SWEN20003 软件设计

SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 1, 2019
The University of Melbourne
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development
Project 2, Semester 1, 2019
Released: Monday 29th of April
Project 2A due: Friday 10th of May, 7:00pm
Project 2B due: Friday 31st of May, 7:00pm
In this project, you will create a graphical real-time strategy game in the Java programming
language, continuing from your work in Project 1. We will provide a full working solution for
Project 1; you are welcome to use all or part of it, provided you add a comment explaining where
you found the code.
This is an individual project. You can discuss it with other students, but all submitted code
must be your own work. You can use any platform and tools you like to develop the game, but we
recommend using the Eclipse IDE, since that is what we are supporting in class.
You will not be required to design any aspect of the game itself; this document should provide all
necessary information about how the game works. You will, however, be required to design the
classes for your software solution before you implement it.
There are two parts to this project, with different submission dates.
The first task, Project 2A, requires that you produce a class design demonstrating how you plan
to implement the game. This should be submitted in the form of a UML diagram showing all the
classes you plan to implement, the relationships (e.g. inheritance and associations) between them,
and their attributes, as well as their primary public methods. (Methods such as getters and setters
need not be explicitly included.) If you so choose, you may show the relationships separately to
the class members, but you must use correct UML notation. Please submit as PDF only.
The second task, Project 2B, is to complete the implementation of the game as described in the
rest of this specification. You do not have to follow your class design; it is there to encourage you
to think about object-oriented principles before you start programming. If you do end up changing
your design, we ask that you produce an updated UML diagram and submit it with your project.
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 1, 2019
Shadow Build
Game overview
Shadow Build is a strategy game where the player must build structures on an alien planet and
train units to mine the planet for the precious resource unobtainium. The game takes place on
a large map containing different kinds of terrain and resources. Broadly speaking, the game is
divided into units that can be controlled to travel to different parts of the map, buildings that can
be controlled to create new units, and resources that certain types of units can collect.
The two resources are metal and unobtainium. The goal of the game is to collect unobtainium as
efficiently as possible; it has no other purpose. Creating buildings and units costs a certain amount
of metal.
The game map
The map contains background tiles, some which are solid and cannot be moved through by units,
and others which are not solid. The map should be loaded in the same manner as in Project 1.
Some tiles are now occupied, which means that buildings may not be created such that the centre
of the building lies on them. This is a property implemented in the same way as the solid property
from Project 1.
For Project 2, you will additionally have a file objects.csv; this file contains a list of units,
buildings, and resources that should be created at the start of the game. It is in comma-separated
value (CSV) format, and contains lines of the following form:
The first entry is the name of the object to be created, followed by the x coordinate and the y
coordinate it should be created at.
There are four types of units in this game. All units can be selected by left-clicking within 32
pixels of them; only one unit can be selected at a time, and if you click away from any unit, the
selected unit (if there is one) should be deselected. If there are multiple units close to a click, you
may choose any one to be selected. When a unit is selected, right-clicking should make the unit
move towards the location that was clicked until the unit reaches that location.
A unit that is selected should have a highlight drawn under it; this can be found in the file
highlight.png. Units can move through buildings and resources.
The scout
The scout moves the fastest out of any unit, but has no other special attributes. The scout
should move at a rate of 0.3 pixels per millisecond.
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 1, 2019
The builder
The builder can create factories to train trucks. When the builder is selected and the 1 key is
pressed, the builder starts building at a cost of 100 metal. After 10 seconds, a factory should
be created at the builder’s current location. The builder should not move during this time.
If there is not enough metal available, pressing the 1 key should do nothing.
The builder should move at a rate of 0.1 pixels per millisecond.
The engineer
The engineer can mine metal and unobtainium. When the engineer has spent 5 seconds
near a resource, the engineer starts carrying some of the resource, beginning at 2. When
this happens, the engineer should start moving directly towards the nearest command centre.
When the engineer reaches the command centre, they should drop the resource off, and the
amount should be added to the player’s total. The engineer should then start moving directly
back towards the resource.
The engineer should move at a rate of 0.1 pixels per millisecond.
The truck
The truck can create command centres. It should behave similarly to the builder, except that
it should take 15 seconds, cost no metal, and when the command centre is complete the truck
should be destroyed.
The truck should move at a rate of 0.25 pixels per millisecond.
Resources are located at different parts of the map. They begin with a certain amount of the
relevant resource which is depleted when engineers mine them. When the resource has none of the
resource left, it should be destroyed.
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 1, 2019
The metal mine
The metal mine begins with 500 metal.
The unobtainium mine
The unobtainium mine begins with 50 unobtainium.
Buildings are either already on the map, or can be constructed by units. They can be selected in
the same way as units; a building and a unit cannot both be selected at the same time. If a unit
and a building are close together, the unit should be selected first.
When a building is selected, it should have a highlight drawn under it, given by the
file highlight large.png.
The command centre
The command centre can train (create) most units when selected. When the 1 key is pressed,
a scout should begin training at a cost of 5 metal. When the 2 key is pressed, a builder unit
should begin training at a cost of 10 metal. When the 3 key is pressed, an engineer should
begin training at a cost of 20 metal.
A unit takes 5 seconds to train, and only one unit can be trained at a time. When the time
is up, the unit should be created at the building’s location.
The factory
The factory can train trucks in the same manner as the command centre. When the 1 key is
pressed, a truck should begin training at a cost of 150 metal.
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 1, 2019
The pylon
The pylon cannot be built. Instead, they are already on the map. When a unit comes within
32 pixels of the pylon, the pylon becomes activated and should change to the active image
(permanently). Each active pylon should allow all engineers to carry 1 additional resource.
The camera
The camera should behave similarly to Project 1, except that it should follow the currently selected
unit or building. If the player presses the W, A, S, and D keys, the camera should stop following
the selected unit, and move 0.4 pixels per millisecond up, left, down, or right respectively.
The text display
The player needs to know some information about the game. At the coordinate (32,32), the text
Metal: \nUnobtainium: should be drawn, with the appropriate amounts
listed. When a unit or building that can create other units or buildings is selected, the actions
associated with the 1, 2, and 3 keys should be drawn at the coordinate (100,32). For example, the
command centre should draw 1- Create Scout\n2- Create Builder\n3- Create Engineer\n.
Implementation checklist
This project may seem daunting. As there are a lot of things you need to implement, we have
provided a feature checklist, ordered roughly in the order we think you should implement them in,
together with the marks each feature is worth:

  1. The initial objects are loaded and visible on screen (1 mark)
  2. All units can be selected and deselected, and move correctly (1 mark)
  3. Engineer mines the resources correctly (1 mark)
  4. The text display is correct (1 mark)
  5. Command centre can create units (1 mark)
  6. Builder can create factories (1 mark)
  7. Factory can create trucks (0.5 marks)
  8. Truck can create command centres (0.5 marks)
  9. Pylons activate when a unit is near them (0.5 marks)
  10. Pylons allow engineers to mine faster (0.5 marks)
    SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 1, 2019
    Optional: we want to encourage creativity with this project. We have tried to outline every aspect
    of the game design here, but if you wish, you may customise any part of the game, including the
    graphics, types of units, buildings, resources, game mechanics, etc. You can also add entirely new
    features. However, to be eligible for full marks, you must implement all of the features in the above
    implementation checklist.
    For those of you with far too much time on your hands, we will hold a competition for the best
    game extension or modification, judged by the lecturer and tutors. The winning three will be
    demonstrated at the final lecture, and there will be a prize for our favourite. Past modifications have
    included drastically increasing the scope of the game, implementing jokes and creative game design,
    adding polish to the game, and even introducing networked gameplay. If you would like to enter
    the competition, please email the head tutor, Eleanor McMurtry, at [email protected]
    with your username and a short description of the modifications you came up with. I can’t wait to
    see what you’ve done!
    The supplied package
    You will be given a package, oosd-project2-package.zip, which contains all of the graphics and
    other files you need to build the game. You can use these in any way you like.
    Submission and marking
    Technical requirements
    The program must be written in the Java programming language.
    The program must not depend upon any libraries other than the Java standard library and
    the Slick library.
    The program must compile fully without errors.
    Every public method, attribute, and class must have Javadoc comments as explained in later
    Submission will take place through the LMS. Please zip your project folder in its entirety, and
    submit this .zip file. Do not submit a .rar, .7z, .tar.gz, or any other type of compressed
    folder. Especially do not submit one of these files that has simply been renamed to have a .zip
    extension, as then we will be unable to open your file.1
    Ensure all your code is contained in this folder.
    1This may sound ridiculous, but it has happened several times in the past!
    SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 1, 2019
    Good Coding Style
    Good coding style is a contentious issue; however, we will be marking your code based on some of
    the following criteria:
    You should not go back and comment your code after the fact. You should be commenting
    as you go.
    You should be taking care to ensure proper use of visibility modifiers. Unless you have a very
    good reason for it, all instance variables should be private.
    Any constant should be defined as a static final variable. Don’t use magic numbers!
    Make sure each class makes sense as a cohesive whole. A class should contain all of the data
    and methods relevant to its purpose.
    Make sure no single class is too large. Responsibilities should be carefully delegated to keep
