kubernetes Local PV基本使用以及原理

Local PV出现原因

1.如果使用hostPath Volume这种方法 , 还得选择节点来调度
2.需要事先创建好目录 , 而且还得注意权限的配置, 比如root用户创建的目录 , 普通用户就用不了了
3.不能指定大小 , 可能 会面临磁盘随时被写满的危险 , 而且没有I/O隔离机制
4.statefulset不能使用hostPath Volume , 写好的Helm不能兼容hostPath Volume

Local PV使用场景


Local PV和常规PV的区别

对于常规的PV,Kubernetes都是先调度Pod到某个节点上,然后再持久化这台机器上的Volume目录。而Local PV,则需要运维人员提前准备好节点的磁盘,当Pod调度的时候要考虑这些LocalPV的分布。

创建Local PV

kubernetes Local PV基本使用以及原理_第1张图片
上面定义的local字段,指定了它是一个Local Persistent Volume;而path字段,指定的是这个PV对应的磁盘的路径。而这个磁盘存在于k8s-node01节点上,也就意味着pod使用这个pv就必须运行在这个节点上。


kubernetes Local PV基本使用以及原理_第2张图片


kubernetes Local PV基本使用以及原理_第3张图片

删除Local PV

删除Local PV时由于我们是手动创建PV,在删除时需要按照如下流程操作:

hostPath与Local PV对比

kubernetes Local PV基本使用以及原理_第4张图片


kubernetes Local PV基本使用以及原理_第5张图片

provisioner 字段定义为no-provisioner,这是因为 Local Persistent Volume 目前尚不支持 Dynamic Provisioning动态生成PV,所以我们需要提前手动创建PV。

volumeBindingMode字段定义为WaitForFirstConsumer,它是 Local Persistent Volume 里一个非常重要的特性,即:延迟绑定。延迟绑定就是在我们提交PVC文件时,StorageClass为我们延迟绑定PV与PVC的对应关系。

这样做的原因是:比如我们在当前集群上有两个相同属性的PV,它们分布在不同的节点Node1和Node2上,而我们定义的Pod需要运行在Node1节点上 ,但是StorageClass已经为Pod声明的PVC绑定了在Node2上的PV,这样的话,Pod调度就会失败,所以我们要延迟StorageClass的绑定操作。

也就是延迟到到第一个声明使用该 PVC 的 Pod 出现在调度器之后,调度器再综合考虑所有的调度规则,当然也包括每个 PV 所在的节点位置,来统一决定,这个 Pod 声明的 PVC,到底应该跟哪个 PV 进行绑定。


local volume仍受node节点可用性方面的限制,因此并不适用于所有应用程序。 如果node节点变得不健康,则local volume也将变得不可访问,使用这个local volume的Pod也将无法运行。 使用local voluems的应用程序必须能够容忍这种降低的可用性以及潜在的数据丢失,是否会真得导致这个后果将取决于node节点底层磁盘存储与数据保护的具体实现了。

Local PV最佳实践

<3>在仍然存在指定了某个node节点的亲和性关系的旧PV时,要避免重新创建具有相同节点名称的node节点。 否则,系统可能会认为新节点包含旧的PV。
<4>对于具有文件系统的存储卷,建议在fstab条目和该卷的mount安装点的目录名中使用它们的UUID(例如ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid的输出)。 这种做法可确保不会安装错误的本地卷,即使其设备路径发生了更改(例如,如果/dev/sda1在添加新磁盘时变为/dev/sdb1)。 此外,这种做法将确保如果创建了具有相同名称的另一个节点时,该节点上的任何卷仍然都会是唯一的,而不会被误认为是具有相同名称的另一个节点上的卷。
<5>对于没有文件系统的原始块存储卷,请使用其唯一ID作为符号链接的名称。 根据您的环境,/dev/disk/by-id/中的卷ID可能包含唯一的硬件序列号。 否则,应自行生成一个唯一ID。 符号链接名称的唯一性将确保如果创建了另一个具有相同名称的节点,则该节点上的任何卷都仍然是唯一的,而不会被误认为是具有相同名称的另一个节点上的卷。

Local PV 局限性

在使用Local PV进行测试的时候,是无法对Pod使用的Local PV容量进行限制的,Pod会一直使用挂载的Local PV的容量。因此,Local PV不支持动态的PV空间申请管理。也就是说,需要手动对Local PV进行容量规划,需要对能够使用的本地资源做一个全局规划,然后划分为各种尺寸的卷后挂载到自动发现目录下。


// Run starts all of this controller's control loops
func (ctrl *PersistentVolumeController) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
    go wait.Until(ctrl.resync, ctrl.resyncPeriod, stopCh)
    go wait.Until(ctrl.volumeWorker, time.Second, stopCh)
    go wait.Until(ctrl.claimWorker, time.Second, stopCh)

    metrics.Register(ctrl.volumes.store, ctrl.claims, &ctrl.volumePluginMgr)





// updateVolume runs in worker thread and handles "volume added",
// "volume updated" and "periodic sync" events.
func (ctrl *PersistentVolumeController) updateVolume(volume *v1.PersistentVolume) {
    // Store the new volume version in the cache and do not process it if this
    // is an old version.
    // 更新缓存的Volume
    new, err := ctrl.storeVolumeUpdate(volume)
    if err != nil {
        klog.Errorf("%v", err)
    if !new {
    err = ctrl.syncVolume(volume)
    if err != nil {
        if errors.IsConflict(err) {
            // Version conflict error happens quite often and the controller
            // recovers from it easily.
            klog.V(3).Infof("could not sync volume %q: %+v", volume.Name, err)
        } else {
            klog.Errorf("could not sync volume %q: %+v", volume.Name, err)


// syncVolume is the main controller method to decide what to do with a volume.
// It's invoked by appropriate cache.Controller callbacks when a volume is
// created, updated or periodically synced. We do not differentiate between
// these events.
func (ctrl *PersistentVolumeController) syncVolume(volume *v1.PersistentVolume) error {
    klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: %s", volume.Name, getVolumeStatusForLogging(volume))

    // Set correct "migrated-to" annotations on PV and update in API server if
    // necessary
    newVolume, err := ctrl.updateVolumeMigrationAnnotations(volume)
    if err != nil {
        // Nothing was saved; we will fall back into the same
        // condition in the next call to this method
        return err
    volume = newVolume

    // [Unit test set 4]
    if volume.Spec.ClaimRef == nil {
        // Volume is unused
        klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: volume is unused", volume.Name)
        if _, err := ctrl.updateVolumePhase(volume, v1.VolumeAvailable, ""); err != nil {
            // Nothing was saved; we will fall back into the same
            // condition in the next call to this method
            return err
        return nil
    } else /* pv.Spec.ClaimRef != nil */ {
        // Volume is bound to a claim.
        if volume.Spec.ClaimRef.UID == "" {
            // The PV is reserved for a PVC; that PVC has not yet been
            // bound to this PV; the PVC sync will handle it.
            klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: volume is pre-bound to claim %s", volume.Name, claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef))
            if _, err := ctrl.updateVolumePhase(volume, v1.VolumeAvailable, ""); err != nil {
                // Nothing was saved; we will fall back into the same
                // condition in the next call to this method
                return err
            return nil
        klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: volume is bound to claim %s", volume.Name, claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef))
        // Get the PVC by _name_
        var claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim
        claimName := claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef)
        obj, found, err := ctrl.claims.GetByKey(claimName)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if !found {
            // If the PV was created by an external PV provisioner or
            // bound by external PV binder (e.g. kube-scheduler), it's
            // possible under heavy load that the corresponding PVC is not synced to
            // controller local cache yet. So we need to double-check PVC in
            //   1) informer cache
            //   2) apiserver if not found in informer cache
            // to make sure we will not reclaim a PV wrongly.
            // Note that only non-released and non-failed volumes will be
            // updated to Released state when PVC does not exist.
            if volume.Status.Phase != v1.VolumeReleased && volume.Status.Phase != v1.VolumeFailed {
                obj, err = ctrl.claimLister.PersistentVolumeClaims(volume.Spec.ClaimRef.Namespace).Get(volume.Spec.ClaimRef.Name)
                if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
                    return err
                found = !apierrors.IsNotFound(err)
                if !found {
                    obj, err = ctrl.kubeClient.CoreV1().PersistentVolumeClaims(volume.Spec.ClaimRef.Namespace).Get(context.TODO(), volume.Spec.ClaimRef.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
                    if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
                        return err
                    found = !apierrors.IsNotFound(err)
        if !found {
            klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: claim %s not found", volume.Name, claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef))
            // Fall through with claim = nil
        } else {
            var ok bool
            claim, ok = obj.(*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim)
            if !ok {
                return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert object from volume cache to volume %q!?: %#v", claim.Spec.VolumeName, obj)
            klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: claim %s found: %s", volume.Name, claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef), getClaimStatusForLogging(claim))
        if claim != nil && claim.UID != volume.Spec.ClaimRef.UID {
            // The claim that the PV was pointing to was deleted, and another
            // with the same name created.
            // in some cases, the cached claim is not the newest, and the volume.Spec.ClaimRef.UID is newer than cached.
            // so we should double check by calling apiserver and get the newest claim, then compare them.
            klog.V(4).Infof("Maybe cached claim: %s is not the newest one, we should fetch it from apiserver", claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef))

            claim, err = ctrl.kubeClient.CoreV1().PersistentVolumeClaims(volume.Spec.ClaimRef.Namespace).Get(context.TODO(), volume.Spec.ClaimRef.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
            if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
                return err
            } else if claim != nil { //pvc与volume重新绑定
                // Treat the volume as bound to a missing claim.
                if claim.UID != volume.Spec.ClaimRef.UID {
                    klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: claim %s has a newer UID than pv.ClaimRef, the old one must have been deleted", volume.Name, claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef))
                    claim = nil
                } else {
                    klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: claim %s has a same UID with pv.ClaimRef", volume.Name, claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef))
        if claim == nil {
            // If we get into this block, the claim must have been deleted;
            // NOTE: reclaimVolume may either release the PV back into the pool or
            // recycle it or do nothing (retain)

            // Do not overwrite previous Failed state - let the user see that
            // something went wrong, while we still re-try to reclaim the
            // volume.
            if volume.Status.Phase != v1.VolumeReleased && volume.Status.Phase != v1.VolumeFailed {
                // Also, log this only once:
                klog.V(2).Infof("volume %q is released and reclaim policy %q will be executed", volume.Name, volume.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy)
                if volume, err = ctrl.updateVolumePhase(volume, v1.VolumeReleased, ""); err != nil {
                    // Nothing was saved; we will fall back into the same condition
                    // in the next call to this method
                    return err
            if err = ctrl.reclaimVolume(volume); err != nil {
                // Release failed, we will fall back into the same condition
                // in the next call to this method
                return err
            if volume.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy == v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimRetain {
                // volume is being retained, it references a claim that does not exist now.
                klog.V(4).Infof("PersistentVolume[%s] references a claim %q (%s) that is not found", volume.Name, claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef), volume.Spec.ClaimRef.UID)
            return nil
        } else if claim.Spec.VolumeName == "" {
            if pvutil.CheckVolumeModeMismatches(&claim.Spec, &volume.Spec) {
                // Binding for the volume won't be called in syncUnboundClaim,
                // because findBestMatchForClaim won't return the volume due to volumeMode mismatch.
                volumeMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Cannot bind PersistentVolume to requested PersistentVolumeClaim %q due to incompatible volumeMode.", claim.Name)
                ctrl.eventRecorder.Event(volume, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.VolumeMismatch, volumeMsg)
                claimMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Cannot bind PersistentVolume %q to requested PersistentVolumeClaim due to incompatible volumeMode.", volume.Name)
                ctrl.eventRecorder.Event(claim, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.VolumeMismatch, claimMsg)
                // Skipping syncClaim
                return nil

            if metav1.HasAnnotation(volume.ObjectMeta, pvutil.AnnBoundByController) {
                // The binding is not completed; let PVC sync handle it
                klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: volume not bound yet, waiting for syncClaim to fix it", volume.Name)
            } else {
                // Dangling PV; try to re-establish the link in the PVC sync
                klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: volume was bound and got unbound (by user?), waiting for syncClaim to fix it", volume.Name)
            // In both cases, the volume is Bound and the claim is Pending.
            // Next syncClaim will fix it. To speed it up, we enqueue the claim
            // into the controller, which results in syncClaim to be called
            // shortly (and in the right worker goroutine).
            // This speeds up binding of provisioned volumes - provisioner saves
            // only the new PV and it expects that next syncClaim will bind the
            // claim to it.
            return nil
        } else if claim.Spec.VolumeName == volume.Name { // volume与pvc绑定,更新volume状态
            // Volume is bound to a claim properly, update status if necessary
            klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: all is bound", volume.Name)
            if _, err = ctrl.updateVolumePhase(volume, v1.VolumeBound, ""); err != nil {
                // Nothing was saved; we will fall back into the same
                // condition in the next call to this method
                return err
            return nil
        } else { //pv绑定到PVC上,但是PVC被绑定到其他PV上,重置
            // Volume is bound to a claim, but the claim is bound elsewhere
            if metav1.HasAnnotation(volume.ObjectMeta, pvutil.AnnDynamicallyProvisioned) && volume.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy == v1.PersistentVolumeReclaimDelete {
                // This volume was dynamically provisioned for this claim. The
                // claim got bound elsewhere, and thus this volume is not
                // needed. Delete it.
                // Mark the volume as Released for external deleters and to let
                // the user know. Don't overwrite existing Failed status!
                if volume.Status.Phase != v1.VolumeReleased && volume.Status.Phase != v1.VolumeFailed {
                    // Also, log this only once:
                    klog.V(2).Infof("dynamically volume %q is released and it will be deleted", volume.Name)
                    if volume, err = ctrl.updateVolumePhase(volume, v1.VolumeReleased, ""); err != nil {
                        // Nothing was saved; we will fall back into the same condition
                        // in the next call to this method
                        return err
                if err = ctrl.reclaimVolume(volume); err != nil {
                    // Deletion failed, we will fall back into the same condition
                    // in the next call to this method
                    return err
                return nil
            } else {
                // Volume is bound to a claim, but the claim is bound elsewhere
                // and it's not dynamically provisioned.
                if metav1.HasAnnotation(volume.ObjectMeta, pvutil.AnnBoundByController) {
                    // This is part of the normal operation of the controller; the
                    // controller tried to use this volume for a claim but the claim
                    // was fulfilled by another volume. We did this; fix it.
                    klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: volume is bound by controller to a claim that is bound to another volume, unbinding", volume.Name)
                    if err = ctrl.unbindVolume(volume); err != nil {
                        return err
                    return nil
                } else {
                    // The PV must have been created with this ptr; leave it alone.
                    klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolume[%s]: volume is bound by user to a claim that is bound to another volume, waiting for the claim to get unbound", volume.Name)
                    // This just updates the volume phase and clears
                    // volume.Spec.ClaimRef.UID. It leaves the volume pre-bound
                    // to the claim.
                    if err = ctrl.unbindVolume(volume); err != nil {
                        return err
                    return nil




如果claim.Spec.VolumeName == volume.Name,说明volume与PVC绑定,更新pv状态为Bound。

剩下还有一部分逻辑是说PV绑定到PVC上,但是PVC被绑定到其他PV上,检查一下是否是dynamically provisioned自动生成的,如果是的话就释放这个PV;如果是手动创建的PV,那么调用unbindVolume进行解绑



// syncClaim is the main controller method to decide what to do with a claim.
// It's invoked by appropriate cache.Controller callbacks when a claim is
// created, updated or periodically synced. We do not differentiate between
// these events.
// For easier readability, it was split into syncUnboundClaim and syncBoundClaim
// methods.
func (ctrl *PersistentVolumeController) syncClaim(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error {
    klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: %s", claimToClaimKey(claim), getClaimStatusForLogging(claim))

    // Set correct "migrated-to" annotations on PVC and update in API server if
    // necessary
    newClaim, err := ctrl.updateClaimMigrationAnnotations(claim)
    if err != nil {
        // Nothing was saved; we will fall back into the same
        // condition in the next call to this method
        return err
    claim = newClaim

    if !metav1.HasAnnotation(claim.ObjectMeta, pvutil.AnnBindCompleted) {
        return ctrl.syncUnboundClaim(claim)
    } else {
        return ctrl.syncBoundClaim(claim)

syncUnboundClaim这个方法的主要逻辑分为两部分:一部分是当claim.Spec.VolumeName == "" ,代码如下:

// syncUnboundClaim is the main controller method to decide what to do with an
// unbound claim.
func (ctrl *PersistentVolumeController) syncUnboundClaim(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error {
    // This is a new PVC that has not completed binding
    // OBSERVATION: pvc is "Pending"
    if claim.Spec.VolumeName == "" {
        // User did not care which PV they get.
        //是否是延迟绑定,这里涉及到了Local PV的延迟绑定操作
        delayBinding, err := pvutil.IsDelayBindingMode(claim, ctrl.classLister)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // [Unit test set 1]
        //然后再通过pvutil.FindMatchingVolume找到合适的PV,FindMatchingVolume会被PV controller and scheduler使用,
        volume, err := ctrl.volumes.findBestMatchForClaim(claim, delayBinding)
        if err != nil {
            klog.V(2).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: Error finding PV for claim: %v", claimToClaimKey(claim), err)
            return fmt.Errorf("error finding PV for claim %q: %w", claimToClaimKey(claim), err)
        if volume == nil {
            klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: no volume found", claimToClaimKey(claim))
            // No PV could be found
            // OBSERVATION: pvc is "Pending", will retry
            switch {
            case delayBinding && !pvutil.IsDelayBindingProvisioning(claim):
                if err = ctrl.emitEventForUnboundDelayBindingClaim(claim); err != nil {
                    return err
            case storagehelpers.GetPersistentVolumeClaimClass(claim) != "":
                if err = ctrl.provisionClaim(claim); err != nil {
                    return err
                return nil
                ctrl.eventRecorder.Event(claim, v1.EventTypeNormal, events.FailedBinding, "no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set")

            // Mark the claim as Pending and try to find a match in the next
            // periodic syncClaim
            if _, err = ctrl.updateClaimStatus(claim, v1.ClaimPending, nil); err != nil {
                return err
            return nil
        } else /* pv != nil */ {
            // Found a PV for this claim
            // OBSERVATION: pvc is "Pending", pv is "Available"
            claimKey := claimToClaimKey(claim)
            klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: volume %q found: %s", claimKey, volume.Name, getVolumeStatusForLogging(volume))
            if err = ctrl.bind(volume, claim); err != nil {
                // On any error saving the volume or the claim, subsequent
                // syncClaim will finish the binding.
                // record count error for provision if exists
                // timestamp entry will remain in cache until a success binding has happened
                metrics.RecordMetric(claimKey, &ctrl.operationTimestamps, err)
                return err
            // OBSERVATION: claim is "Bound", pv is "Bound"
            // if exists a timestamp entry in cache, record end to end provision latency and clean up cache
            // End of the provision + binding operation lifecycle, cache will be cleaned by "RecordMetric"
            // [Unit test 12-1, 12-2, 12-4]
            metrics.RecordMetric(claimKey, &ctrl.operationTimestamps, nil)
            return nil


// syncUnboundClaim is the main controller method to decide what to do with an
// unbound claim.
func (ctrl *PersistentVolumeController) syncUnboundClaim(claim *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error {
else /* pvc.Spec.VolumeName != nil */ {
        // [Unit test set 2]
        // User asked for a specific PV.
        klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: volume %q requested", claimToClaimKey(claim), claim.Spec.VolumeName)
        obj, found, err := ctrl.volumes.store.GetByKey(claim.Spec.VolumeName)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if !found {
            // User asked for a PV that does not exist.
            // OBSERVATION: pvc is "Pending"
            // Retry later.
            klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: volume %q requested and not found, will try again next time", claimToClaimKey(claim), claim.Spec.VolumeName)
            if _, err = ctrl.updateClaimStatus(claim, v1.ClaimPending, nil); err != nil {
                return err
            return nil
        } else {
            volume, ok := obj.(*v1.PersistentVolume)
            if !ok {
                return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert object from volume cache to volume %q!?: %+v", claim.Spec.VolumeName, obj)
            klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: volume %q requested and found: %s", claimToClaimKey(claim), claim.Spec.VolumeName, getVolumeStatusForLogging(volume))
            if volume.Spec.ClaimRef == nil { //PVC对应PV的Claim为空,调用bind方法进行绑定。
                // User asked for a PV that is not claimed
                // OBSERVATION: pvc is "Pending", pv is "Available"
                klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: volume is unbound, binding", claimToClaimKey(claim))
                if err = checkVolumeSatisfyClaim(volume, claim); err != nil {
                    klog.V(4).Infof("Can't bind the claim to volume %q: %v", volume.Name, err)
                    // send an event
                    msg := fmt.Sprintf("Cannot bind to requested volume %q: %s", volume.Name, err)
                    ctrl.eventRecorder.Event(claim, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.VolumeMismatch, msg)
                    // volume does not satisfy the requirements of the claim
                    if _, err = ctrl.updateClaimStatus(claim, v1.ClaimPending, nil); err != nil {
                        return err
                } else if err = ctrl.bind(volume, claim); err != nil {
                    // On any error saving the volume or the claim, subsequent
                    // syncClaim will finish the binding.
                    return err
                // OBSERVATION: pvc is "Bound", pv is "Bound"
                return nil
                // 校验volume是是否已经绑定了别的PVC,如果没有的话,执行绑定
            } else if pvutil.IsVolumeBoundToClaim(volume, claim) {
                // User asked for a PV that is claimed by this PVC
                // OBSERVATION: pvc is "Pending", pv is "Bound"
                klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: volume already bound, finishing the binding", claimToClaimKey(claim))

                // Finish the volume binding by adding claim UID.
                if err = ctrl.bind(volume, claim); err != nil {
                    return err
                // OBSERVATION: pvc is "Bound", pv is "Bound"
                return nil
            } else { //PVC声明的PV绑定了其他PVC,等待下次循环
                // User asked for a PV that is claimed by someone else
                // OBSERVATION: pvc is "Pending", pv is "Bound"
                if !metav1.HasAnnotation(claim.ObjectMeta, pvutil.AnnBoundByController) {
                    klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: volume already bound to different claim by user, will retry later", claimToClaimKey(claim))
                    claimMsg := fmt.Sprintf("volume %q already bound to a different claim.", volume.Name)
                    ctrl.eventRecorder.Event(claim, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedBinding, claimMsg)
                    // User asked for a specific PV, retry later
                    if _, err = ctrl.updateClaimStatus(claim, v1.ClaimPending, nil); err != nil {
                        return err
                    return nil
                } else {
                    // This should never happen because someone had to remove
                    // AnnBindCompleted annotation on the claim.
                    klog.V(4).Infof("synchronizing unbound PersistentVolumeClaim[%s]: volume already bound to different claim %q by controller, THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN", claimToClaimKey(claim), claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef))
                    claimMsg := fmt.Sprintf("volume %q already bound to a different claim.", volume.Name)
                    ctrl.eventRecorder.Event(claim, v1.EventTypeWarning, events.FailedBinding, claimMsg)

                    return fmt.Errorf("invalid binding of claim %q to volume %q: volume already claimed by %q", claimToClaimKey(claim), claim.Spec.VolumeName, claimrefToClaimKey(volume.Spec.ClaimRef))


