ICNP2018 论文列表

Session 1: Edge Computing and IoT

Dynamic Heterogeneity-Aware Coded Cooperative Computation at the Edge

IoTm: A Lightweight Framework for Fine-grained Measurements of IoT Performance Metrics

DARE: Dynamic Adaptive Mobile Augmented Reality with Edge Computing


Session 2: Security and Blockchain

JamCloak: Reactive Jamming Attack over Cross-Technology Communication Links

Sybil Detection in Social-Activity Networks: Modeling, Algorithms and Evaluations

A Fair Consensus Protocol for Transaction Ordering


Session 3: Data Center Networks

QDAPS: Queuing Delay Aware Packet Spraying for Load Balancing in Data Center

Republic: Data Multicast Meets Hybrid Rack-Level Interconnections in Data Center

Micro-burst in Data Centers: Observations, Analysis, and Mitigations
DCQCN+: Taming Large-scale Incast Congestion in RDMA over Ethernet Networks


Session 4: Network Functions and Congestion Control

New Alternatives to Optimize Policy Classifiers

Virtual Network Function Deployment in Tree-structured Networks

CADIA: Towards Decoupling the Congestion Control for Multipath TCP

Grus: Enabling Latency SLOs for GPU-Accelerated NFV Systems


 Session 5: Data Analytics and Video Streaming

HotDASH: Hotspot Aware Adaptive Video Streaming using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Ares: a High Performance and Fault-tolerant Distributed Stream Processing System

RPC: Joint Online Scheduling of Reducer Placement and Coflow Bandwidth for Clusters


Session 6: SDN

Cuttlefish: Hierarchical SDN Controllers with Adaptive Offload

On SDN-Enabled Online and Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Stream Analytics

INDAGO: A New Framework For Detecting Malicious SDN Applications

Hermes: Utility-aware Network Update in Software-defined WANs


 Session 8: Wireless Network 1

Networking Support For Physical-Layer Cross-Technology Communication

SIDE: Semi-Distributed Mechanical Equilibrium based UAV Deployment

ELI: Empowering LTE with Interference Awareness in Unlicensed Spectrum


Session 9: Programming Switches and Named Networks

KeySight: Troubleshooting Programmable Switches via Scalable High-coverage Behavior Tracking

A Fast and Memory-Efficient Trie Structure for Name-based Packet Forwarding

Efficient Measurement on Programmable Switches Using Probabilistic Recirculation


 Session 10: Routing and Economic Model

Quantifying Deployability & Evolvability of Future Internet Architectures via Economic Models

Rate of convergence for policy-rich path-vector routing protocols

Shifter: A Consistent Multicast Routing Update Scheme in Software-Defined Networks


Session 11: Wireless Network 2

Canon: Exploiting Channel Diversity for Reliable Parallel Decoding in Backscatter Communication

Distributed Spectrum Sharing for Enterprise Powerline Communication Networks

If you can't beat them, augment them: Improving Local WiFi with Only Above-driver Changes
