standered模式:在这种情况下,activity接收到意图后会不断地去创建新的实例,举个例子,Activity A 自己启动自己,那么调用几次startActivity,就会产生几个Activity A的实例化对象
SingleTop模式:这种模式主要是用来避免产生多个activity的实例的,如果A 启动B,B启动B,无论启动多少次,都不会创建新的实例。
假设一个任务的堆栈由根activityA和activity B、C和位于堆栈顶部的D组成,即堆栈A-B-C-D。一个针对D类型的activity的intent抵达的时候,如果D是默认的“standard”加载模式,则创建并加载一个新的类实例,于是堆栈变为A-B-C-D-D。 然而,如果D的载入模式为“singleTop”,则现有的实例会对新intent进行处理(因为它位于堆栈顶部)而堆栈保持A-B-C-D的顺序。
换言之,如果新抵达的intent是针对B类型的activity,则无论B的模式是“standard”还是“singleTop” ,都会加载一个新的B的实例(因为B不位于堆栈的顶部),而堆栈的顺序变为A-B-C-D-B。
void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState)
This method is called after onStart when the activity is being re-initialized from a previously saved state, given here in state. Most implementations will simply use onCreate to restore their state, but it is sometimes convenient to do it here after all of the initialization has been done or to allow subclasses to decide whether to use your default implementation. The default implementation of this method performs a restore of any view state that had previously been frozen by onSaveInstanceState. This method is called between onStart and onPostCreate.
FirstActivity: task: 27 activity: com.test.launchmode.ui.FirstActivity@43b8fe50
SecondActivity: task: 27 activity: com.test.launchmode.ui.SecondActivity@43b792e0
SecondActivity: onStart is working
SecondActivity: onResume is working
SecondActivity: onSaveInstanceState is working
SecondActivity: onPause is working
SecondActivity: onStop is working
SecondActivity: onRestart is working
SecondActivity: onStart is working
SecondActivity: onResume is working
SecondActivity: task: 26activity: com.test.launchmode.ui.SecondActivity@43b8f4f8
SecondActivity: onStart is working
SecondActivity: onResume is working
//**********incoming a call
SecondActivity: onSaveInstanceState is working
SecondActivity: onPause is working
SecondActivity: onStop is working
//*********incoming end
SecondActivity: onRestart is working
SecondActivity: onStart is working
SecondActivity: onResume is working
Void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
Called to retrieve per-instance state from an activity before being killed so that the state can be restored in onCreate or onRestoreInstanceState (the Bundle populated(组装) by this method will be passed to both).
This method is called before an activity may be killed so that when it comes back some time in the future it can restore its state. For example, if activity B is launched in front of activity A(当activity B启动后,在 栈中位于栈顶), and at some point activity A is killed to reclaim(回收) resources, activity A will have a chance to save the current state of its user interface via this method so that when the user returns to activity A, the state of the user interface can be restored via onCreate or onRestoreInstanceState.
Do not confuse(混乱,迷惑) this method with activity lifecycle callbacks such as onPause, which is always called when an activity is being placed in the background or on its way to destruction(销毁), or onStop which is called before destruction. One example of when onPause and onStop is called and not this method is when a user navigates back from activity B to activity A: there is no need to call onSaveInstanceState on B because that particular instance will never be restored, so the system avoids calling it. An example when onPause is called and not onSaveInstanceState is when activity B is launched in front of activity A: the system may avoid calling onSaveInstanceState on activity A if it isn't killed during the lifetime of B since the state of the user interface of A will stay intact(完整的).
The default implementation takes care of most of the UI per-instance state for you by calling android.view.View.onSaveInstanceState() on each view in the hierarchy that has an id, and by saving the id of the currently focused view (all of which is restored by the default implementation of onRestoreInstanceState). If you override this method to save additional information not captured by each individual view, you will likely want to call through to the default implementation, otherwise be prepared to save all of the state of each view yourself.
If called, this method will occur before onStop. There are no guarantees(保证) about whether it will occur before or after onPause.
Called by the system, as part of destroying an activity due to a configuration change, when it is known that a new instance will immediately be created for the new configuration. You can return any object you like here, including the activity instance itself, which can later be retrieved by calling getLastNonConfigurationInstance() in the new activity instance.
This function is called purely(只不过) as an optimization(最佳化), and you must not rely on it being called. When it is called, a number of guarantees will be made to help optimize configuration switching:
These guarantees are designed so that an activity can use this API to propagate(传送) extensive (大量的)state from the old to new activity instance, from loaded bitmaps, to network connections, to evenly actively running threads. Note that you should not propagate any data that may change based on the configuration, including any data loaded from resources such as strings, layouts, or drawables.
Overrides: onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() in Activity
Return any Object holding the desired state to propagate to the next activity instance.
通过实验,在activity里无法捕获Home事件,为什么?让我们来看看为什么不能捕获,看看onKeydown方法的文档说明:Called when a key was pressed down and not handled by any of the views inside of the activity.也就是说肯定是Activity中的某个View消费了这个Home事件,是谁消费了Home事件呢,原来是PhoneWindow,在PhoneWindowManager里我们可以看到对HOME
void launchHomeFromHotKey() {
if (mKeyguardMediator.isShowing()) {
// don't launch home if keyguard showing
} else if (mKeyguardMediator.isInputRestricted()) {
// when in keyguard restricted mode, must first verify unlock
// before launching home
mKeyguardMediator.verifyUnlock(new OnKeyguardExitResult() {
public void onKeyguardExitResult(boolean success) {
if (success) {
} else {
// no keyguard stuff to worry about, just launch home!