting, and fully baked lighting. We have added the ability to bake shadowmasks, providing “past realtime shadow distance” shadows. This greatly reduces realtime shadow distance for increased performance. Higher visual fidelity is also achieved as far distance shadows are supported along with realtime specular highlights. Realtime shadow fade out has been added for every light type and rendering path, and the transition to shadowmasks from realtime shadows is seamless.
灯光模式正在取代混合模式照明,这使得将烘焙照明与实时照明相结合成为可能,包括正确处理烘焙阴影和实时阴影。 我们提供了多种预设来覆盖各种场景,包括完全实时GI照明,部分烘焙的照明和完全烘焙的照明。 我们增加了烘焙阴影蒙版的功能,可提供“过去的实时阴影距离”阴影。 这样可以大大减少实时阴影距离,从而提高性能。 通过支持远距离阴影以及实时镜面高光,还可以实现更高的视觉保真度。 已为每种光源类型和渲染路径添加了实时阴影淡出功能,并且从实时阴影到阴影蒙版的过渡是无缝的。
Mixed lights Light Modes:
In Baked Indirect mode, Mixed lights behave like realtime dynamic lights with additional indirect lighting sampled from baked lightmaps and Light Probes. Effects like fog can be used past realtime shadow distance where shadowing would otherwise be missing.
在“间接烘焙”模式下,混合光源的行为类似于实时动态光源, 并具有从烘焙光照贴图和“光探测器”中采样的其他间接照明 。 可以在实时阴影距离之后使用像雾这样的效果,否则可能会丢失阴影。
We have also redesigned the lighting window for better usability, and added a new Light Explorer window to streamline the work of lighting artists.
我们还重新设计了照明窗口以提高可用性,并添加了新的Light Explorer窗口以简化照明艺术家的工作。
Support for Vulkan–take graphical performance to the next level, and save on the battery lifetime for mobile devices
支持Vulkan –将图形性能提高到一个新水平,并节省了移动设备的电池寿命
Vulkan is a new generation graphics and compute API that provides high-efficiency, cross-platform access to modern GPUs on desktop and mobile platforms.
It’s designed to take advantage of multiple CPU cores by allowing multiple threads to run in parallel. This means increased speed with reduced driver overhead and CPU workload, leaving the CPU free to do additional computation or rendering. In total, we’ve seen a rendering performance improvement out-of-the box up to 30-60% using Unity–that is without having to deal with any specifics of the Vulkan API.
它旨在通过允许多个线程并行运行来利用多个CPU内核。 这意味着提高了速度,减少了驱动程序开销和CPU工作量,使CPU可以自由进行其他计算或渲染。 总体而言,我们已经看到使用Unity 开箱即用地将渲染性能提高了30-60% ,而无需处理Vulkan API的任何细节。
Another Vulkan benefit is a lower power consumption over the same content being rendered using OpenGL ES. On average Vulkan is at 88-90% of OpenGL ES consumption, hence the “10-12% extra play time,” as demonstrated in the below video where you can see the power consumption relative to OpenGL ES.
Vulkan的另一个好处是与使用OpenGL ES渲染的相同内容相比,功耗更低。 平均而言,Vulkan的耗电量为OpenGL ES的88-90%,因此“额外的播放时间为10-12%”,如以下视频所示,您可以在其中看到相对于OpenGL ES的功耗。
Unity 5.6 adds Vulkan support on Android, Windows and Linux platforms. We also added initial support for OpenVR.
Unity 5.6在Android,Windows和Linux平台上增加了Vulkan支持。 我们还添加了对OpenVR的初始支持。
TextMesh Pro is now free, with native integration into Unity coming soon
TextMesh Pro现在免费,即将与Unity进行本机集成
As part of GDC 2017, we announced that one of the top performing tools on the Unity Asset Store was set to become a part of Unity.
作为GDC 2017的一部分,我们宣布Unity资产商店中性能最好的工具之一将成为Unity的一部分。
TextMesh Pro is a replacement for Unity’s existing text components, such as Text Mesh and UI Text. TextMesh Pro uses Signed Distance Field (SDF) as its primary text rendering pipeline making it possible to render text cleanly at any point size and resolution. Using a set of custom shaders designed to leverage the power of SDF text rendering, TextMesh Pro makes it possible to dynamically change the visual appearance of the text by simply changing material properties. Add visual styles such as dilation, outline, soft shadow, beveling, textures, glow, and save and recall these visual styles by creating/using material presets.
TextMesh Pro替代了Unity现有的文本组件,例如Text Mesh和UI Text。 TextMesh Pro使用符号距离字段(SDF)作为其主要的文本渲染管道,从而可以在任何点大小和分辨率下清晰地渲染文本。 使用一组旨在利用SDF文本呈现功能的自定义着色器,TextMesh Pro使得可以通过简单地更改材质属性来动态更改文本的视觉外观。 添加视觉样式,例如膨胀,轮廓,柔和阴影,斜面,纹理,发光,并通过创建/使用材质预设来保存和调用这些视觉样式。
TextMesh Pro provides improved control over text layout and formatting, giving users control over character, word, line and paragraph spacing, support for kerning and basic hyphenation, plus additional text alignment modes like Justified and Flush text. Over 30 Rich Text Tags are available to give users control over margins, indentation, user definable styles, links and even support for using multiple fonts and graphics inline with the text.
TextMesh Pro提供了对文本布局和格式的改进控制,使用户可以控制字符,单词,行和段落的间距,支持字距调整和基本连字符,以及其他文本对齐方式,例如Justified和Flush文本。 超过30种RTF标签可让用户控制页边距,缩进,用户可定义的样式 , 链接 ,甚至支持在文本中内联使用多种字体和图形 。
We have already started work to integrate TextMesh Pro’s functionality into Unity 2017, and will continue to support the asset with periodic updates to functionality and compatibility, ensuring a seamless experience for TextMesh Pro users.
我们已经开始着手将TextMesh Pro的功能集成到Unity 2017中,并将通过定期更新功能和兼容性来继续支持资产,以确保为TextMesh Pro用户提供无缝的体验。
Until then, you can download the new and freely available version of TextMesh Pro (Unity 5.3 or higher required) from the Asset Store.
在此之前,您可以从Asset Store下载新的免费版本的TextMesh Pro(需要Unity 5.3或更高版本)。
Graphical improvements: procedural instancing
The 5.6 version also includes a lot of improvements for overall graphics, including the Particle System and GPU Instancing.
The GPU instancing introduced in 5.4 and 5.5 allows you to draw many instances of the same mesh using an instanced shader in a single draw call, while still allowing a per-instance data set, including position, rotation and color. When the CPU is the factor limiting your framerate, instancing can provide a significant performance benefit. To enable instancing on the Standard Shader, tick the Enable Instancing checkbox on the material settings. Alternatively, you can manually add instancing support to your own shaders.
5.4和5.5中引入的GPU实例化使您可以在一次绘制调用中使用实例化着色器绘制同一网格的许多实例,同时仍然允许包含每个实例的数据集,包括位置,旋转和颜色。 当CPU是限制帧速率的因素时,实例化可以提供显着的性能优势。 要在“标准着色器”上启用实例化,请在材质设置上选中“启用实例化”复选框。 另外,您可以手动为自己的着色器添加实例化支持。
In 5.6 we now support Procedural Instancing, where instance data is supplied via a custom source in the Shader, rather than from Material Property Blocks and Support for DrawMeshInstancedIndirect, where draw arguments are supplied from a ComputeBuffer. This new way of rendering instances via script has almost no CPU overhead, resulting in a massive performance boost, assuming the CPU is the limiting factor for your framerate.
在5.6中,我们现在支持过程实例化,其中实例数据是通过Shader中的自定义源提供的,而不是从Material Property Blocks和对DrawMeshInstancedIndirect的支持中提供的,在DrawMeshInstancedIndirect中,绘制参数是从ComputeBuffer提供的。 假设CPU是您帧速率的限制因素,这种通过脚本呈现实例的新方法几乎没有CPU开销,因此可以显着提高性能。
Check our documentation on how to get started.
Graphical improvements: particles
In Unity 5.5, we added support for attaching custom data to your particles, which can be accessed from both script and shaders. In 5.6, we have extended this system, so that you can configure the data directly in the Inspector making it simple to define curves and colors that can be used to drive custom logic in your scripts and shaders. As a bonus, colors defined in this module can also make use of the High Dynamic Range, something that hasn’t been possible with the Particle System until now.
在Unity 5.5中,我们增加了对将自定义数据附加到您的粒子的支持,可以从脚本和着色器访问它们。 在5.6中,我们扩展了该系统,以便您可以直接在Inspector中配置数据,从而轻松定义可用于驱动脚本和着色器中的自定义逻辑的曲线和颜色。 另外,此模块中定义的颜色还可以利用“高动态范围”,这是迄今为止“粒子系统”无法实现的。
We also improved the workflow by allowing you to work with several particle systems in parallel.
The Cone, Circle and Single Sided Edge shapes now come with new parameters to control how particles are spawned. Previously, all particles were spawned randomly, either on the surface, or within the volume. Now, particles can be spawned sequentially, or only at desired increments.
圆锥形,圆形和单边形形状现在带有新参数,可以控制粒子的生成方式。 以前,所有粒子都是在表面上或在体积内随机生成的。 现在,可以依次或仅以所需的增量生成粒子。
It’s now possible to specify a repeat count and interval for your burst emission. Previously, each burst could only be triggered once, and there was a limit of four total bursts. With the new system, you get eight total bursts, and each one can be repeated any number of times.
现在可以为突发发射指定重复计数和间隔。 以前,每个突发只能触发一次,并且总共只能有四个突发。 使用新系统,您总共可以获得八次突发,并且每个突发可以重复任意次数。
Finally, particle instantiation is now over 2x faster in the Standalone Players.
We have added a physically based rendering material validator enabling Albedo and Specular values to be validated against acceptable ranges. Albedo values can also be validated against user defined luminance ranges.
我们添加了基于物理的渲染材料验证器,使Albedo和Specular值可以在可接受的范围内进行验证。 反照率值也可以针对用户定义的亮度范围进行验证。
Graphical improvements: Compute Shader for Metal
We have also added support for Compute Shaders for Metal in 5.6 for both iOS and macOS. The compute shaders are written in HLSL just as for other target graphics APIs in Unity, and they get translated to Metal Shading Language (currently limited to Metal v1.1). If you wish to reuse existing regular shaders using UAVs, make sure to use pragma target 4.5 instead of 5.0. We also added experimental support for using the Metal rendering backend on the Editor.
我们还为iOS和macOS在5.6中添加了对金属计算着色器的支持。 就像Unity中的其他目标图形API一样,计算着色器也是用HLSL编写的,并且它们已转换为Metal Shading Language(当前仅限于Metal v1.1)。 如果希望使用UAV重用现有的常规着色器,请确保使用编译目标4.5而不是5.0。 我们还增加了对在编辑器上使用Metal渲染后端的实验支持。
New Post Processing Stack
The new Unity post-processing stack (successor of now deprecated Cinematic Image Effects) has been released and is available for Unity 5.6 (and 5.5). You can get the new Post Processing Stack essential package from the Asset Store for free.
新的Unity后处理堆栈(现已不推荐使用的Cinematic Image Effects的后继版本)已经发布,可用于Unity 5.6(和5.5)。 您可以从Asset Store免费获得新的Post Processing Stack基本软件包。
It’s an über effect that combines a complete set of image effects into a single post-process pipeline. This has a few advantages :
这是一个über效果,它将完整的图像效果集组合到单个后处理管道中。 这有一些优点:
It comes with the following effects :
The stack also includes a collection of monitors and debug views to help you set up your effects correctly and debug problems in the output.
New Video Player with 4k playback
5.6 contains a complete new Video Player rebuilt from scratch with hardware accelerated performance in mind. High resolution 4K playback is now possible, along with videos supporting alpha channel. It aims at using the video hardware capabilities of both the editor and target platforms. It has H.264/AAC hardware support available on a wide variety of platforms, and VP8/Vorbis software implementation for situations where using H.264/AAC is not possible or desirable. Support for other codecs will be added in the future.
5.6包含一个从头开始重建的全新视频播放器,同时考虑了硬件加速性能。 现在可以进行高分辨率4K播放,以及支持alpha通道的视频。 它旨在使用编辑器和目标平台的视频硬件功能。 它具有可在多种平台上使用的H.264 / AAC硬件支持,以及在不可能或不希望使用H.264 / AAC的情况下的VP8 / Vorbis软件实现。 将来将添加对其他编解码器的支持。
The Video Player simply works as a new GameObject component for playing back movies in your scene, providing immersive interactive video experiences with high quality hardware accelerated performance, as well as improved 360 degree support for high resolution content. To see a demo of how it works, check out the keynote from Unite 2016.
Video Player只是作为一个新的GameObject组件,用于播放场景中的电影,提供具有高质量硬件加速性能的沉浸式交互式视频体验,以及对高分辨率内容的改进的360度支持。 要查看其工作原理演示,请查看Unite 2016的主题演讲。
In Unity 5.6 we are introducing low level APIs aimed at solving the limitations from previous versions. These changes enable a whole new set of use cases and gameplay options for character and AI navigation. In addition the low level APIs, we are also providing four new easy-to-use components that are open source and available from Github.
在Unity 5.6中,我们引入了旨在解决以前版本限制的低级API。 这些更改为角色和AI导航启用了一套全新的用例和游戏选项。 除了低级API外,我们还提供了四个易于使用的新组件,这些组件是开源的,可以从Github获得 。
The ability to use Unity’s NavMesh tools for procedurally generated or dynamically loaded content has been the most requested feature. With the new features in 5.6, it’s not only possible, but easy and very efficient. Simply load or generate your scene and then tell the NavMesh surface to Bake.
最需要的功能是能够使用Unity的NavMesh工具来以过程方式生成或动态加载内容。 有了5.6中的新功能,它不仅可能,而且简单而高效。 只需加载或生成场景,然后告诉NavMesh表面进行烘焙即可。
With the new feature set, NavMeshes are now component-based instead of being scene-wide. This new structure allows you to have multiple NavMeshes per scene. Additionally, we can now have different agent types. This allows you to easily adjust radii, heights, and traverse settings for your different characters.
通过新功能集,NavMeshes现在基于组件,而不是整个场景。 这种新结构允许您每个场景具有多个NavMeshes。 此外,我们现在可以具有不同的代理类型。 这使您可以轻松调整不同字符的半径,高度和遍历设置。
With the addition of the NavMeshSurface component, our NavMeshes can be aligned with game objects instead of world axis. This means that we can orient our nav meshes in any direction we want in 3D space. This is a huge addition for people who want to use our navigation tools for 2D games, or people that want to align their navigation systems independently of the Y axis.
通过添加NavMeshSurface组件,我们的NavMeshes可以与游戏对象而不是世界坐标轴对齐。 这意味着我们可以在3D空间中将导航网格定向到我们想要的任何方向。 对于想要将我们的导航工具用于2D游戏的人,或者想要独立于Y轴对齐其导航系统的人来说,这是一个巨大的补充。
Since NavMesh baking is handled by a component now, it is no longer tethered to an entire scene. This means we can choose which elements become a part of the bake or we can choose to bake specific volumes. If you’ve ever had a level that was just too huge to use a NavMesh, you can now simply and efficiently generate just the amount of NavMesh you need for your gameplay. This saves a ton on bake times and memory overhead during playback. Using this method, only the areas that have changed will rebake and since it’s multithreaded, it’s super efficient.
由于NavMesh烘焙现在由组件处理,因此不再绑定到整个场景。 这意味着我们可以选择哪些元素成为烘焙的一部分,也可以选择烘焙特定的体积。 如果您曾经拥有过一个无法使用NavMesh的关卡,那么现在您可以简单高效地生成游戏所需的NavMesh数量。 这样可以节省大量的烘烤时间和回放过程中的内存开销。 使用此方法,只有更改的区域才会重新烘焙,并且由于它是多线程的,因此非常高效。
New features improve the 2D game development workflow
We’ve been working hard on more 2D support, and are happy to announce several new 2D features in the 5.6.
The Sorting Group Component provides the ability to render a set of objects separately from others on the same Sorting Layer. It ensures that all renderers that are children of the Sorting Group are sorted together, making it useful for managing complex scenes.
排序组组件提供了在同一排序层上与其他对象分开渲染一组对象的功能。 它确保将作为“排序组”子级的所有渲染器一起排序,从而使其对于管理复杂场景很有用。
The Outline Editor is a new addition to the Sprite Editor Window. It can be used to either automatically generate a selectable level of tessellation, or manually edit the mesh shape of the sprite. You also have the ability to control the tessellation quality by choosing how closely the mesh resembles the actual image.
大纲编辑器是“精灵编辑器”窗口的新增功能。 它可以用于自动生成可选的细分水平,也可以手动编辑精灵的网格形状。 您还可以通过选择网格与实际图像的相似程度来控制镶嵌质量。
We’re introducing 9-Slice Sprite, a 2D technique for the SpriteRenderer, which allows you to reuse an image with variable dimensions without preparing multiple assets in games. It’s similar to the 9-Slice used in the UI. This allows you to stretch or repeat defined areas of an image as dimension changes, providing a quick technique for creating platforms or backgrounds, while still using a small amount of texture memory.
我们将介绍9-Slice Sprite,这是SpriteRenderer的2D技术,它使您可以重用具有可变尺寸的图像,而无需在游戏中准备多个资产。 它类似于UI中使用的9切片。 这使您可以在尺寸变化时拉伸或重复图像的定义区域,从而提供一种创建平台或背景的快速技术,同时仍使用少量纹理内存。
2D Physics improvements and features
For 2D physics, the internal 2D contact processing system has been completely rewritten providing a more robust and reliable reporting of contacts, ensuring correct Enter, Stay & Exit callback state under all conditions.
Along with the numerous changes made to the 2D physics API, several stand out:
A new type named ContactFilter2D that can be used on all physics queries. This allows for fast filtering of results by layer mask, collision normal angle, Collider2D Z-depth, etc., along with new non-allocating overloads of existing physics query functions that now accept the new ContactFilter2D, such as Linecast, Raycast, BoxCast, CircleCast, CapsuleCast, OverlapPoint, OverlapCircle, OverlapBox, OverlapArea, OverlapCapsule, GetContacts & IsTouching. Example usages for filtering include: asking if a player is touching a specific layer in a specific direction; if the Collider2D area has any contacts on a specific layer, or if a Rigidbody2D has any contacts in a specific direction
一种名为ContactFilter2D的新类型,可以在所有物理查询中使用 。 这样可以通过图层蒙版,碰撞法线角度,Collider2D Z深度等快速过滤结果,同时还可以使用现有物理查询功能的新非分配重载,这些重载现在可以接受新的ContactFilter2D,例如Linecast,Raycast,BoxCast, CircleCast,CapsuleCast,OverlapPoint,OverlapCircle,OverlapBox,OverlapArea,OverlapCapsule,GetContacts和IsTouching。 筛选的示例用法包括:询问玩家是否在特定方向触摸特定层; 如果Collider2D区域在特定层上具有任何接触,或者Rigidbody2D在特定方向上具有任何接触
A new component in this release is the CompositeCollider2D, which allows you to merge both BoxCollider2D and PolygonCollider2D together (more collider support is coming) into a single combined Collider2D, using either polygons or outline (edge) generation. As well as providing a single continuous surface formed from multiple separate Collider2D, this solution can also significantly speed up scene loading when many separate Collider2D are merged into a single composite. The CompositeCollider2D has all the features you’d expect from any Collider2D: it can have materials, be a trigger, used by effectors, and attached to a Rigidbody2D, etc.
此版本中的新组件是CompositeCollider2D ,它使您可以使用多边形或轮廓(边线)生成将BoxCollider2D和PolygonCollider2D合并在一起(即将提供更多对撞机支持)到一个组合的Collider2D中。 除了提供由多个单独的Collider2D形成的单个连续表面之外,当将许多单独的Collider2D合并到一个复合物中时,此解决方案还可以显着加快场景加载。 CompositeCollider2D具有您希望从任何Collider2D获得的所有功能:它可以具有材质,可以用作触发器,可以被效应器使用以及可以附加到Rigidbody2D等。
With the new EdgeRadius feature, you can configure a radius on BoxCollider2D or EdgeCollider2D, allowing for expansion of edges and curvature of vertex.
As part of the API improvements, there is also a new Distance function designed to allow you to ask for the nearest distance or overlap (penetration) of two Collider2D or Rigidbody2D. Using this function, it is possible to solve overlap of Collider2D or all on a Rigidbody2D. When used with a Kinematic Rigidbody2D, complete custom solving is at your disposal.
作为API改进的一部分,还提供了一个新的Distance函数,该函数旨在让您询问两个Collider2D或Rigidbody2D的最近距离或重叠(穿透)。 使用此功能,可以解决Collider2D或在Rigidbody2D上全部重叠的问题。 与Kinematic Rigidbody2D一起使用时,您可以使用完整的自定义解决方案。
Finally, the particle collision code for 2D Colliders has also been completely rewritten using the new SIMD library to provide fast collision rejection, resulting in a significant increase in performance (approximately 10x faster). Additionally, a new 2D Collider overlap solver for particles has been added, resulting in faster and more accurate escape from overlap.
最后,还使用新的SIMD库完全重写了2D碰撞体的粒子碰撞代码,以提供快速的碰撞抑制功能,从而显着提高了性能(速度提高了约10倍)。 此外,还添加了新的2D Collider粒子重叠求解器,从而可以更快,更准确地避免重叠。
Native iOS crashes now captured by Unity Performance Reporting
现在,Unity Performance Reporting捕获了本机iOS崩溃
Unity Performance Reporting automatically collects application errors, across devices and platforms, so it’s easier for you and your team to find and address issues in real time. Performance Reporting now captures and reports native crashes recorded for iOS games (for example when a native Objective C plug-in crashes your game), with support for even more platforms in the future (Android next!). It doesn’t require any code to use Performance Reporting on for your Unity project. Just turn on “Performance Reporting” in the Services window to get started.
Unity Performance Reporting自动跨设备和平台收集应用程序错误,因此您和您的团队可以更轻松地实时查找和解决问题。 现在,Performance Reporting可以捕获并报告为iOS游戏记录的本机崩溃(例如,当本机Objective C插件使您的游戏崩溃时),并在将来支持更多平台(下一步是Android)。 无需任何代码即可在您的Unity项目上使用Performance Reporting。 只需在“服务”窗口中打开“性能报告”即可开始使用。
Physics debug visualization
It can sometimes be hard to tell what objects in your scene should and should not be colliding, especially when the Render and Collision meshes are out of sync. To help you quickly inspect the collision geometry in your scene, we have added a debug view mode for physics collision geometry. It’s designed to provide a “ground truth” for what is going on in our physics middleware and to quickly find the corresponding Colliders in the Unity scene. It also serves as a profiling tool as it can hide all sleeping Rigidbodies, as well as show all concave MeshColliders.
有时很难说出场景中哪些对象应该发生碰撞,哪些不应该发生碰撞,尤其是当“渲染”和“碰撞”网格不同步时。 为了帮助您快速检查场景中的碰撞几何,我们为物理碰撞几何添加了调试视图模式。 它旨在为我们的物理中间件中发生的事情提供“基本事实”,并快速在Unity场景中找到相应的碰撞体。 它也可以用作配置文件工具,因为它可以隐藏所有沉睡的刚体,并显示所有凹入的MeshColliders。
Exposed physics depenetration functions and improved editor UI
We’ve exposed two new functions, Physics.ComputePenetration and Physics.ClosestPoint, to help with writing custom depenetration functions. Physics.ComputePenetration returns the minimum translation required to separate the two given colliders apart.
我们公开了两个新函数Physics.ComputePenetration和Physics.ClosestPoint,以帮助编写自定义去磁函数。 Physics.ComputePenetration返回将两个给定的对撞机分开所需的最小转换。
Notice the magenta ray. It’s exactly the offset required to separate the sphere and the capsule apart. Physics.ClosestPoint computes the point on the surface of a given collider that is closest to a particular point.
注意洋红色射线。 恰好是将球体与胶囊分开所需的偏移量。 Physics.ClosestPoint计算给定对撞机表面上最接近特定点的点。
We also unified the interactive handles for editing primitive 2D and 3D Colliders in the Scene View. They now all use the same logic and support new modifier keys (Shift and Alt) making it easy to edit the collider’s dimensions, pin the center in place, or scale the shape uniformly from any direction.
我们还统一了用于在“场景视图”中编辑原始2D和3D碰撞体的交互式手柄。 现在,它们都使用相同的逻辑并支持新的修改键(Shift和Alt),从而可以轻松编辑对撞机的尺寸,将中心固定在适当位置或从任何方向均匀缩放形状。
We added TreeView IMGUI Control, which can display hierarchical data that can be expanded and collapsed. You can use the TreeView to create highly customizable list views and multi-column tables for Editor windows, which you can use alongside other IMGUI controls and components. You can customize with regards to row content rendering, dragging logic, selection logic, searching, sorting and renaming of items.
我们添加了TreeView IMGUI控件,该控件可以显示可以扩展和折叠的分层数据。 您可以使用TreeView为编辑器窗口创建高度可定制的列表视图和多列表,您可以将其与其他IMGUI控件和组件一起使用。 您可以针对行内容呈现,拖动逻辑,选择逻辑,项目的搜索,排序和重命名进行自定义。
Example of a TreeView with a MultiColumnHeader and a SearchField.
To help get started with the API functions, please visit our Unity Scripting API documentation or TreeView manual.
为了帮助您开始使用API函数,请访问我们的Unity Scripting API文档或TreeView手册。
We improved the amount of data sent to the GPU for each UI element, adding a new ‘AdditionalShaderProperties’ to the Canvas. This changes the default behavior for all new Canvas components that are created and reduces the memory cost of rendering the canvas, as additional unused channels are excluded.
我们改进了每个UI元素发送到GPU的数据量,并在Canvas中添加了新的“ AdditionalShaderProperties”。 这将更改所有已创建的新Canvas组件的默认行为,并减少渲染画布的内存成本,因为会排除其他未使用的通道。
If you are using Visual Studio 2017, you will notice that installs with the Unity workload are now detected automatically, and shown and added to the External Script Editor list.
如果您使用的是Visual Studio 2017 ,则会注意到现在会自动检测到带有Unity工作负载的安装,并将其显示并添加到``外部脚本编辑器''列表中。
Google Daydream & Cardboard VR support
Google Daydream&Cardboard VR支持
5.6 supports native Google VR for both Cardboard on iOS, and Android and Daydream on Android. To get optimal performance and latency from the Daydream platform, we integrated with the Google VR NDK to leverage the platform’s asynchronous reprojection and VR performance modes. Compared to the Daydream support in the Google VR SDK for Unity released at Google I/O, we now provide a more streamlined workflow, significant optimizations and reduced latency. No prefabs, scripts or manual manifest modifications are required to get started–simply enable VR and add Daydream as a targeted platform to begin making your own virtual worlds.
5.6支持iOS和Android上的Cardboard以及Android上的Daydream的本地Google VR。 为了从Daydream平台获得最佳性能和延迟,我们与Google VR NDK集成在一起,以利用平台的异步重新投影和VR性能模式。 与在Google I / O上发布的Unity VR的Google VR SDK中的Daydream支持相比,我们现在提供了更加简化的工作流程,显着的优化并减少了延迟。 无需任何预制件,脚本或手动清单修改即可开始-只需启用VR并将Daydream添加为目标平台即可开始创建自己的虚拟世界。
We have also made it easy to switch in and out of VR mode so that your applications can easily expand to the full Google VR audience and target Google Cardboard with full native support. Applications which target Cardboard will work on older devices so you can reach as many users as possible. If you are interested in learning more about Google Daydream with Unity, see the Unite 2016 Daydream presentation.
我们还使切换到和退出VR模式变得容易,因此您的应用程序可以轻松扩展到所有Google VR受众群体,并以完整的本机支持定位到Google Cardboard。 以Cardboard为目标的应用程序将在较旧的设备上运行,因此您可以吸引尽可能多的用户。 如果您想了解有关Unity的Google Daydream的更多信息,请参阅Unite 2016 Daydream演示文稿 。
Nintendo Switch support available
Nintendo Switch支持
With the option to play docked console-style or handheld on-the-go, the Nintendo Switch offers a new opportunity for creators to think a bit differently about their games. Several Unity titles like Super Bomberman and Snipperclips presented at GDC on Unity booth have been released already. We are happy to announce that support for Nintendo Switch is now available. (Note that current support is based on Unity 5.5, Unity 5.6 support will be available during the 5.6.x cycle.)
Nintendo Switch可以选择以对接式控制台或手持移动设备进行游戏,这为创作者提供了一个新的机会,使创作者对他们的游戏有所不同。 在GDC在Unity展台上展示的一些Unity标题,例如Super Bomberman和Snipperclips,已经发布。 我们很高兴地宣布,现已支持Nintendo Switch。 (请注意,当前支持基于Unity 5.5,在5.6.x周期内将提供Unity 5.6支持。)
Support for Facebook Gameroom
支持Facebook Gameroom
With Gameroom, Facebook has introduced an easier way for developers to bring premium and free-to-play games to the PC, and take full advantage of the CPU and GPU native power as a dedicated PC app separated from the news feed.
You can now build and export your projects optimized for native performance to either the new Facebook Gameroom desktop app for Windows as a native Windows player, or to Facebook.com using Unity’s WebGL support.
现在,您可以将 针对本机性能进行优化的项目构建并导出到本机Windows播放器的Windows版新Facebook Gameroom桌面应用程序作为本机Windows播放器,或使用Unity的WebGL支持 导出到Facebook.com 。
Everything you need comes integrated with Unity out of the box, from sharing content with Facebook friends to handling in-app purchases–you can even upload your builds to be hosted by Facebook directly from the Unity Editor. You can find more information on Gameroom here.
从与Facebook朋友共享内容到处理应用程序内购买,您所需的一切都与Unity集成在一起,甚至可以直接从Unity编辑器上载要由Facebook托管的构建。 你可以找到Gameroom更多信息 这里 。
Experimental support for WebAssembly
In 5.6 we bring experimental support for WebAssembly, a new cross-browser technology designed to help improve the Unity WebGL experience. WebAssembly is a new, independent standard for the web. It is essentially a bytecode format that significantly reduces the size footprint of compiled code, unlike asm.js, which is a text-based representation. Compared to the currently used text-based representation, the bytecode format significantly reduces the size footprint of code compiled to asm.js. This leads to faster downloads of code, and more importantly, the ability to parse and compile the code much faster, using much less memory. This will improve the startup times, performance, and reduce their memory requirements–all of which are currently some of the more common issues developers face when targeting the WebGL platform.
在5.6中,我们带来了对WebAssembly的实验支持,WebAssembly是一种新的跨浏览器技术,旨在帮助改善Unity WebGL体验。 WebAssembly是针对Web的新的独立标准。 它本质上是一种字节码格式,可显着减少已编译代码的大小占用空间,这与基于文本的asm.js不同。 与当前使用的基于文本的表示形式相比,字节码格式显着减少了编译为asm.js的代码的大小。 这样可以更快地下载代码,更重要的是,可以使用更少的内存来更快地解析和编译代码。 这将缩短启动时间,提高性能,并减少其内存需求-所有这些都是开发人员在针对WebGL平台时面临的一些较常见的问题。
Improvements to multiplayer
5.6 includes optimizations and stability improvements for existing Unity Multiplayer features. Notably, we’ve improved stability when running on less-than-reliable network conditions. Most changes are transparent and shouldn’t impact current implementations of the network API.
5.6包括对现有Unity Multiplayer功能的优化和稳定性改进。 值得注意的是,我们在不太可靠的网络条件下运行时提高了稳定性。 大多数更改是透明的,不应影响网络API的当前实现。
In addition to changes that ship with the Editor, we’ve made improvements to Multiplayer documentation, created some new learning material, and began foundational work on new features. For more info, check out our recent blog post, which provides an update on the state of Unity Multiplayer, current and future.
除了编辑器附带的更改之外,我们还对多人游戏文档进行了改进,创建了一些新的学习资料,并开始了有关新功能的基础工作。 有关更多信息, 请查看我们最近的博客文章 ,其中提供了有关Unity Multiplayer的状态,当前和将来的更新。
New features for Unity Collaborate (Beta)
Unity Collaborate(测试版)的新功能
Unity Collaborate makes it easy for teams to save, share, and sync their Unity project. It’s easy to use so the entire team can contribute to the Project, regardless of location or role.It’s simpler to use than traditional version control (e.g. Git, SVN) so your team spends more time on what’s important–your game!
Unity Collaborate使团队可以轻松保存,共享和同步其Unity项目。 它易于使用,因此无论位置或角色如何,整个团队都可以为该项目做出贡献。它比传统的版本控制(例如Git,SVN)更易于使用,因此您的团队可以将更多的时间花在重要的游戏上!
Based on customer feedback from earlier Betas, we’ve added some of the most requested features in 5.6, including Partial Publish, which lets users publish selected files. Previously, you’d have to publish all changed files at once.
根据早期Beta的客户反馈,我们在5.6中添加了一些最受欢迎的功能,包括Partial Publish ,该功能使用户可以发布选定的文件。 以前,您必须一次发布所有更改的文件。
With Ignore Files you are able to ignore files and directories in your project that you don’t want to push to the project, and the new Rollback feature enables you to make a previous version of your project the latest; especially helpful for undoing unwanted changes!
使用“ 忽略文件”,您可以忽略您不想推送到项目中的文件和目录,新的“ 回滚”功能使您可以使项目的先前版本为最新版本; 对于撤消不需要的更改特别有用!
Check out our blog post with all the details about Unity 5.6 concluding the Unity 5 cycle, and what’s coming next in 2017.
查阅我们的博客文章 ,了解有关Unity 5.6的所有详细信息,包括Unity 5周期以及2017年的下一步。
Check the release notes for a full list of all new features, changes, bug fixes and known issues.
翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/03/31/5-6-is-now-available-and-completes-the-unity-5-cycle/